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# **Mysql实时配置及赋权** # ## 1.修改my.cnf 添加或打开注销 ``` [mysqld] log_bin=ON #开启binlog server-id=123 #设置一个与其他mysql不相同的id binlog-format=row #设置binlog模式为row ``` ## 2.修改mysql配置文件后需要重启mysql ## 3.修改binlog_row_image为FULL ``` set global binlog_row_image ='full'; ``` ## 4.查看开启binlog是否生效、查看binlog模式和binlog_row_image是否为FULL。 使用root用户进入到mysql ``` show variables like '%log_bin%';(需要设置为ON) show global variables like '%binlog_format%';(需要设置为ROW模式) show variables like '%binlog_row_image%';(需要设置为FULL) ``` ## 5.创建用户和赋权 创建用户赋予权限 ``` create user 'dp_test'@'%' identified by '12345678'; grant SELECT on mysql.db to 'dp_test'@'%'; grant SELECT on mysql.tables_priv to 'dp_test'@'%'; grant SELECT on mysql.user to 'dp_test'@'%'; grant SELECT,LOCK TABLES on test.* to 'dp_test'@'%'; grant REPLICATION SLAVE,REPLICATION CLIENT on *.* to 'dp_test'@'%' identified by '12345678';(全局设置,需要*.*) flush privileges; ``` TiDB目的地权限配置 ``` grant SELECT on mysql.db to 'dp_test'@'%'; grant SELECT on mysql.tables_priv to 'dp_test'@'%'; grant SELECT on mysql.user to 'dp_test'@'%'; grant Select,Insert,Update,Delete,Create,Drop,Alter,Execute,Index ON test.* TO 'dp_test'@'%'; flush privileges; ```