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[TOC] ## topthink/think-migration <details> <summary>phinx/src/Phinx/Db/Adapter/DmAdapter.php</summary> ``` <?php /** * Phinx * * (The MIT license) * Copyright (c) 2015 Rob Morgan * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated * documentation files (the "Software"), to * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS * IN THE SOFTWARE. * * @package Phinx * @subpackage Phinx\Db\Adapter */ namespace Phinx\Db\Adapter; use Phinx\Db\Adapter\AdapterInterface; use Phinx\Db\Adapter\PdoAdapter; use Phinx\Db\Table; use Phinx\Db\Table\Column; use Phinx\Db\Table\Index; use Phinx\Db\Table\ForeignKey; use think\db\exception\PDOException; class DmAdapter extends PdoAdapter implements AdapterInterface { const TEXT_TINY = 255; const TEXT_SMALL = 255; /* deprecated, alias of TEXT_TINY */ const TEXT_REGULAR = 65535; const TEXT_MEDIUM = 16777215; const TEXT_LONG = 4294967295; // According to https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/blob.html BLOB sizes are the same as TEXT const BLOB_TINY = 255; const BLOB_SMALL = 255; /* deprecated, alias of BLOB_TINY */ const BLOB_REGULAR = 65535; const BLOB_MEDIUM = 16777215; const BLOB_LONG = 4294967295; const INT_TINY = 255; const INT_SMALL = 65535; const INT_MEDIUM = 16777215; const INT_REGULAR = 4294967295; const INT_BIG = 18446744073709551615; const TYPE_YEAR = 'year'; /** * Columns with comments * * @var array */ protected $columnsWithComments = array(); // /** // * Gets the schema table name. // * // * @return string // */ public function getSchemaTableName() { return $this->quoteSchemaName($this->schemaTableName); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getVersionLog() { $result = array(); $rows = $this->fetchAll(sprintf('SELECT * FROM %s ORDER BY "version" ASC', $this->getSchemaTableName())); foreach ($rows as $version) { $result[$version['version']] = $version; } return $result; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function createSchemaTable() { try { $options = array( 'id' => false, 'primary_key' => 'version' ); $table = new Table($this->schemaTableName, $options, $this); if ($this->getConnection()->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_DRIVER_NAME) === 'mysql' && version_compare($this->getConnection()->getAttribute(\PDO::ATTR_SERVER_VERSION), '5.6.0', '>=')) { $table->addColumn('version', 'biginteger', array('limit' => 14)) ->addColumn('migration_name', 'string', array('limit' => 100, 'default' => null, 'null' => true)) ->addColumn('start_time', 'timestamp', array('default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP')) ->addColumn('end_time', 'timestamp', array('default' => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP')) ->addColumn('breakpoint', 'boolean', array('default' => false)) ->save(); } else { $table->addColumn('version', 'biginteger') ->addColumn('migration_name', 'string', array('limit' => 100, 'default' => null, 'null' => true)) ->addColumn('start_time', 'timestamp') ->addColumn('end_time', 'timestamp') ->addColumn('breakpoint', 'boolean', array('default' => false)) ->save(); } } catch (\Exception $exception) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('There was a problem creating the schema table: ' . $exception->getMessage()); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function connect() { if (null === $this->connection) { if (!class_exists('PDO') || !in_array('dm', \PDO::getAvailableDrivers(), true)) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart throw new \RuntimeException('You need to enable the PDO_DM extension for Phinx to run properly.'); // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd } $db = null; $options = $this->getOptions(); if (isset($options['port'])) { $dsn = 'dm:host=' . $options['host'] . ';port=' . $options['port'] . ';dbname=' . $options['name']; } else { $dsn = 'dm:host=' . $options['host'] . ';dbname=' . $options['name']; } try { $db = new \PDO($dsn, $options['user'], $options['pass'], array(\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => \PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION)); $this->connection=$db; if (!$this->hasDatabase($options['name'])) { $this->createDatabase($options['name']); } $db->query("SET SCHEMA ".$options['name']); $this->setConnection($db); } catch (\PDOException $exception) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf( 'There was a problem connecting to the database: %s', $exception->getMessage() )); } } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function disconnect() { $this->connection = null; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function hasTransactions() { return true; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function beginTransaction() { $this->execute('START TRANSACTION'); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function commitTransaction() { $this->execute('COMMIT'); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function rollbackTransaction() { $this->execute('ROLLBACK'); } /** * Quotes a schema name for use in a query. * * @param string $schemaName Schema Name * @return string */ public function quoteSchemaName($schemaName) { return $this->quoteColumnName($schemaName); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function quoteTableName($tableName) { return $this->quoteColumnName($tableName); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function quoteColumnName($columnName) { return '"'. $columnName . '"'; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function hasTable($tableName) { $options = $this->getOptions(); $sprintf = sprintf("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM all_tables WHERE OWNER='%s' AND TABLE_NAME = '%s'", $options['name'], trim($tableName,'"'), ); $result = $this->getConnection()->query($sprintf); $column = $result->fetchColumn(); return $column >0; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function createTable(Table $table) { $this->startCommandTimer(); try { $this->writeCommand('createTable', array($table->getName())); // This method is based on the MySQL docs here: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/create-index.html $defaultOptions = array( 'engine' => 'InnoDB', 'collation' => 'utf8_general_ci' ); $options = array_merge($defaultOptions, $table->getOptions()); // Add the default primary key $columns = $table->getPendingColumns(); if (!isset($options['id']) || (isset($options['id']) && $options['id'] === true)) { $options['id'] = 'id'; } if (isset($options['id']) && is_string($options['id'])) { // Handle id => "field_name" to support AUTO_INCREMENT $column = new Column(); $column->setName($options['id']) ->setType('integer') ->setSigned(isset($options['signed']) ? $options['signed'] : true) ->setIdentity(true); array_unshift($columns, $column); $options['primary_key'] = $options['id']; } $optionsStr=''; $sql = 'CREATE TABLE '; $sql .= $this->quoteTableName($table->getName()) . ' ('; foreach ($columns as $column) { $sql.=sprintf("%s %s ,",$this->quoteColumnName($column->getName()), $this->getColumnSqlDefinition($column) ); } // set the primary key(s) if (isset($options['primary_key'])) { $sql = rtrim($sql); $sql .= ' PRIMARY KEY ('; if (is_string($options['primary_key'])) { // handle primary_key => 'id' $sql .= $this->quoteColumnName($options['primary_key']); } elseif (is_array($options['primary_key'])) { // handle primary_key => array('tag_id', 'resource_id') // PHP 5.4 will allow access of $this, so we can call quoteColumnName() directly in the // anonymous function, but for now just hard-code the adapter quotes $sql .= implode( ',', array_map( function ($v) { return '`' . $v . '`'; }, $options['primary_key'] ) ); } $sql .= ')'; } else { $sql = substr(rtrim($sql), 0, -1); // no primary keys } $sql .= ') ' . $optionsStr; $this->execute($sql); // set the table comment if (isset($options['comment'])) { //todo // $this->getConnection()->exec($sql); } // set the indexes $indexes = $table->getIndexes(); if (!empty($indexes)) { foreach ($indexes as $index) { $sql= $this->getIndexSqlDefinition($index,$table->getName()); $this->execute($sql); } } // set the foreign keys $foreignKeys = $table->getForeignKeys(); if (!empty($foreignKeys)) { foreach ($foreignKeys as $foreignKey) { $sql = $this->getForeignKeySqlDefinition($foreignKey); $this->execute($sql); } } } catch (\Exception $e) { $string = $e->getMessage(); $iconv = iconv("GBK", 'UTF-8', $string); print_r($iconv); throw new \RuntimeException($string . " \n sql: \n" . $sql); } $this->endCommandTimer(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function renameTable($tableName, $newTableName) { $this->startCommandTimer(); $this->writeCommand('renameTable', array($tableName, $newTableName)); $sql = sprintf( 'ALTER TABLE %s RENAME TO %s', $this->quoteTableName($tableName), $this->quoteTableName($newTableName), ); $this->execute($sql); $this->endCommandTimer(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function dropTable($tableName) { $this->startCommandTimer(); $this->writeCommand('dropTable', array($tableName)); $this->execute(sprintf('DROP TABLE %s',$this->quoteTableName($tableName))); $this->endCommandTimer(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getColumns($tableName) { $columns = array(); $sql=sprintf("SELECT column_name,data_type,nullable,data_default,data_precision,data_scale FROM USER_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME='%s'",$tableName); $columnsInfo = $this->fetchAll($sql); foreach ($columnsInfo as $columnInfo) { $column = new Column(); $column->setName($columnInfo['column_name']) ->setType($this->getPhinxType($columnInfo['data_type'])) ->setNull($columnInfo['nullable'] === 'Y') ->setDefault($columnInfo['data_default']) // 达梦没有直接判断是否自增字段,通过 字段带有id,且不能为null 判断 ->setIdentity(($columnInfo['nullable']!=='Y' && strpos(strtolower($columnInfo['column_name']),"id")!==false) === 'YES') ->setLimit($columnInfo['data_length']) ->setPrecision($columnInfo['data_precision']) ->setScale($columnInfo['data_scale']); if (preg_match('/\bwith time zone$/', $columnInfo['data_type'])) { $column->setTimezone(true); } $columns[] = $column; } return $columns; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function hasColumn($tableName, $columnName, $options = array()) { $sql = sprintf("SELECT count(*) as count FROM USER_TAB_COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME='%s' AND COLUMN_NAME='%s'", trim($tableName,'"'), $columnName ); $result = $this->fetchRow($sql); return $result['COUNT'] > 0; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function addColumn(Table $table, Column $column) { $this->startCommandTimer(); $this->writeCommand('addColumn', array($table->getName(), $column->getName(), $column->getType())); $sql = sprintf( 'ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s %s', $this->quoteTableName($table->getName()), $this->quoteColumnName($column->getName()), $this->getColumnSqlDefinition($column) ); $this->execute($sql); $this->endCommandTimer(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function renameColumn($tableName, $columnName, $newColumnName) { $this->startCommandTimer(); $result = $this->fetchRow($sql); if (!$this->hasColumn($tableName,$columnName)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("The specified column does not exist: $columnName"); } $this->writeCommand('renameColumn', array($tableName, $columnName, $newColumnName)); $this->execute( sprintf( 'ALTER TABLE %s RENAME COLUMN %s TO %s', $this->quoteTableName($tableName), $this->quoteColumnName($columnName), $this->quoteColumnName($newColumnName), ) ); $this->endCommandTimer(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function changeColumn($tableName, $columnName, Column $newColumn) { $this->startCommandTimer(); $this->writeCommand('changeColumn', array($tableName, $columnName, $newColumn->getType())); // todo after 没生效 // $after = $newColumn->getAfter() ? ' AFTER ' . $this->quoteColumnName($newColumn->getAfter()) : ''; // sql // ALTER TABLE student MODIFY age varchar(10) ; $sql = sprintf( 'ALTER TABLE %s MODIFY %s %s;', $this->quoteTableName($tableName), $this->quoteColumnName($columnName), $this->getColumnSqlDefinition($newColumn), ); $this->execute($sql); $this->endCommandTimer(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function dropColumn($tableName, $columnName) { $this->startCommandTimer(); $this->writeCommand('dropColumn', array($tableName, $columnName)); $this->execute( sprintf( 'ALTER TABLE %s DROP COLUMN %s', $this->quoteTableName($tableName), $this->quoteColumnName($columnName), ) ); $this->endCommandTimer(); } /** * Get an array of indexes from a particular table. * * @param string $tableName Table Name * @return array */ protected function getIndexes($tableName) { $indexes = array(); $sql = sprintf("SELECT COLUMN_NAME ,INDEX_NAME from DBA_IND_COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME='%s'", trim($tableName,'"')); $rows = $this->fetchAll($sql); $rows=array_map(function ($item){ return array_change_key_case($item); },$rows); foreach ($rows as $row) { if (!isset($indexes[$row['index_name']])) { $indexes[$row['index_name']] = array('columns' => array()); } $indexes[$row['index_name']]['columns'][] = strtolower($row['column_name']); } return $indexes; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function hasIndex($tableName, $columns) { if (is_string($columns)) { $columns = array($columns); } $columns = array_map('strtolower', $columns); $indexes = $this->getIndexes($tableName); foreach ($indexes as $index) { if (array_diff($index['columns'], $columns) === array_diff($columns, $index['columns'])) { return true; } } return false; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function hasIndexByName($tableName, $indexName) { $indexes = $this->getIndexes($tableName); foreach ($indexes as $name => $index) { if ($name === $indexName) { return true; } } return false; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function addIndex(Table $table, Index $index) { $this->startCommandTimer(); $this->writeCommand('addIndex', array($table->getName(), $index->getColumns())); $sql = $this->getIndexSqlDefinition($index, $table->getName()); $this->execute($sql); $this->endCommandTimer(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function dropIndex($tableName, $columns) { $this->startCommandTimer(); if (is_string($columns)) { $columns = array($columns); // str to array } $this->writeCommand('dropIndex', array($tableName, $columns)); $indexes = $this->getIndexes($tableName); $columns = array_map('strtolower', $columns); foreach ($indexes as $indexName => $index) { $a = array_diff($columns, $index['columns']); if (empty($a)) { $sql = sprintf( 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', $indexName ); $this->execute( $sql ); $this->endCommandTimer(); return; } } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function dropIndexByName($tableName, $indexName) { $this->startCommandTimer(); $this->writeCommand('dropIndexByName', array($tableName, $indexName)); $sql = sprintf( 'DROP INDEX IF EXISTS %s', $indexName ); $this->execute($sql); $this->endCommandTimer(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function hasForeignKey($tableName, $columns, $constraint = null) { if (is_string($columns)) { $columns = array($columns); // str to array } $foreignKeys = $this->getForeignKeys($tableName); if ($constraint) { if (isset($foreignKeys[$constraint])) { return !empty($foreignKeys[$constraint]); } return false; } else { foreach ($foreignKeys as $key) { $a = array_diff($columns, $key['columns']); if (empty($a)) { return true; } } return false; } } /** * Get an array of foreign keys from a particular table. * * @param string $tableName Table Name * @return array */ protected function getForeignKeys($tableName) { $foreignKeys = array(); $rows = $this->fetchAll(sprintf( "SELECT a.constraint_name, a.table_name as table_name, b.table_name as referenced_table_name, a.column_name as column_name, b.column_name as referenced_column_name FROM user_cons_columns a JOIN user_constraints c ON a.owner = c.owner AND a.constraint_name = c.constraint_name JOIN user_cons_columns b ON c.r_owner = b.owner AND c.r_constraint_name = b.constraint_name WHERE c.constraint_type = 'R' AND a.table_name = '%s'; ", $tableName )); foreach ($rows as $row) { $foreignKeys[$row['constraint_name']]['table'] = $row['table_name']; $foreignKeys[$row['constraint_name']]['columns'][] = $row['column_name']; $foreignKeys[$row['constraint_name']]['referenced_table'] = $row['referenced_table_name']; $foreignKeys[$row['constraint_name']]['referenced_columns'][] = $row['referenced_column_name']; } return $foreignKeys; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function addForeignKey(Table $table, ForeignKey $foreignKey) { $this->startCommandTimer(); $this->writeCommand('addForeignKey', array($table->getName(), $foreignKey->getColumns())); $sql = sprintf( 'ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s', $table->getName(), $this->getForeignKeySqlDefinition($foreignKey, $table->getName()) ); $this->execute($sql); $this->endCommandTimer(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function dropForeignKey($tableName, $columns, $constraint = null) { $this->startCommandTimer(); if (is_string($columns)) { $columns = array($columns); // str to array } $this->writeCommand('dropForeignKey', array($tableName, $columns)); if ($constraint) { $this->execute( sprintf( 'ALTER TABLE %s DROP CONSTRAINT %s', $this->quoteTableName($tableName), $constraint ) ); } else { foreach ($columns as $column) { $rows = $this->fetchAll(sprintf( "SELECT a.constraint_name, FROM user_cons_columns a JOIN user_constraints c ON a.owner = c.owner AND a.constraint_name = c.constraint_name JOIN user_cons_columns b ON c.r_owner = b.owner AND c.r_constraint_name = b.constraint_name WHERE c.constraint_type = 'R' AND a.table_name = '%s' AND column_name='%s'; ", $tableName, $column, )); foreach ($rows as $row) { $this->dropForeignKey($tableName, $columns, $row['constraint_name']); } } } $this->endCommandTimer(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getSqlType($type, $limit = null) { switch ($type) { case static::PHINX_TYPE_STRING: return array('name' => 'varchar', 'limit' => $limit ? $limit : 255); break; case static::PHINX_TYPE_CHAR: return array('name' => 'char', 'limit' => $limit ? $limit : 255); break; case static::PHINX_TYPE_TEXT: if ($limit) { $sizes = array( // Order matters! Size must always be tested from longest to shortest! 'longtext' => static::TEXT_LONG, 'mediumtext' => static::TEXT_MEDIUM, 'text' => static::TEXT_REGULAR, 'tinytext' => static::TEXT_SMALL, ); foreach ($sizes as $name => $length) { if ($limit >= $length) { return array('name' => $name); } } } return array('name' => 'text'); break; case static::PHINX_TYPE_BINARY: return array('name' => 'binary', 'limit' => $limit ? $limit : 255); break; case static::PHINX_TYPE_VARBINARY: return array('name' => 'varbinary', 'limit' => $limit ? $limit : 255); break; case static::PHINX_TYPE_BLOB: if ($limit) { $sizes = array( // Order matters! Size must always be tested from longest to shortest! 'longblob' => static::BLOB_LONG, 'mediumblob' => static::BLOB_MEDIUM, 'blob' => static::BLOB_REGULAR, 'tinyblob' => static::BLOB_SMALL, ); foreach ($sizes as $name => $length) { if ($limit >= $length) { return array('name' => $name); } } } return array('name' => 'blob'); break; case static::PHINX_TYPE_INTEGER: if ($limit && $limit >= static::INT_TINY) { $sizes = array( // Order matters! Size must always be tested from longest to shortest! 'bigint' => static::INT_BIG, 'int' => static::INT_REGULAR, ); $limits = array( 'int' => 11, 'bigint' => 20, ); foreach ($sizes as $name => $length) { if ($limit >= $length) { $def = array('name' => $name); if (isset($limits[$name])) { $def['limit'] = $limits[$name]; } return $def; } } } elseif (!$limit) { $limit = 11; } return array('name' => 'int', 'limit' => $limit); break; case static::PHINX_TYPE_BIG_INTEGER: return array('name' => 'bigint', 'limit' => 20); break; case static::PHINX_TYPE_FLOAT: return array('name' => 'float'); break; case static::PHINX_TYPE_DECIMAL: return array('name' => 'decimal'); break; case static::PHINX_TYPE_DATETIME: return array('name' => 'datetime'); break; case static::PHINX_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: return array('name' => 'timestamp'); break; case static::PHINX_TYPE_TIME: return array('name' => 'time'); break; case static::PHINX_TYPE_DATE: return array('name' => 'date'); break; case static::PHINX_TYPE_BOOLEAN: return array('name' => 'int', 'limit' => 1); break; case static::PHINX_TYPE_UUID: return array('name' => 'char', 'limit' => 36); // Geospatial database types case static::PHINX_TYPE_GEOMETRY: case static::PHINX_TYPE_POINT: case static::PHINX_TYPE_LINESTRING: case static::PHINX_TYPE_POLYGON: return array('name' => $type); case static::PHINX_TYPE_ENUM: return array('name' => 'enum'); break; case static::PHINX_TYPE_SET: return array('name' => 'set'); break; case static::TYPE_YEAR: if (!$limit || in_array($limit, array(2, 4))) $limit = 4; return array('name' => 'year', 'limit' => $limit); break; case static::PHINX_TYPE_JSON: return array('name' => 'json'); break; default: throw new \RuntimeException('The type: "' . $type . '" is not supported.'); } } /** * Returns Phinx type by SQL type * * @param string $sqlType SQL type * @returns string Phinx type */ public function getPhinxType($sqlType) { switch ($sqlType) { case 'character varying': case 'varchar': return static::PHINX_TYPE_STRING; case 'character': case 'char': return static::PHINX_TYPE_CHAR; case 'text': return static::PHINX_TYPE_TEXT; case 'json': return static::PHINX_TYPE_JSON; case 'jsonb': return static::PHINX_TYPE_JSONB; case 'smallint': return array( 'name' => 'smallint', 'limit' => static::INT_SMALL ); case 'int': case 'int4': case 'integer': return static::PHINX_TYPE_INTEGER; case 'decimal': case 'numeric': return static::PHINX_TYPE_DECIMAL; case 'bigint': case 'int8': return static::PHINX_TYPE_BIG_INTEGER; case 'real': case 'float4': return static::PHINX_TYPE_FLOAT; case 'bytea': return static::PHINX_TYPE_BINARY; break; case 'time': case 'timetz': case 'time with time zone': case 'time without time zone': return static::PHINX_TYPE_TIME; case 'date': return static::PHINX_TYPE_DATE; case 'timestamp': case 'timestamptz': case 'timestamp with time zone': case 'timestamp without time zone': return static::PHINX_TYPE_DATETIME; case 'bool': case 'boolean': return static::PHINX_TYPE_BOOLEAN; case 'uuid': return static::PHINX_TYPE_UUID; default: throw new \RuntimeException('The type: "' . $sqlType . '" is not supported'); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function createDatabase($name, $options = array()) { $this->startCommandTimer(); $this->writeCommand('createDatabase', array($name)); $this->execute(sprintf("CREATE SCHEMA %s", $name)); $this->endCommandTimer(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function hasDatabase($databaseName) { $sql = sprintf("select COUNT(1) from sysobjects where NAME='%s' and SUBTYPE$ is null", $databaseName); $result = $this->getConnection()->query($sql); return $result->fetchColumn(0)>0; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function dropDatabase($name) { $this->startCommandTimer(); $this->writeCommand('dropDatabase', array($name)); $this->disconnect(); $this->execute(sprintf('DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %s', $name)); $this->connect(); $this->endCommandTimer(); } /** * Get the defintion for a `DEFAULT` statement. * * @param mixed $default * @return string */ protected function getDefaultValueDefinition($default) { if (is_string($default) && 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP' !== $default) { $default = $this->getConnection()->quote($default); } elseif (is_bool($default)) { $default = $this->castToBool($default); } return isset($default) ? 'DEFAULT ' . $default : ''; } /** * Gets the Column Definition for a Column object. * * @param Column $column Column * @return string */ protected function getColumnSqlDefinition(Column $column) { $buffer = array(); if ($column->isIdentity()) { $buffer[] = $column->getType() == 'biginteger' ? 'bigint IDENTITY' : 'int IDENTITY'; } else { $sqlType = $this->getSqlType($column->getType(), $column->getLimit()); $buffer[] = strtoupper($sqlType['name']); // integers cant have limits in postgres if (static::PHINX_TYPE_DECIMAL === $sqlType['name'] && ($column->getPrecision() || $column->getScale())) { $buffer[] = sprintf( '(%s, %s)', $column->getPrecision() ? $column->getPrecision() : $sqlType['precision'], $column->getScale() ? $column->getScale() : $sqlType['scale'] ); }else if($column->getType()==static::PHINX_TYPE_STRING){ $buffer[]=sprintf("(%s)",$sqlType['limit']); } } $buffer[] = $column->isNull() ? 'NULL' : 'NOT NULL'; if (!is_null($column->getDefault())) { $buffer[] = $this->getDefaultValueDefinition($column->getDefault()); } return implode(' ', $buffer); } /** * Gets the Index Definition for an Index object. * * @param Index $index Index * @param string $tableName Table name * @return string */ protected function getIndexSqlDefinition(Index $index, $tableName) { if (is_string($index->getName())) { $indexName = $index->getName(); } else { $columnNames = $index->getColumns(); if (is_string($columnNames)) { $columnNames = array($columnNames); } $indexName = sprintf('%s_%s', $tableName, implode('_', $columnNames)); } $fieldName=function ($cols){ $tmp=[]; foreach ($cols as $col){ $tmp[]=$this->quoteColumnName($col); } return implode(",",$tmp); }; $def = sprintf( "CREATE %s INDEX %s ON %s (%s);", ($index->getType() === Index::UNIQUE ? 'UNIQUE' : ''), $indexName, $this->quoteTableName($tableName), $fieldName($index->getColumns()) ); return $def; } /** * Gets the MySQL Foreign Key Definition for an ForeignKey object. * * @param ForeignKey $foreignKey * @param string $tableName Table name * @return string */ protected function getForeignKeySqlDefinition(ForeignKey $foreignKey, $tableName) { $constraintName = $foreignKey->getConstraint() ?: $this->quoteTableName($tableName) . '_' . implode('_', $foreignKey->getColumns()); $def = ' CONSTRAINT "' . $constraintName . '" FOREIGN KEY ("' . implode('", "', $foreignKey->getColumns()) . '")'; $def .= " REFERENCES {$this->quoteTableName($foreignKey->getReferencedTable()->getName())} (\"" . implode('", "', $foreignKey->getReferencedColumns()) . '")'; if ($foreignKey->getOnDelete()) { $def .= " ON DELETE {$foreignKey->getOnDelete()}"; } if ($foreignKey->getOnUpdate()) { $def .= " ON UPDATE {$foreignKey->getOnUpdate()}"; } return $def; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getColumnTypes() { return array_merge(parent::getColumnTypes(), array('json', 'jsonb')); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function isValidColumnType(Column $column) { // If not a standard column type, maybe it is array type? return (parent::isValidColumnType($column) || $this->isArrayType($column->getType())); } /** * Check if the given column is an array of a valid type. * * @param string $columnType * @return bool */ protected function isArrayType($columnType) { if (!preg_match('/^([a-z]+)(?:\[\]){1,}$/', $columnType, $matches)) { return false; } $baseType = $matches[1]; return in_array($baseType, $this->getColumnTypes()); } /** * Gets the schema name. * * @return string */ private function getSchemaName() { // return ''; // $options = $this->getOptions(); // return empty($options['schema']) ? 'public' : $options['schema']; } /** * Cast a value to a boolean appropriate for the adapter. * * @param mixed $value The value to be cast * * @return mixed */ public function castToBool($value) { return (bool) $value ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; } } ``` </details> 添加适配器: `phinx/src/Phinx/Db/Adapter/AdapterFactory.php` ``` protected $adapters = array( 'mysql' => 'Phinx\Db\Adapter\MysqlAdapter', 'pgsql' => 'Phinx\Db\Adapter\PostgresAdapter', 'sqlite' => 'Phinx\Db\Adapter\SQLiteAdapter', 'sqlsrv' => 'Phinx\Db\Adapter\SqlServerAdapter', 'dm' => 'Phinx\Db\Adapter\DmAdapter', // 添加适配器 ); ``` ## topthink/think-orm <details> <summary>think-orm/src/db/builder/Dm.php</summary> ``` <?php // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | ThinkPHP [ WE CAN DO IT JUST THINK ] // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Licensed ( http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ) // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Author: liu21st <liu21st@gmail.com> // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- declare (strict_types = 1); namespace think\db\builder; use think\db\Builder; use think\db\Query; use think\db\exception\DbException as Exception; use think\db\Raw; /** * Oracle数据库驱动 */ class Dm extends Builder { // protected $selectSql = 'SELECT * FROM (SELECT thinkphp.*, rownum AS numrow FROM (SELECT %DISTINCT% %FIELD% FROM %TABLE%%JOIN%%WHERE%%GROUP%%HAVING%%ORDER%) thinkphp ) %LIMIT%%COMMENT%'; /** * limit分析 * @access protected * @param Query $query 查询对象 * @param mixed $limit * @return string */ protected function parseLimit(Query $query, string $limit): string { return (!empty($limit) && false === strpos($limit, '(')) ? ' LIMIT ' . $limit . ' ' : ''; } /** * 设置锁机制 * @access protected * @param Query $query 查询对象 * @param bool|false $lock * @return string */ protected function parseLock(Query $query, $lock = false): string { if (!$lock) { return ''; } return ' FOR UPDATE NOWAIT '; } /** * 字段和表名处理 * @access public * @param Query $query 查询对象 * @param string $key * @param bool $strict * @return string * @throws Exception */ public function parseKey(Query $query, $key, bool $strict = false): string { if (is_int($key)) { return (string) $key; } elseif ($key instanceof Raw) { return $this->parseRaw($query, $key); } $key = trim($key); if (strpos($key, '->') && false === strpos($key, '(')) { // JSON字段支持 [$field, $name] = explode($key, '->'); $key = $field . '."' . $name . '"'; } elseif (strpos($key, '.') && !preg_match('/[,\'\"\(\)\[\s]/', $key)) { [$table, $key] = explode('.', $key, 2); $alias = $query->getOptions('alias'); if ('__TABLE__' == $table) { $table = $query->getOptions('table'); $table = is_array($table) ? array_shift($table) : $table; } if (isset($alias[$table])) { $table = $alias[$table]; } } if ($strict && !preg_match('/^[\w\.\*]+$/', $key)) { throw new Exception('not support data:' . $key); } if ('*' != $key && !preg_match('/[,\'\"\*\(\)\[.\s]/', $key)) { $key = '"' . $key . '"'; } if (isset($table)) { $key = '"' . $table . '".' . $key; } return $key; } /** * 随机排序 * @access protected * @param Query $query 查询对象 * @return string */ protected function parseRand(Query $query): string { return 'DBMS_RANDOM.value'; } } ``` </details> <details> <summary>think-orm/src/db/connector/Dm.php</summary> ``` <?php // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | ThinkPHP [ WE CAN DO IT JUST THINK ] // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Copyright (c) 2006~2019 http://thinkphp.cn All rights reserved. // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Licensed ( http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ) // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- // | Author: liu21st <liu21st@gmail.com> // +---------------------------------------------------------------------- declare (strict_types = 1); namespace think\db\connector; use PDO; use think\db\exception\PDOException; use think\db\PDOConnection; /** * mysql数据库驱动 */ class Dm extends PDOConnection { /** * 解析pdo连接的dsn信息 * @access protected * @param array $config 连接信息 * @return string */ protected function parseDsn(array $config): string { $dsn = sprintf("dm:host=%s;port=%s;dbname=%s", $config['hostname'] ,$config['hostport'] , $config['database']); return $dsn; } /** * 连接数据库方法 * @access public * @param array $config 连接参数 * @param integer $linkNum 连接序号 * @param array|bool $autoConnection 是否自动连接主数据库(用于分布式) * @return PDO * @throws PDOException */ public function connect(array $config = [], $linkNum = 0, $autoConnection = false): PDO{ if (empty($config)) { $config = $this->config; } else { $config = array_merge($this->config, $config); } $PDO = parent::connect($config, $linkNum, $autoConnection); $PDO->query(sprintf("SET SCHEMA %s", $config['database'])); return $PDO; } /** * 取得数据表的字段信息 * @access public * @param string $tableName * @return array */ public function getFields(string $tableName): array { $tableName=str_replace("`","",$tableName); $sql = $sql=sprintf(" select a.column_name,data_type,decode(nullable,'Y',0,1) notnull,data_default,decode(a.column_name,b.column_name,1,0) pk from user_tab_columns a,(select column_name from user_constraints c,user_cons_columns col where c.constraint_name=col.constraint_name and c.constraint_type='P'and c.table_name='%s') b where table_name='%s' and a.column_name=b.column_name(+) ",$tableName,$tableName); $pdo = $this->getPDOStatement($sql); $result = $pdo->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $info = []; if (!empty($result)) { foreach ($result as $key => $val) { $val = array_change_key_case($val); $info[$val['column_name']] = [ 'name' => $val['column_name'], 'type' => $val['data_type'], 'notnull' => 1 == $val['notnull'], 'default' => $val['data_default'], 'primary' => $val['pk']==1, 'autoinc' => $val['pk']==1, 'comment' => '', ]; } } return $this->fieldCase($info); } /** * 取得数据库的表信息 * @access public * @param string $dbName * @return array */ public function getTables(string $dbName = ''): array { $sql =" SELECT table_name FROM USER_TABLES where TABLESPACE_NAME='MAIN'"; $pdo = $this->getPDOStatement($sql); $result = $pdo->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $info = []; foreach ($result as $key => $val) { $info[$key] = current($val); } return $info; } protected function supportSavepoint(): bool { return true; } /** * 启动XA事务 * @access public * @param string $xid XA事务id * @return void */ public function startTransXa(string $xid): void { $this->initConnect(true); $this->linkID->exec("XA START '$xid'"); } } ``` </details>