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## B.3 Solving Recurrences by Substitution Sometimes a recurrence can be solved using a technique called ***substitution***. You can try this method if you cannot obtain a solution using the methods in the last two sections. The following examples illustrate the substitution method. Example B.21**![Start example](**We solve the recurrence ![]( In a sense, substitution is the opposite of induction. That is, we start at *n* and work backward: ![]( We then substitute each equality into the previous one, as follows: ![]( The last equality is the result in [Example A.1](LiB0095.html#1293) in [Appendix A](LiB0093.html#1281). **![End example](** The recurrence in [Example B.21](LiB0011.html#105) could be solved using the characteristic equation. The recurrence in the following example cannot. Example B.22**![Start example](**We solve the recurrence ![]( First, work backward from *n*: ![]( Then substitute each equation into the previous one: ![]( for *n* not small. The approximate equality is obtained from [Example A.9](LiB0097.html#1319) in [Appendix A](LiB0093.html#1281). **![End example](**