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# pywinauto.uia\_element\_info 用于处理UI元素的类的实现(基于UI自动化API) ## *class* `pywinauto.uia_element_info.UIAElementInfo(handle_or_elem=None, cache_enable=False)` UI element wrapper for IUIAutomation API > `automation_id` 返回元素的AutomationId > `children`(*\*\*kwargs*) 返回只包含元素的直接子级的列表 * **kwargs** 是按进程,class_name,control_type,content_only或title减少列表的标准。 > `class_name` Return class name of the element > `control_id` Return ControlId of the element if it has a handle > `control_type` Return control type of element > `descendants`(*\*\*kwargs*) Return a list of all descendant children of the element > * **kwargs** is a criteria to reduce a list by process, class\_name, control\_type, content\_only and/or title. > `dump_window`() Dump window to a set of properties > `element` Return AutomationElement’s instance > `enabled` Check if the element is enabled > `framework_id` Return FrameworkId of the element > *classmethod* `from_point`(*x*, *y*) > `handle` Return handle of the element > `iter_children`(*\*\*kwargs*) Return a generator of only immediate children of the element * **kwargs** is a criteria to reduce a list by process, class\_name, control\_type, content\_only and/or title. > `name` Return name of the element > `parent` Return parent of the element > `process_id` Return ProcessId of the element > `rectangle` Return rectangle of the element > `rich_text` > Return rich\_text of the element > `runtime_id` Return Runtime ID (hashable value but may be different from run to run) > `set_cache_strategy`(*cached=None*) Setup a cache strategy for frequently used attributes > *classmethod* `top_from_point`(*x*, *y*) > `visible` Check if the element is visible ## `pywinauto.uia_element_info.`elements_from_uia_array(ptrs, cache_enable=False) 从IUIAutomationElementArray构建UIAElementInfo元素列表