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ngx.shared.DICT.incr -------------------- **语法:** *newval, err = ngx.shared.DICT:incr(key, value)* **环境:** *init_by_lua*\**, set_by_lua*\**, rewrite_by_lua*\**, access_by_lua*\**, content_by_lua*\**, header_filter_by_lua*\**, body_filter_by_lua*\**, log_by_lua*\**, ngx.timer.*\* 在基于共享内存的字典 [ngx.shared.DICT](#ngxshareddict) 中递增 `key` 的 (数字) 值,步长为 `value`。当操作成功时返回结果数字,否则返回 `nil` 和错误信息字符串。 这个 key 必须已经存储在字典中,否则返回 `nil` 和 `"not found"` (没找到)。 如果 key 的原始值不是一个有效的 Lua 数字,返回 `nil` 和 `"not a number"` (不是数字)。 参数 `value` 可以是任意有效的 Lua 数字,包括负数和浮点数。 这个功能最早出现在 `v0.3.1rc22` 版本中。 更多功能请参考 [ngx.shared.DICT](#ngxshareddict)。 > English Source **syntax:** *newval, err = ngx.shared.DICT:incr(key, value)* **context:** *init_by_lua*\**, set_by_lua*\**, rewrite_by_lua*\**, access_by_lua*\**, content_by_lua*\**, header_filter_by_lua*\**, body_filter_by_lua*\**, log_by_lua*\**, ngx.timer.*\* Increments the (numerical) value for `key` in the shm-based dictionary [ngx.shared.DICT](#ngxshareddict) by the step value `value`. Returns the new resulting number if the operation is successfully completed or `nil` and an error message otherwise. The key must already exist in the dictionary, otherwise it will return `nil` and `"not found"`. If the original value is not a valid Lua number in the dictionary, it will return `nil` and `"not a number"`. The `value` argument can be any valid Lua numbers, like negative numbers or floating-point numbers. This feature was first introduced in the `v0.3.1rc22` release. See also [ngx.shared.DICT](#ngxshareddict). [返回目录](#nginx-api-for-lua)