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[TOC] ## 概述 - GitHub 和 GitLab 都支持这一特性 - 使用CODEOWNERS文件来指定负责存储库中某些文件的用户或共享组 - 当有人提交 pull request 或 push 代码到受保护的分支时,代码所有者会自动被要求进行审查 ## gitlab 流程 > [参考]( 1. 您可以在三个位置选择并添加CODEOWNERS文件: ``` 到存储库的根目录 在.gitlab/目录中 在docs/目录中 ``` 冲突时,以下方为主 ``` @user1 # This line would also match the file *.md @user2 ``` 将显示README.md的用户为@user2 . 2. Approvals by Code Owners 将"代码所有者"设置为项目后,可以将其配置为用于合并请求批准: * As[merge request eligible approvers]( * 根据需要批准[分支机构]( **注意**:为了批准合并请求,需要开发人员或更高[权限]( 设置后,"代码所有者"将显示在合并请求小部件中: ![]( 3. CODEOWNERS 文件的语法 可以使用与.gitignore文件中使用的相同类型的模式来指定文件,然后使用一个或多个用户的@username或电子邮件或应作为文件所有者的一个或多个组的@name进行指定. 必须将组添加为项目的成员 ,否则它们将被忽略 <details> <summary> CODEOWNERS</summary> ``` # This is an example of a code owners file # lines starting with a `#` will be ignored. # app/ @commented-rule # We can specify a default match using wildcards: * @default-codeowner # We can also specify "multiple tab or space" separated codeowners: * @multiple @code @owners # Rules defined later in the file take precedence over the rules # defined before. # This will match all files for which the file name ends in `.rb` *.rb @ruby-owner # Files with a `#` can still be accessed by escaping the pound sign \#file_with_pound.rb @owner-file-with-pound # Multiple codeowners can be specified, separated by spaces or tabs # In the following case the CODEOWNERS file from the root of the repo # has 3 code owners (@multiple @code @owners) CODEOWNERS @multiple @code @owners # Both usernames or email addresses can be used to match # users. Everything else will be ignored. For example this will # specify `@legal` and a user with email `` as the # owner for the LICENSE file LICENSE @legal this_does_not_match # Group names can be used to match groups and nested groups to specify # them as owners for a file README @group @group/with-nested/subgroup # Ending a path in a `/` will specify the code owners for every file # nested in that directory, on any level /docs/ @all-docs # Ending a path in `/*` will specify code owners for every file in # that directory, but not nested deeper. This will match # `docs/` but not `docs/projects/` /docs/* @root-docs # This will make a `lib` directory nested anywhere in the repository # match lib/ @lib-owner # This will only match a `config` directory in the root of the # repository /config/ @config-owner # If the path contains spaces, these need to be escaped like this: path\ with\ spaces/ @space-owner ``` </details> <br />