- Front view : HMI is reserved man-machine port,also be used by the footprint chip of TSOP56,BGA64,etc. ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/032b3894f72e30517159e15606fe58cc_566x428.png) - DC lateral view : Except the USB outlet connected to the computer,there is a DC power supply outlet,9-12V power supply range(negative electrode outside and positive electrode inside),switching automatically between external power source and USB power supply. (Please use the power of good quality,or the programmer will may be damaged and no warranty.) ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/91d43b058a30f8fd1e6c60b1e336a1cb_545x399.png) - Flashing port lateral view: ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/ee0bf9b651cfff54d80f7f5cee052822_565x302.png) - Port instruction: - The leftmost button is the power button, also as the VGA signal switching button; - The IDC10 black outlet at the middle is ISP port,the main function is ISP of all sorts of MCU and flying line to read and write EMMC,etc.Use the Dupont line to connect this port with the key signal of the board waiting for flashing, one to one correspondence connection. - “VGA ISP”can be used as VGA signal output,be connected with the VGA port of the board when flashing. - “VGA IN”is the VGA signal input,can be connected with the computer graphics. When unconnected,VGA ISP will output the VGA signal produced by itself; When connected,VGA ISP output the computer graphics signal; - “HDMI Digital high-definition interface”can connect with the HMDI port of the flashing board.