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ngx.crc32_short --------------- **语法:** *intval = ngx.crc32_short(str)* **环境:** set_by_lua*\**, rewrite_by_lua*\**, access_by_lua*\**, content_by_lua*\**, header_filter_by_lua*\**, body_filter_by_lua*\**, log_by_lua*\**, ngx.timer.*\** 通过一个字符串计算循环冗余校验码。 这个方法最好在字符串较少时调用(比如少于30-60字节),他的结果和 `ngx.crc32_long` 是一样的。 本质上,它只是 Nginx 内核函数 `ngx_crc32_short` 的简单封装。 这个方法最早出现在版本 `v0.3.1rc8` 中。 > English Source **syntax:** *intval = ngx.crc32_short(str)* **context:** set_by_lua*\**, rewrite_by_lua*\**, access_by_lua*\**, content_by_lua*\**, header_filter_by_lua*\**, body_filter_by_lua*\**, log_by_lua*\**, ngx.timer.*\** Calculates the CRC-32 (Cyclic Redundancy Code) digest for the str argument. This method performs better on relatively short str inputs (i.e., less than 30 ~ 60 bytes), as compared to `ngx.crc32_long`. The result is exactly the same as `ngx.crc32_long`. Behind the scene, it is just a thin wrapper around the ngx_crc32_short function defined in the Nginx core. This API was first introduced in the `v0.3.1rc8` release. [返回目录](#nginx-api-for-lua)