🔥码云GVP开源项目 12k star Uniapp+ElementUI 功能强大 支持多语言、二开方便! 广告
## 使用摘要 ```nginx # 设置纯 Lua 扩展库的搜寻路径(';;' 是默认路径): lua_package_path '/foo/bar/?.lua;/blah/?.lua;;'; # 设置 C 编写的 Lua 扩展模块的搜寻路径(也可以用 ';;'): lua_package_cpath '/bar/baz/?.so;/blah/blah/?.so;;'; server { location /inline_concat { # default_type 指令设置默认 MIME 类型: default_type 'text/plain'; set $a "hello"; set $b "world"; # 内嵌 Lua 代码 set_by_lua $res "return ngx.arg[1]..ngx.arg[2]" $a $b; echo $res; } location /rel_file_concat { set $a "foo"; set $b "bar"; # 脚本使用 nginx prefix 的相对路径 # 文件 $ngx_prefix/conf/concat.lua 的内容是: # # return ngx.arg[1]..ngx.arg[2] # set_by_lua_file $res conf/concat.lua $a $b; echo $res; } location /abs_file_concat { set $a "fee"; set $b "baz"; # 脚本的绝对路径 set_by_lua_file $res /usr/nginx/conf/concat.lua $a $b; echo $res; } location /lua_content { # 通过 default_type 设置默认的 MIME 类型: default_type 'text/plain'; content_by_lua "ngx.say('Hello,world!')"; } location /nginx_var { # 通过 default_type 设置默认的 MIME 类型: default_type 'text/plain'; # 试试访问 /nginx_var?a=hello,world content_by_lua "ngx.print(ngx.var['arg_a'], '\\n')"; } location /request_body { # 强制读取请求 body (默认是关) lua_need_request_body on; client_max_body_size 50k; client_body_buffer_size 50k; content_by_lua 'ngx.print(ngx.var.request_body)'; } # 在子请求中直接发起 Lua 非阻塞 I/O 调用 location /lua { # 通过 default_type 设置默认的 MIME 类型: default_type 'text/plain'; content_by_lua ' local res = ngx.location.capture("/some_other_location") if res.status == 200 then ngx.print(res.body) end'; } # GET /recur?num=5 location /recur { # 通过 default_type 设置默认的 MIME 类型: default_type 'text/plain'; content_by_lua ' local num = tonumber(ngx.var.arg_num) or 0 if num > 50 then ngx.say("num too big") return end ngx.say("num is: ", num) if num > 0 then res = ngx.location.capture("/recur?num=" .. tostring(num - 1)) ngx.print("status=", res.status, " ") ngx.print("body=", res.body) else ngx.say("end") end '; } location /foo { rewrite_by_lua ' res = ngx.location.capture("/memc", { args = { cmd = "incr", key = ngx.var.uri } } ) '; proxy_pass http://blah.blah.com; } location /blah { access_by_lua ' local res = ngx.location.capture("/auth") if res.status == ngx.HTTP_OK then return end if res.status == ngx.HTTP_FORBIDDEN then ngx.exit(res.status) end ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) '; # proxy_pass/fastcgi_pass/postgres_pass/... } location /mixed { rewrite_by_lua_file /path/to/rewrite.lua; access_by_lua_file /path/to/access.lua; content_by_lua_file /path/to/content.lua; } # 在代码中使用 NGINX 变量 # 注意: NGINX 变量的内容一定要做仔细的过滤,否则会有很大的安全风险 location ~ ^/app/([-_a-zA-Z0-9/]+) { set $path $1; content_by_lua_file /path/to/lua/app/root/$path.lua; } location / { lua_need_request_body on; client_max_body_size 100k; client_body_buffer_size 100k; access_by_lua ' -- 检测客户端 IP 地址是否在我们的黑名单中 if ngx.var.remote_addr == "" then ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_FORBIDDEN) end -- 检测客户端 body 数据是否包含敏感词汇 if ngx.var.request_body and string.match(ngx.var.request_body, "fsck") then return ngx.redirect("/terms_of_use.html") end -- tests passed '; # proxy_pass/fastcgi_pass/etc settings } } ``` > English Version ```nginx # set search paths for pure Lua external libraries (';;' is the default path): lua_package_path '/foo/bar/?.lua;/blah/?.lua;;'; # set search paths for Lua external libraries written in C (can also use ';;'): lua_package_cpath '/bar/baz/?.so;/blah/blah/?.so;;'; server { location /inline_concat { # MIME type determined by default_type: default_type 'text/plain'; set $a "hello"; set $b "world"; # inline Lua script set_by_lua $res "return ngx.arg[1]..ngx.arg[2]" $a $b; echo $res; } location /rel_file_concat { set $a "foo"; set $b "bar"; # script path relative to nginx prefix # $ngx_prefix/conf/concat.lua contents: # # return ngx.arg[1]..ngx.arg[2] # set_by_lua_file $res conf/concat.lua $a $b; echo $res; } location /abs_file_concat { set $a "fee"; set $b "baz"; # absolute script path not modified set_by_lua_file $res /usr/nginx/conf/concat.lua $a $b; echo $res; } location /lua_content { # MIME type determined by default_type: default_type 'text/plain'; content_by_lua "ngx.say('Hello,world!')"; } location /nginx_var { # MIME type determined by default_type: default_type 'text/plain'; # try access /nginx_var?a=hello,world content_by_lua "ngx.print(ngx.var['arg_a'], '\\n')"; } location /request_body { # force reading request body (default off) lua_need_request_body on; client_max_body_size 50k; client_body_buffer_size 50k; content_by_lua 'ngx.print(ngx.var.request_body)'; } # transparent non-blocking I/O in Lua via subrequests location /lua { # MIME type determined by default_type: default_type 'text/plain'; content_by_lua ' local res = ngx.location.capture("/some_other_location") if res.status == 200 then ngx.print(res.body) end'; } # GET /recur?num=5 location /recur { # MIME type determined by default_type: default_type 'text/plain'; content_by_lua ' local num = tonumber(ngx.var.arg_num) or 0 if num > 50 then ngx.say("num too big") return end ngx.say("num is: ", num) if num > 0 then res = ngx.location.capture("/recur?num=" .. tostring(num - 1)) ngx.print("status=", res.status, " ") ngx.print("body=", res.body) else ngx.say("end") end '; } location /foo { rewrite_by_lua ' res = ngx.location.capture("/memc", { args = { cmd = "incr", key = ngx.var.uri } } ) '; proxy_pass http://blah.blah.com; } location /blah { access_by_lua ' local res = ngx.location.capture("/auth") if res.status == ngx.HTTP_OK then return end if res.status == ngx.HTTP_FORBIDDEN then ngx.exit(res.status) end ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) '; # proxy_pass/fastcgi_pass/postgres_pass/... } location /mixed { rewrite_by_lua_file /path/to/rewrite.lua; access_by_lua_file /path/to/access.lua; content_by_lua_file /path/to/content.lua; } # use nginx var in code path # WARNING: contents in nginx var must be carefully filtered, # otherwise there'll be great security risk! location ~ ^/app/([-_a-zA-Z0-9/]+) { set $path $1; content_by_lua_file /path/to/lua/app/root/$path.lua; } location / { lua_need_request_body on; client_max_body_size 100k; client_body_buffer_size 100k; access_by_lua ' -- check the client IP address is in our black list if ngx.var.remote_addr == "" then ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_FORBIDDEN) end -- check if the request body contains bad words if ngx.var.request_body and string.match(ngx.var.request_body, "fsck") then return ngx.redirect("/terms_of_use.html") end -- tests passed '; # proxy_pass/fastcgi_pass/etc settings } } ```