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![]( =230x) ### **Skeleton2d** * * * * * **Description**: Extract the skeleton from a 2D closed curves(or planar mesh, planar surface in "Robust" mode). Skeletons are effective shape abstractions used in segmentation, shape matching, reconstruction, virtual navigation, etc. As the name implies, a curve skeleton is a graph of curvilinear structures (1D). This component provides two algorithms to achieve this function. * * * * * ![]( =230x) **Normal** Normal represents an algorithm that generates skeletons of as few lines as possible. But it's not robust enough. ![]( =600x) **Input**: Outer: Input a outer closed polyline. Holes: Input closed holes. Count: Number of sampling points. This parameter is closely related to the accuracy of skeleton extraction. * * * * * ![]( =230x) **Robust** Robust represents an algorithm that generates skeletons of as robustly as possible. ![]( =600x) **Input**: Mesh: Input a 2D mesh or curves for skeleton extraction. Count: Number of sampling points. This parameter is closely related to the accuracy of skeleton extraction. * * * * * **Output**: Skeleton: Output all the edges of the skeleton.