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### **MeshOpt** Tools for Mesh Optimization. * * * * * [![]( =230x)]( [**Rebuild2D**]( This component has the ability to reconstructe the mesh calculated by Ameba2D into a Trimmed surface. In most cases, it is used for repairing 2d topology optimization results. * * * * * [![]( =230x)]( [**Remesh**]( Reconstruct the mesh from arbitrary geometry using OpenVDB.It is able to be used for repairing non-manifold mesh since it works according to voxels. But sometimes it also generates some non-manifold edges. You should adjust "Size" and "Iso" to optimize mesh in this case. * * * * * [![]( =230x)]( [**QuadMesh**]( This component has the ability to create pure quad meshes from closed geometry using InstantMeshes and Quadriflow. To get started, please right-click the component and click "Solve". If you wanna stop it, you can select "Stop" to kill the process. * * * * * [![]( =230x)]( [**TriMesh**]( This component has the ability to create pure triangle meshes from arbitrary meshes using InstantMeshes and pmp-library. It offers three algorithms which are used for opened meshes and closed meshes respectively. * * * * * [![]( =230x)]( [**CPMesh**]( CP mesh (Circle Packing Mesh) developed to rationalize freeform surfaces in architecture and design originally, a CP mesh is a triangle mesh whose incircles form a packing. * * * * *