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[TOC] ## 语法 ``` ReflectionProperty::__clone — Clone ReflectionProperty::__construct — Construct a ReflectionProperty object ReflectionProperty::export — Export ReflectionProperty::getDeclaringClass — Gets declaring class ReflectionProperty::getDefaultValue — Returns the default value declared for a property ReflectionProperty::getDocComment — Gets the property doc comment ReflectionProperty::getModifiers — Gets the property modifiers ReflectionProperty::getName — Gets property name ReflectionProperty::getType — Gets a property's type ReflectionProperty::getValue — Gets value ReflectionProperty::hasDefaultValue — Checks if property has a default value declared ReflectionProperty::hasType — Checks if property has a type ReflectionProperty::isDefault — Checks if property is a default property ReflectionProperty::isInitialized — Checks whether a property is initialized ReflectionProperty::isPrivate — Checks if property is private ReflectionProperty::isProtected — Checks if property is protected ReflectionProperty::isPublic — Checks if property is public ReflectionProperty::isStatic — Checks if property is static ReflectionProperty::setAccessible — Set property accessibility ReflectionProperty::setValue — Set property value ReflectionProperty::__toString — To string ```