💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、星火、月之暗面及文生图 广告
lua_socket_buffer_size ---------------------- **语法:** *lua_socket_buffer_size <size>* **默认:** *lua_socket_buffer_size 4k/8k* **环境:** *http, server, location* 指定使用 cosocket 进行读取操作时的缓冲区大小。 Specifies the buffer size used by cosocket reading operations. 这个缓冲区不必为了同时解决所有事情而设置的太大,因为 cosocket 支持100%的非缓存读取和解析。所以即使是`1`字节的缓冲区大小依旧可以在任何地方正常工作,只不过效率比较糟糕。 该指令是在`v0.5.0rc1`版本首次引入。 [返回目录](#directives) > English source: lua_socket_buffer_size ---------------------- **syntax:** *lua_socket_buffer_size <size>* **default:** *lua_socket_buffer_size 4k/8k* **context:** *http, server, location* Specifies the buffer size used by cosocket reading operations. This buffer does not have to be that big to hold everything at the same time because cosocket supports 100% non-buffered reading and parsing. So even `1` byte buffer size should still work everywhere but the performance could be terrible. This directive was first introduced in the `v0.5.0rc1` release. [Back to TOC](#directives)