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# Chapter 2: Divide-and-Conquer ## Overview Our first approach to designing algorithms, divide-and-conquer, is patterned after the brilliant strategy employed by the French emperor Napoleon in the Battle of Austerlitz on December 2, 1805. A combined army of Austrians and Russians outnumbered Napoleon's army by about 15,000 soldiers. The Austro-Russian army launched a massive attack against the French right flank. Anticipating their attack, Napoleon drove against their center and split their forces in two. Because the two smaller armies were individually no match for Napoleon, they each suffered heavy losses and were compelled to retreat. By *dividing* the large army into two smaller armies and individually conquering these two smaller armies, Napoleon was able to *conquer* the large army. The ***divide-and-conquer*** approach employs this same strategy on an instance of a problem. That is, it divides an instance of a problem into two or more smaller instances. The smaller instances are usually instances of the original problem. If solutions to the smaller instances can be obtained readily, the solution to the original instance can be obtained by combining these solutions. If the smaller instances are still too large to be solved readily, they can be divided into still smaller instances. This process of dividing the instances continues until they are so small that a solution is readily obtainable. The divide-and-conquer approach is a ***top-down*** approach. That is, the solution to a *top-level* instance of a problem is obtained by going *down* and obtaining solutions to smaller instances. The reader may recognize this as the method used by recursive routines. Recall that when writing recursion, one thinks at the problem-solving level and lets the system handle the details of obtaining the solution (by means of stack manipulations). When developing a divide-and-conquer algorithm, we usually think at this level and write it as a recursive routine. After this, we can sometimes create a more efficient iterative version of the algorithm. We now introduce the divide-and-conquer approach with examples, starting with Binary Search.