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lua_max_pending_timers ---------------------- **语法:** *lua_max_pending_timers <count>* **默认:** *lua_max_pending_timers 1024* **环境:** *http* 控制允许使用的`pending timers`最大数量。 `pending timers` 指的是还没有过期的 `timers` 。 当超过这个限制, [](#ngxtimerat) 调用将立即返回 `nil` 和 错误信息 “too many pending timers”。 该指令是在`v0.8.0`版本首次引入的。 [返回目录](#directives) > English source: lua_max_pending_timers ---------------------- **syntax:** *lua_max_pending_timers <count>* **default:** *lua_max_pending_timers 1024* **context:** *http* Controls the maximum number of pending timers allowed. Pending timers are those timers that have not expired yet. When exceeding this limit, the [](#ngxtimerat) call will immediately return `nil` and the error string "too many pending timers". This directive was first introduced in the `v0.8.0` release. [Back to TOC](#directives)