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tcpsock:sslhandshake -------------------- **语法:** *session, err = tcpsock:sslhandshake(reused_session?, server_name?, ssl_verify?)* **内容:** *rewrite_by_lua*, access_by_lua*, content_by_lua*, ngx.timer.** 对当前建立的连接上完成 SSL/TLS 握手。 Does SSL/TLS handshake on the currently established connection. The optional `reused_session` argument can take a former SSL session userdata returned by a previous `sslhandshake` call for exactly the same target. For short-lived connections, reusing SSL sessions can usually speed up the handshake by one order by magnitude but it is not so useful if the connection pool is enabled. This argument defaults to `nil`. If this argument takes the boolean `false` value, no SSL session userdata would return by this call and only a Lua boolean will be returned as the first return value; otherwise the current SSL session will always be returned as the first argument in case of successes. The optional `server_name` argument is used to specify the server name for the new TLS extension Server Name Indication (SNI). Use of SNI can make different servers share the same IP address on the server side. Also, when SSL verification is enabled, this `server_name` argument is also used to validate the server name specified in the server certificate sent from the remote. The optional `ssl_verify` argument takes a Lua boolean value to control whether to perform SSL verification. When set to `true`, the server certificate will be verified according to the CA certificates specified by the [lua_ssl_trusted_certificate](#lua_ssl_trusted_certificate) directive. You may also need to adjust the [lua_ssl_verify_depth](#lua_ssl_verify_depth) directive to control how deep we should follow along the certificate chain. Also, when the `ssl_verify` argument is true and the `server_name` argument is also specified, the latter will be used to validate the server name in the server certificate. <!-- todo 这三个章节,搞不定。主要是完全没用过 --> 对已经完成 SSL/TLS 握手的连接,该方法立即返回。 For connections that have already done SSL/TLS handshake, this method returns immediately. 该特性在 `v0.9.11` 版本首次引入。 This method was first introduced in the `v0.9.11` release. [返回目录](#nginx-api-for-lua) > English source: tcpsock:sslhandshake -------------------- **syntax:** *session, err = tcpsock:sslhandshake(reused_session?, server_name?, ssl_verify?)* **context:** *rewrite_by_lua*, access_by_lua*, content_by_lua*, ngx.timer.** Does SSL/TLS handshake on the currently established connection. The optional `reused_session` argument can take a former SSL session userdata returned by a previous `sslhandshake` call for exactly the same target. For short-lived connections, reusing SSL sessions can usually speed up the handshake by one order by magnitude but it is not so useful if the connection pool is enabled. This argument defaults to `nil`. If this argument takes the boolean `false` value, no SSL session userdata would return by this call and only a Lua boolean will be returned as the first return value; otherwise the current SSL session will always be returned as the first argument in case of successes. The optional `server_name` argument is used to specify the server name for the new TLS extension Server Name Indication (SNI). Use of SNI can make different servers share the same IP address on the server side. Also, when SSL verification is enabled, this `server_name` argument is also used to validate the server name specified in the server certificate sent from the remote. The optional `ssl_verify` argument takes a Lua boolean value to control whether to perform SSL verification. When set to `true`, the server certificate will be verified according to the CA certificates specified by the [lua_ssl_trusted_certificate](#lua_ssl_trusted_certificate) directive. You may also need to adjust the [lua_ssl_verify_depth](#lua_ssl_verify_depth) directive to control how deep we should follow along the certificate chain. Also, when the `ssl_verify` argument is true and the `server_name` argument is also specified, the latter will be used to validate the server name in the server certificate. For connections that have already done SSL/TLS handshake, this method returns immediately. This method was first introduced in the `v0.9.11` release. [Back to TOC](#nginx-api-for-lua)