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关于make2d,6.0以来已经优化了很多,速度提升了十倍,精度也好很多,网格也可以make2d,大部分结果不理想都是建模习惯的问题,之前官方自己就有过相关的解释,教你如何得到更好的效果,咱们就给大家搬运一下: # How to Get Make2D to Perform Better 如何获得更好的make2d效果: **Make2D** is one of Rhino's weaker spots, but it is still an essential function for many people. Following are some bits of advice distilled from various discussions among the *Pros* on the Rhino newsgroup. make2d是rhino的弱点之一。但是对于用户仍然是很必要的一个功能。跟着下面的从各种rhino用户之间总结汇总的建议意见来操作会好很多。 * **Make2D** doesn't work with objects behind the camera – so make sure there are none selected for your scene. For views where the camera is inside the model, you may need to draw a plane that represents the camera location, split the model there, and delete/hide everything behind the camera. * make2d并不会计算摄像机背后的物体,所以请确保隐藏摄像机后的物体来节约计算时间。至于那种摄像机在物体内部的视角,你可能需要画一个面来表示摄像机的位置,然后用面分割物体,把摄像机背后的物体隐藏,这样的话效果会好很多。(F6打开摄像机) * **Hide** all objects that are already completely hidden behind others in the scene. One easy way to do this is to use **SelVisible** on your scene, then **Invert** the selection. Everything that selects can be hidden. * 隐藏场景中完全被其他物件遮挡的,看不到的物体来减少计算时间。一个很简单的方法是使用selVisible命令来选取所有可见的物件,然后invert反选,就可以隐藏所有不可见的物件了,看不见你make2d它干嘛,不是浪费时间么,除非你要隐藏线。 * **Hide** (or simplify) objects with a lot of detail that will be tiny in the Make2D (for example screw threads). No need to calculate all those intersections and projections for something that will end up only being a few pixels in the final drawing. * 隐藏或者简化有很多细节但是在成图中根本看不清楚的细节,比如螺纹。不惜要去计算这些最终只占成图几个像素的相交或者投影,浪费时间。 * **Join** all **surfaces** into polysurfaces as much as possible. Everywhere surface edges are concurrent, Rhino has to calculate two edges instead of one. See if there are overlaps. * 尽可能组合所有的曲面成多重曲面,所有边缘重合的曲面,rhino都会计算两遍而如果是多重曲面,rhino就只会计算一遍。 * **Hide** all **curves** if possible. They take longer to calculate. This is especially true with curves that are concurrent with surface edges. These are redundant anyway, so hide or delete them. * 如果可以的话,隐藏所有的曲线,曲线的计算费时更久,尤其是这些曲线和曲面边缘重叠的时候,反正是重叠了,所以隐藏或者删除了最好。 * Check for bad objects (**SelBadObjects**) and fix if necessary! * 检查是否有坏面,使用selbadobjects命令, 这个也会影响make2d的结果。 * If possible, ensure that the geometry included in the Make2D stays inside (does not touch) the view border at all. (This might be impossible for interiors.) * 如果可能的话,确保物体在make2d的时候在视窗内,而不是和视窗相交,准确说就是和摄像机相交,如果摄像机和物体相交的话,透视角度过大有时候就会出现make2d的问题,亲身经历,相同的角度,不同的透视角度出来的结果是不一样的,轴测效果最好。不过这一点对于室内设计····是不可能的。 * Lowering the **absolute unit tolerance** by an order of magnitude (for example from .001 to .01) helps tremendously. Just remember that your resulting Make2D drawing will not be any more accurate than that. Also don't forget to set it back to the original tolerance later. For a discussion of what tolerances do in Rhino see [Understanding Tolerances](https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/faqtolerances "rhino:faqtolerances"). * 可以尝试把绝对公差降低一个数量级,比如我习惯使用m单位,绝对公差0.0001,那我在make2d的时候可以把绝对公差改成0.001再make2d,这样速度会快很多,make2d的精度不会比这个再低了。只是切记,切记,切记,之后一定要把绝对公差调回去。至于为啥,可以看一下我这个帖子:[十一大高效的Rhino建模习惯](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/tIhymmQxetXTwHTCCoetcQ)。 And… **your system also makes a difference**. 并且,不同的操作系统,结果也可能有不同。 * A 64-bit system with as much RAM as you can manage and a multi-core processor will allow you to do a Make2D working in the background. In any case, for a large Make2D I would export the scene to a new file specific for the Make2D and do all the operations suggested on this page in the new file. * 内存越大的六十四位并且是多核的系统将会允许你在后台运行make2d,任何时候要进行一个大场景的make2d的时候,我都会单独导出一个文件用来make2d,然后检查一下上面所说的所有问题。 Compiled by Mitch 8.02.09 完成于8.02.09 by Mitch 再举个例子吧,研习班的一位同学有个模型,等距断面线做了纹理,想要make2d,但是出来的结果非常不理想。 ![](http://www.rhinostudio.cn/files/course/2019/11-22/134158653dfa299135.png) ![](http://www.rhinostudio.cn/files/course/2019/11-22/134205dc810f144849.png) 那我们可以看到线断断续续,很不好,一来呢,是他使用的rhino版本比较低,我使用最新版本的rhino6.0sr20之后,然后发现,效果好了不少,但是仍然不理想: ![](http://www.rhinostudio.cn/files/course/2019/11-22/134406658291121960.png) 这个主要就是因为曲面比较复杂,线和曲面重复在一起,rhino无法判断线在内部还是面外部,出现了误差,所以才make2d出了错误,这样的情况也是我们要尽量避免的,也就是避免线和面重叠,所以咋办?那这时候要是没有必须使用矢量图的要求,那就直接视窗截图,如果一定要矢量线稿,那就只能动用最后手段,用线或者面去分割对象,把面分隔开,有了曲面边缘之后再去make2d: ![](http://www.rhinostudio.cn/files/course/2019/11-22/1346124095e6698484.png) 那你可以看到就一点问题都没有了,缺点就是比较卡,所以建议复制一份文件单独来做这个make2d。 ps:补充,另外还请注意,模型别离原点太原,这也会导出make2d的结果有问题。