🔥码云GVP开源项目 12k star Uniapp+ElementUI 功能强大 支持多语言、二开方便! 广告
[//]: # (DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! This is an auto-generated file. Editing for this document happens in /commands-yml/commands/device/app/app-state.yml) # Get app state Get the given app status on the device [//]: # (DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! This is an auto-generated file. Editing for this document happens in /commands-yml/commands/device/app/app-state.yml) ## Example Usage ```java // Java driver.queryAppState('com.apple.Preferences'); driver.queryAppState('io.appium.android.apis'); ``` ```python # Python driver.query_app_state('com.apple.Preferences') driver.query_app_state('io.appium.android.apis') ``` ```javascript // Javascript // webdriver.io example driver.queryAppState(null, 'com.apple.Preferences') driver.queryAppState('io.appium.android.apis') // wd example // Supports only `mobile: queryAppState` for iOS, XCUITest ``` ```ruby # Ruby # ruby_lib example app_state('com.apple.Preferences') query_app_state('io.appium.android.apis') # `query_` prefix is also available # ruby_lib_core example @driver.app_state('com.apple.Preferences') @driver.query_app_state('io.appium.android.apis') # `query_` prefix is also available ``` ```php # PHP // Supports only `mobile: queryAppState` for iOS, XCUITest ``` ```csharp // C# // Supports only `mobile: queryAppState` for iOS, XCUITest ``` [//]: # (DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! This is an auto-generated file. Editing for this document happens in /commands-yml/commands/device/app/app-state.yml) ## Description iOS tests with XCUITest can also use the `mobile: queryAppState` method. See detailed [documentation](http://appium.io../../writing-running-appium/ios/ios-xctest-mobile-apps-management/index.html#mobile-queryappstate). [//]: # (DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! This is an auto-generated file. Editing for this document happens in /commands-yml/commands/device/app/app-state.yml) ## Support [//]: # (DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! This is an auto-generated file. Editing for this document happens in /commands-yml/commands/device/app/app-state.yml) ### Appium Server |Platform|Driver|Platform Versions|Appium Version|Driver Version| |--------|----------------|------|--------------|--------------| | iOS | [XCUITest](../../drivers/ios-xcuitest.md) | 9.3+ | 1.6.0+ | All | | | [UIAutomation](../../drivers/ios-uiautomation.md) | None | None | None | | Android | [Espresso](../../drivers/android-espresso.md) | ?+ | 1.9.0+ | All | | | [UiAutomator2](../../drivers/android-uiautomator2.md) | ?+ | 1.6.0+ | All | | | [UiAutomator](../../drivers/android-uiautomator.md) | 4.3+ | All | All | | Mac | [Mac](../../drivers/mac.md) | None | None | None | | Windows | [Windows](../../drivers/windows.md) | None | None | None | [//]: # (DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! This is an auto-generated file. Editing for this document happens in /commands-yml/commands/device/app/app-state.yml) ### Appium Clients |Language|Support|Documentation| |--------|-------|-------------| |[Java](https://github.com/appium/java-client/releases/latest)| All | [appium.github.io](https://appium.github.io/java-client/io/appium/java_client/InteractsWithApps.html#queryAppState-java.lang.String-) | |[Python](https://github.com/appium/python-client/releases/latest)| All | [appium.github.io](https://appium.github.io/python-client-sphinx/webdriver.extensions.html#webdriver.extensions.applications.Applications.query_app_state) | |[Javascript (WebdriverIO)](http://webdriver.io/index.html)| All | | |[Javascript (WD)](https://github.com/admc/wd/releases/latest)| All | [github.com](https://github.com/admc/wd/blob/master/lib/commands.js) | |[Ruby](https://github.com/appium/ruby_lib/releases/latest)| All | [www.rubydoc.info](https://www.rubydoc.info/github/appium/ruby_lib_core/Appium/Core/Base/Driver#app_state-instance_method) | |[PHP](https://github.com/appium/php-client/releases/latest)| All | [github.com](https://github.com/appium/php-client/) | |[C#](https://github.com/appium/appium-dotnet-driver/releases/latest)| All | [github.com](https://github.com/appium/appium-dotnet-driver/) | [//]: # (DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! This is an auto-generated file. Editing for this document happens in /commands-yml/commands/device/app/app-state.yml) ## HTTP API Specifications [//]: # (DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! This is an auto-generated file. Editing for this document happens in /commands-yml/commands/device/app/app-state.yml) ### Endpoint `GET /session/:session_id/appium/device/app_state` [//]: # (DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! This is an auto-generated file. Editing for this document happens in /commands-yml/commands/device/app/app-state.yml) ### URL Parameters |name|description| |----|-----------| |session_id|ID of the session to route the command to| [//]: # (DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! This is an auto-generated file. Editing for this document happens in /commands-yml/commands/device/app/app-state.yml) ### JSON Parameters |name|type|description| |----|----|-----------| | bundleId or appId | `string` | BundleId for iOS. Package name for Android. | [//]: # (DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! This is an auto-generated file. Editing for this document happens in /commands-yml/commands/device/app/app-state.yml) ### Response Current the target app status. (Clients wrap the response properly) `0` is not installed. `1` is not running. `2` is running in background or suspended. `3` is running in background. `4` is running in foreground. (`number`) [//]: # (DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! This is an auto-generated file. Editing for this document happens in /commands-yml/commands/device/app/app-state.yml) ## See Also * [JSONWP Specification](https://github.com/appium/appium-base-driver/blob/master/lib/protocol/routes.js#L480)