企业🤖AI Agent构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持私有化部署方案 广告
# Actions 执行一个或多个键盘和触控(触摸、鼠标、手写笔)操作 ## 使用样例 ```java // Java WebElement source = (MobileElement) driver.findElementsByAccessibilityId("SomeAccessibilityID"); WebElement target = (MobileElement) driver.findElementsByAccessibilityId("SomeOtherAccessibilityID"); Point source = dragMe.getCenter(); Point target = driver.findElementByAccessibilityId("dropzone").getCenter(); PointerInput finger = new PointerInput(PointerInput.Kind.TOUCH, "finger"); Sequence dragNDrop = new Sequence(finger, 1); dragNDrop.addAction(finger.createPointerMove(Duration.ofMillis(0), PointerInput.Origin.viewport(), source.x, source.y)); dragNDrop.addAction(finger.createPointerDown(PointerInput.MouseButton.LEFT.asArg())); dragNDrop.addAction(finger.createPointerMove(Duration.ofMillis(700), PointerInput.Origin.viewport(),target.x, target.y)); dragNDrop.addAction(finger.createPointerUp(PointerInput.MouseButton.LEFT.asArg())); driver.perform(Arrays.asList(dragNDrop)); ``` ```python # Python element = driver.find_element_by_accessibility_id("elId") actions = ActionChains(driver) actions.move_to_element(element) actions.perform() ``` ```javascript // Javascript // example // Example: expressing a 1-second pinch-and-zoom // with a 500ms wait after the fingers first touch: driver.performActions([{ "type": "pointer", "id": "finger1", "parameters": {"pointerType": "touch"}, "actions": [ {"type": "pointerMove", "duration": 0, "x": 100, "y": 100}, {"type": "pointerDown", "button": 0}, {"type": "pause", "duration": 500}, {"type": "pointerMove", "duration": 1000, "origin": "pointer", "x": -50, "y": 0}, {"type": "pointerUp", "button": 0} ] }, { "type": "pointer", "id": "finger2", "parameters": {"pointerType": "touch"}, "actions": [ {"type": "pointerMove", "duration": 0, "x": 100, "y": 100}, {"type": "pointerDown", "button": 0}, {"type": "pause", "duration": 500}, {"type": "pointerMove", "duration": 1000, "origin": "pointer", "x": 50, "y": 0}, {"type": "pointerUp", "button": 0} ] }]); // release an action driver.releaseActions(); // wd example // Performs a 'pinch-and-zoom' var actions = new wd.W3CActions(driver); var touchInput = actions.addTouchInput(); touchInput.pointerMove({duration: 0, x: 100, y: 100}); touchInput.pointerDown({button: 0}); touchInput.pause({duration: 500}); touchInput.pointerMove({duration: 1000, origin: 'pointer', x: -50, y: 100}); touchInput.pointerUp({button: 0}); var secondTouchInput = actions.addTouchInput(); secondTouchInput.pointerMove({duration: 0, x: 200, y: 200}); secondTouchInput.pointerDown({button: 0}); secondTouchInput.pause({duration: 300}); secondTouchInput.pointerMove({duration: 1000, origin: 'pointer', x: 50, y: 100}); secondTouchInput.pointerUp({button: 0}); await actions.perform(); // Releases any previously run actions (e.g.: if a key is 'down' because of /actions, releases it using key up) await driver.releaseW3CActions(); ``` ```ruby # Ruby # ruby_lib example # Send keys to an element # Build Single action chain action_builder = action keyboard = action_builder.key_inputs el = find_element(id: "some_id")'keys').perform # Build multiple action chains # Example: expressing a 1-second pinch-and-zoom # with a 500ms wait after the fingers first touch: f1 = action.add_pointer_input(:touch, 'finger1') f1.create_pointer_move(duration: 1, x: 200, y: 500, origin: ::Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::PointerMove::VIEWPORT) f1.create_pointer_down(:left) f1.create_pause(0.5) f1.create_pointer_move(duration: 1, x: 200, y: 200, origin: ::Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::PointerMove::VIEWPORT) f1.create_pointer_up(:left) f2 = action.add_pointer_input(:touch, 'finger2') f2.create_pointer_move(duration: 1, x: 200, y: 500, origin: ::Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::PointerMove::VIEWPORT) f2.create_pointer_down(:left) f2.create_pause(0.5) f2.create_pointer_move(duration: 1, x: 200, y: 800, origin: ::Selenium::Web@Driver::Interactions::PointerMove::VIEWPORT) f2.create_pointer_up(:left) perform_actions [f1, f2] # ruby_lib_core example # Send keys to an element # Build Single action chain action_builder = @driver.action keyboard = action_builder.key_inputs el = @driver.find_element(id: "some_id")'keys').perform # Build multiple action chains # Example: expressing a 1-second pinch-and-zoom # with a 500ms wait after the fingers first touch: f1 = @driver.action.add_pointer_input(:touch, 'finger1') f1.create_pointer_move(duration: 1, x: 200, y: 500, origin: ::Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::PointerMove::VIEWPORT) f1.create_pointer_down(:left) f1.create_pause(0.5) f1.create_pointer_move(duration: 1, x: 200, y: 200, origin: ::Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::PointerMove::VIEWPORT) f1.create_pointer_up(:left) f2 = @driver.action.add_pointer_input(:touch, 'finger2') f2.create_pointer_move(duration: 1, x: 200, y: 500, origin: ::Selenium::WebDriver::Interactions::PointerMove::VIEWPORT) f2.create_pointer_down(:left) f2.create_pause(0.5) f2.create_pointer_move(duration: 1, x: 200, y: 800, origin: ::Selenium::Web@Driver::Interactions::PointerMove::VIEWPORT) f2.create_pointer_up(:left) @driver.perform_actions [f1, f2] ``` ```php # PHP // TODO ``` ```csharp // C# var inputDevice = new PointerInputDevice(PointerKind.Touch); var actionSequence = new ActionSequence(inputDevice, 0); actionSequence.AddAction(inputDevice.CreatePointerMove(element)); actionSequence.AddAction(inputDevice.CreatePointerDown(PointerButton.TouchContact)); actionSequence.AddAction(inputDevice.CreatePause(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))); actionSequence.AddAction(inputDevice.CreatePointerUp(PointerButton.TouchContact)); driver.PerformActions(new List<ActionSequence> {actionSequence}); ``` ## 描述 * input source: 表示一系列操作被分派到的输入设备(指针或键)。输入源具有唯一的ID。 * action: 分派到输入源的操作。 对于键盘源,操作行为可以是“ keyDown”或“ keyUp”。 对于指针事件,可以是“pointerMove”,“pointerDown”或“pointerUp”。 “pause”事件也可以发送到设备。 The Actions API会获取输入源列表,并执行每个”tick”。一个 “tick”是动作链的一部分,因此,如果您有两个输入源,那么第一个”tick”是索引为0的动作,第二个“tick”是索引为1的动作,依此类推。所有动作的每个“tick“均同时执行。 ## 支持 ### Appium Server |平台|Driver|平台版本|Appium版本|Driver版本| |--------|----------------|------|--------------|--------------| | iOS | [XCUITest](../../drivers/ | 9.3+ | 1.6.0+ | All | | | [UIAutomation](../../drivers/ | None | None | None | | Android | [Espresso](../../drivers/ | ?+ | 1.9.0+ | All | | | [UiAutomator2](../../drivers/ | ?+ | 1.6.0+ | All | | | [UiAutomator](../../drivers/ | None | None | None | | Mac | [Mac](../../drivers/ | ?+ | 1.6.4+ | All | | Windows | [Windows](../../drivers/ | 10+ | 1.6.0+ | All | ### Appium 客户端 |语言|支持|文档| |--------|-------|-------------| |[Java](| All | []( | |[Python](| All | []( | |[Javascript (WebdriverIO)](| All | | |[Javascript (WD)](| All | | |[Ruby](| All | []( | |[PHP](| All | []( | |[C#](| All | []( | ## HTTP API 规范 ### 终端 `POST /session/:sessionId/actions` ### URL 参数 |名称|描述| |----|-----------| |session_id|将指令发往的会话(session)的ID| ### JSON 参数 |名称|类型|描述| |----|----|-----------| | actions | `array<array>` | 一系列输入源 | | actions[$INDEX] | `object` | 代表输入源的对象 | | actions[$INDEX].type | `string` | 输入源的类型。 可以是“point”,“key”或“null” | | actions[$INDEX].id | `string` | 输入设备的唯一标识符,用于当前和将来的操作 | | actions[$INDEX].parameters | `object` | 可选)设置输入源的参数。 “pointer”是必须输入项 | | actions[$INDEX].parameters.pointerType | `string` | 指针类型。 可以是“touch”,“mouse”或“pen” | | actions[$INDEX].actions | `array<object>` | 在输入源上执行的操作的列表 | | actions[$INDEX].actions | `array<object>` | 在输入源上执行的操作的列表 | | actions[$INDEX].actions[$INDEX] | `object` | 在输入源上执行的操作 | | actions[$INDEX].actions[$INDEX].type | `string` | 操作类型。 对于任何输入源,都可以“pause”。 对于“pointer”,输入源为“ pointerMove”,“ pointerUp”或“ pointerDown”。 对于“key”,它可以是“ keyDown”或“ keyUp” | | actions[$INDEX].actions[$INDEX].value | `string` | 对于“ keyUp”或“ keyDown”操作,该值将发送到键盘。 应该是一个字符的字符串(“ s”,“ \ uE009”) | | actions[$INDEX].actions[$INDEX].duration | `number` | 以“ ms”为单位执行操作的时间。 仅适用于“pause”和“pointerMov”。 | | actions[$INDEX].actions[$INDEX].origin | `string|object` | 对于'pointerMove',它告诉输入源x,y是相对的。 可以是“viewport”,“pointe”或\{'element-6066-11e4-a52e-4f735466cecf'&#58; '<ELEMENT_ID>'\} | | actions[$INDEX].actions[$INDEX].x | `number` | 指针移动事件的X坐标 | | actions[$INDEX].actions[$INDEX].y | `number` | 指针移动事件的Y坐标 | ### 响应 null ## 参考 * [W3C Specification](