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[TOC] > [vbauerster/mpb]( ## 实例 ### 单进度条 ``` package main import ( "math/rand" "time" "" "" ) func main() { // initialize progress container, with custom width p := mpb.New(mpb.WithWidth(64)) total := 100 name := "Single Bar:" // adding a single bar, which will inherit container's width bar := p.AddBar(int64(total), // override DefaultBarStyle, which is "[=>-]<+" mpb.BarStyle("╢▌▌░╟"), mpb.PrependDecorators( // display our name with one space on the right decor.Name(name, decor.WC{W: len(name) + 1, C: decor.DidentRight}), // replace ETA decorator with "done" message, OnComplete event decor.OnComplete( decor.AverageETA(decor.ET_STYLE_GO, decor.WC{W: 4}), "done", ), ), mpb.AppendDecorators(decor.Percentage()), ) // simulating some work max := 100 * time.Millisecond for i := 0; i < total; i++ { time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(10)+1) * max / 10) bar.Increment() } // wait for our bar to complete and flush p.Wait() } ``` ![]( ### 多进度条 ``` var wg sync.WaitGroup // pass &wg (optional), so p will wait for it eventually p := mpb.New(mpb.WithWaitGroup(&wg)) total, numBars := 100, 3 wg.Add(numBars) for i := 0; i < numBars; i++ { name := fmt.Sprintf("Bar#%d:", i) bar := p.AddBar(int64(total), mpb.PrependDecorators( // simple name decorator decor.Name(name), // decor.DSyncWidth bit enables column width synchronization decor.Percentage(decor.WCSyncSpace), ), mpb.AppendDecorators( // replace ETA decorator with "done" message, OnComplete event decor.OnComplete( // ETA decorator with ewma age of 60 decor.EwmaETA(decor.ET_STYLE_GO, 60), "done", ), ), ) // simulating some work go func() { defer wg.Done() rng := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().UnixNano())) max := 100 * time.Millisecond for i := 0; i < total; i++ { // start variable is solely for EWMA calculation // EWMA's unit of measure is an iteration's duration start := time.Now() time.Sleep(time.Duration(rng.Intn(10)+1) * max / 10) bar.Increment() // we need to call DecoratorEwmaUpdate to fulfill ewma decorator's contract bar.DecoratorEwmaUpdate(time.Since(start)) } }() } // Waiting for passed &wg and for all bars to complete and flush p.Wait() ```