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## A.6 Sets Informally, a ***set*** is a collection of objects. We denote sets by capital letters such as *S*, and, if we enumerate all the objects in a set, we enclose them in braces. For example, ![]( is the set containing the first four positive integers. The order in which we list the objects is irrelevant. This means that ![]( are the same set—namely, the set of the first four positive integers. Another example of a set is ![]( This is the set of the names of the days in the week. When a set is infinite, we can represent the set using a description of the objects in the set. For example, if we want to represent the set of positive integers that are integral multiples of 3, we can write ![]( Alternatively, we can show some items and a general item, as follows: ![]( The objects in a set are called ***elements*** or ***members*** of the set. If *x* is an element of the set *S*, we write *x* ∊ *S*. If *x* is not an element of *S*, we write *x* ∉ *S*. For example, ![]( We say that the sets *S* and *T* are equal if they have the same elements, and we write *S* = *T*. If they are not equal, we write *S* ≠ *T*. For example, ![]( If *S* and *T* are two sets such that every element in *S* is also in *T*, we say that *S* is a ***subset*** of *T*, and we write *S* ⊆ *T*. For example, ![]( Every set is a subset of itself. That is, for any set *S*, *S* ⊆ *S*. If *S* is a subset of *T* that is not equal to *T*, we say that *S* is a ***proper subset*** of *T*, and we write *S* ⊂ *T*. For example, ![]( For two sets *S* and *T*, the ***intersection*** of *S* and *T* is defined as the set of all elements that are in both *S* and *T*. We write *S* ∩ *T*. For example, ![]( For two sets *S* and *T*, the ***union*** of *S* and *T* is defined as the set of all elements that are in either *S* or *T*. We write *S* ∪ *T*. For example, ![]( For two sets *S* and *T*, the ***difference*** between *S* and *T* is defined as the set of all elements that are in *S* but not in *T*. We write *S* − *T*. For example, ![]( The ***empty set*** is defined as the set containing no elements. We denote the empty set by Ø. ![]( The ***universal set*** *U* is defined as the set consisting of all elements under consideration. This means that if *S* is any set we are considering, then *S* ⊆ *U*. For example, if we are considering sets of positive integers, then ![](