[TOC] #### Programmer self-testing method **The following tests basically cover the functionality that all RT809H applications need to use**: K switching state VPP protection circuit Overcurrent protection test 20MHz high frequency data reading and writing Pull-up and pull-down open&short circuit to test Open and short circuit test of HMI interface and VGA ISP interface 48 Channel VCC/VPP/GND driver open and short circuit test 48-channel IO contact resistance(from the outside of the current limiting resistor of the IO to the locking seat, total resistance value is not exceeding 10ohs) **Pay attention**: Please connect the programmer USB cable to the computer USB2.0 port(there are only four contacts inside the port)【the blue one is the 3.0 port(there are 9 contacts in this port】; If you use a desktop host, please insert the USB cable into the mainboard native USB interface(typically post); Only keep the USB cable connect to the computer; ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/9b813b86bf2cc0f1a9a7c6448effb3fa_487x380.png) Find the RT809H icon on your desktop and double click it to open; The software interface is as follows, the normal connection with serial number showing; ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/8c2d94b2db87114525914ea4fca43db3_604x536.png) Input “SELF”at the chip print box; ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/9bb66c24adf1adf21e6b77181bb5985e_499x210.png) Under Model, double-click “SELFTEST”; ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/7c4f9214e5cf1f83c2cf80131b35b637_501x211.png) Information box prompt “Algorithm updated OK”; ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/807cd889bbbeefb6fc07cfb3eb38ed99_525x297.png) #### Reading Click “Read”on the left; ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/069f6efbc97f2c98efbf552cd6383b78_682x297.png) The information box indicates “SelfTest 0 test pass” ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/5462183104262eb799ba626acd25dc8d_531x167.png) The end of the self-test, the programmer is basically normal; ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/77e235c26af04fe1ae4124a40823c9cf_492x128.png) If it's not the “SelfTest 0 test pass”, suspected that the faults need to be checked. There are two ways to prepare a self-test board and a short wiring: Two self-test boards can be made or purchased; Self-test board 1.has no components, only have pins; Self-test board 2 has 24 patch resistors and pins 0603; The VGA test header needs to be prepared with an additional VGA header, short spliced 4-11 and 12-15 pin. #### Write Insert the self-test board 1, and VGA test head plug into the VGA ISP interface, click the “write”and it shows “self-test 1 pass”. #### Verify Plug in the self-test board 2,click”Verify” and it shows “self-test 2 pass” For errors in writing and checking, please contact after-sales service.