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## B.5 Proofs of Theorems The following lemma is needed to prove [Theorem B.1](LiB0103.html#1391). Lemma B.1**![Start example](https://box.kancloud.cn/e95df9d604ab2d89febe370ae4d88fb1_1x1.gif)**Suppose we have the homogeneous linear recurrence ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/9ba718129d2158a14247a1244f94a9bf_266x19.jpg) If *r*1 is a root of the characteristic equation ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/2a315ae4c7832c8aab6f1cfa53bca0ba_234x23.jpg) then ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/de9672e43142e34b9b86f18979199081_62x21.jpg) is a solution to the recurrence. Proof: If, for *i* = *n – k*, …, *n*, we substitute *ri*1 for *ti* in the recurrence, we obtain ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/c482efed5498a05aa54c1541ab4fdd5e_400x101.jpg) Therefore, *rn*1 is a solution to the recurrence. **![End example](https://box.kancloud.cn/e95df9d604ab2d89febe370ae4d88fb1_1x1.gif)** Proof of [Theorem B.1](LiB0103.html#1391) It is not hard to see that, for a linear homogeneous recurrence, a constant times any solution and the sum of any two solutions are each solutions to the recurrence. We can therefore apply [Lemma B.1](#ap-bex36) to conclude that, if ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/0d4f4575079f7d384523b7f78dd861c6_103x17.jpg) are the *k* distinct roots of the characteristic equation, then ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/2bb0a37f00f3a076027ce5b296303b14_197x23.jpg) where the *ci* terms are arbitrary constants, is a solution to the recurrence. Although we do no show it here, one can prove that these are the only solutions. ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/485bc67a7beadb016ac9d44f235f6e03_27x27.jpg) Proof of [Theorem B.2](LiB0103.html#1397) We prove the case where the multiplicity *m* equals 2. The case of a larger *m* is a straightforward generalization. Let *r*1 be a root of multiplicity 2. Set ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/8a0bfae20b506e4cbb492113a2832a2f_400x65.jpg) where *q*′ (*r*) means the first derivative. If we subsitute *iri*1 for *ti* in the recurrence, we obtain *u* (*r*1). Therefore, if we can show that *u* (*r*1) = 0, we can conclude that *tn* = *nrn*1 is a solution to the recurrence, and we are done. To this end, we have ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/6b1436661de99088b58dc750b338c77c_348x87.jpg) Therefore, to show that *u* (*r*1) = 0, we need only show that *p* (*r*1) and *p*′ (*r*1) both equal 0. We show this as follows. Because *r*1 is a solution of multiplicity 2 of the characteristic equation *p* (*r*), there exists a *v* (*r*) such that ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/fd0bc2c467e4563ec1f372303ad3cdc2_176x25.jpg) Therfore, ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/f44e5e3efd69e1ccb332161f43dcf294_317x26.jpg) and *p* (*r*1) and *p*′ (*r*1) both equal 0. This completes the proof. ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/485bc67a7beadb016ac9d44f235f6e03_27x27.jpg) Proof of [Theorem B.4](LiB0105.html#1434) We obtain the proof for "big *O*." Proof for Ω and Θ can be established in a similar manner. Because *T* (*n*) ∊ *O* (*f* (*n*) for all *n* such that *n* is a power of *b*, there exist a positive *c*1 and a nonnegative integer *N*1 such that, for *n* > *N*1 and *n* a power of *b*, ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/a18b926009af284a9320d8874382670f_382x24.jpg) For any positive integer *n*, there exists a unique *k* such that ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/5c26d040b167a1984b101ec200e93181_364x26.jpg) It is possible to show, in the case of a smooth function, that if *b* ≥ 2, then ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/36ac55e3ee94fceb333dbfa03cd4d37e_148x22.jpg) That is, if this condition holds for 2, it holds for any *b* > 2. Therefore, there exist a positive constant *c*2 and a nonnegative integer *N*2 such that, for *n* > *N*2, ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/3421bfad321a2bfeb3efb61b6aa8a432_134x22.jpg) Therefore, if *bk*≥ *N*2, ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/6cbaf9f7943117df3c50722dfe2e2372_400x31.jpg) Because *T* (*n*) and *f* (*n*) are both eventually nondecreasing, there exists an *N*3, such that, for *m* > *n* > *N*3, ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/a99d23d683ba9af13ec9b7b5bb5ef0cf_400x22.jpg) Let *r* be so large that ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/52a980e0155d1d73b6d29c4e6ecfad86_184x23.jpg) If *n* > *br* and *k* is the value corresponding to *n* in [Inequality B.7](#ap-beqn07), then ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/329b5e77e0feeb1c4477b5586676c6a0_64x23.jpg) Therefore, by [Inequalities B.6](#ap-beqn06), [B.7](#ap-beqn07), [B.8](#ap-beqn08), and [B.9](#ap-beqn09), for *n* > *br*, ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/d06c378522fec444328fadaa00ef9b7b_400x24.jpg) which means that ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/e32244c537be060649378aae8aa9c0c5_143x22.jpg)