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lua_shared_dict --------------- **语法:** *lua_shared_dict &lt;name&gt; &lt;size&gt;* **默认:** *no* **环境:** *http* **阶段:** *depends on usage* 声明一个共享内存区块 `<name>`,用来存储基于共享内存的 Lua 字典 `ngx.shared.<name>`。 在当前 Nginx 服务器实例中,共享内存区块被所有 nginx worker 进程共享。 `<size>` 参数可以通过类似 `k` 和 `m` 的大小单位来设置。 ```nginx http { lua_shared_dict dogs 10m; ... } ``` 更多细节请参考 [ngx.shared.DICT](#ngxshareddict)。 这个指令最早出现在版本 `v0.3.1rc22` 中。 > English Source **syntax:** *lua_shared_dict &lt;name&gt; &lt;size&gt;* **default:** *no* **context:** *http* **phase:** *depends on usage* Declares a shared memory zone, `<name>`, to serve as storage for the shm based Lua dictionary `ngx.shared.<name>`. Shared memory zones are always shared by all the nginx worker processes in the current nginx server instance. The `<size>` argument accepts size units such as `k` and `m`: ```nginx http { lua_shared_dict dogs 10m; ... } ``` See [ngx.shared.DICT](#ngxshareddict) for details. This directive was first introduced in the `v0.3.1rc22` release. [返回目录](#directives)