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# Change Log ## 0.6.7 Bug修复 2019年7月7日 增强功能: * 重用`ctypes.wintypes`以避免Win32 API的冗余定义。 * 为“uia”后端添加方法`EditWrapper.is_editable()`。 Bug修复: * Fix corner case with int/long conversion crash while getting text. * Fix UIA crash: handle InvalidControlType properly. * Fix menu\_select() for one level main menu in WinForms apps. * Make `Application` object non-iterable (iterating was hang). * Fix type conversion crash in `GetWindowRect` (method `.rectangle()`). * Fix combo box fluttering/blinking in `dump_tree() / print_control_identifiers()`. ## 0.6.6 更好的WinForms / Qt5支持,错误修复 2019年3月3日 增强功能: * Improve support for WinForms and Qt5: ComboBox, ListBox, DataGrid/Table. * 添加按文本使用MFC工具栏按钮的功能。 谢谢 [Nebyt](! * Make method `kill()` hard (and fast) by default (can be used with param `soft=True` optionally). * Make `visible_only=False` a default option for method `connect()` (useful for minimized apps). * Add an ability to hold or release a key with params `down` and `up` for `.type_keys()` method. See [the improved docs for keyboard module](code/pywinauto.keyboard.html) for more details. Thanks [badari412](! * Add method `windows()` to class `Desktop`. * Add [Remote Execution Guide](remote_execution.html) with all known RDP/VNC/psexec/etc tricks. Bug Fixes: * Fix `UnicodeDecodeError/UnicodeEncodeError` in several cases while printing wrapper object representation. * Add static text to a list of best match names for `backend="uia"`. * Fix `COMError` for `runtime_id` property. * Fix method `click()` for some radio buttons. * Improve error message when screen is locked. * Use `utf-8` encoding while writing `dump_tree()` output to file. * Remove few incorrect warnings for `backend="win32"`. * Fix crash in `GetWindowRect` call. * Fix black screenshot issue with second monitor. Thanks [Nebyt](! ## 0.6.5 Handling Privileges, AutomationID for Win32 etc. Enhancements: * Check admin privileges for both target app and Python process. This allows detecting cases when window messages won’t work. * Add `automation_id` and `control_type` properties for “win32” backend (the most useful for WinForms). Correct child\_window() keywords are `auto_id` and `control_type`. * Switch pypiwin32 dependency to pywin32 which became official again. * New generators `iter_children()` and `iter_descendants()`. * Add method `is_checked()` to “win32” check box. Bug Fixes: * Method `Application().connect(...)` works better with `timeout` argument. * Fix `.set_focus()` for “uia” backend including minimized window case (issue #443). * `maximize()/minimize()` methods can be chained now. * Fix passing keyword arguments to a function for decorators `@always_wait_until_passes` and `@always_wait_until`. * Use correct types conversion for WaitGuiThreadIdle (issue #497). * Fix reporting code coverage on Linux. * Use .format() for logging BaseWrapper actions (issue #471). * Print warning in case binary type is not determined (issue #387). ## 0.6.4 NULL pointer access fix and enhancements Bug Fixes: * Final fix for `ValueError: NULL COM pointer access`. Enhancements: * Multi-threading mode (MTA) for comtypes is enabled by default, if it’s not initialized by another library before importing pywinauto. * Method `get_value()` has been added to EditWrapper in UIA backend. * Method `scroll()` has been added for all UIA controls which have ScrollPattern implemented. * Added methods `is_minimized/is_maximized/is_normal/get_show_state` for UIAWrapper. * Added handling in-place controls inside ListView control and (row, column) indexing in a grid-like table mode. Examples: ~~~ auto_detected_ctrl = list_view.get_item(0).inplace_control() combo = list_view.get_item(1,1).inplace_control("ComboBox")"Item name") edit = list_view.get_item(3,4).inplace_control("Edit") edit.type_keys("some text{ENTER}", set_foreground=False) dt_picker = list_view.get_item(2,0).inplace_control("DateTimePicker") ~~~ ## 0.6.3 A lot of improvements and some optimizations 03-July-2017 * Improved string representation for all wrapper objects. Thanks [airelil](! * Fixed several sporadic crashes for `backend="uia"`. * Fixed several bugs in `wait/wait_not` methods: * Method `wait('exists')` doesn’t work for `backend="uia"`. Thanks [maollm](! * Methods `wait/wait_not` take ~ default time (5 sec.) instead of customized timeout like 1 sec. * `depth` param can used in a `WindowSpecification` now. `depth=1` means this control, `depth=2` means immediate children only and so on (aligned with `print_control_identifiers` method). Thanks [dmitrykazanbaev](! * Significantly improved sending keys to an inactive window silently. Special thanks for [antonlarin](! Now 2 methods are available: * `send_chars` is supposed to send character input (this includes `{Enter}`, `{Tab}`, `{Backspace}`) without Alt/Shift/Ctrl modifiers. * `send_keystrokes` is for key input (including key combinations with Alt/Shift/Ctrl modifiers). * Method `Application().connect(path='your.exe')` uses default timeout `Timings.app_connect_timeout`. It can accept `timeout` and `retry_interval` keyword arguments. Thanks [daniil-kukushkin](! * Method `print_control_identifiers` is more consistent and minimum 2x faster now! Thanks [cetygamer](! * Fixed subclassing `Application` with your own methods. Thanks [efremovd](! * Param `work_dir` can be used in `Application().start(...)`. Thanks [efremovd](! * Class `Application` has been enriched with methods `is_process_running()` and `wait_for_process_exit()`. Thanks [efremovd](! * Module `timings` uses `time.clock()` for Python 2.x and `time.perf_counter()` for Python 3.x so that accident system time change can’t affect on your script behavior. Thanks [airelil](! * Added WireShark example. Thanks [ViktorRoy94](! * Now `print_control_identifiers()` can dump UI elements tree to a file. Thanks [sovrasov](! * Improved logging actions for `backend="uia"`, extended example for MS Paint. Thanks [ArtemSkrebkov](! * Extended `CalendarWrapper` for `backend="win32"` with these methods: `get_month_delta`, `set_month_delta` and `get_month_range`. Thanks [Nikita-K](! * Added method `legacy_properties()` to `UIAWrapper`. Thanks [AsyaPronina](! * Improved VB6 ListView detection for `backend="win32"`. Thanks [KirillMoizik](! * Fixed 64-bit specific bug in `TreeViewWrapper` for `backend="win32"` (`argument 4: <type 'exceptions.OverflowError'>: long int too long to convert`). ## 0.6.2 More bug fixes 28-February-2017 * Several bugs were fixed: * Maximized window is always resized (restored) when calling `set_focus()`. * AttributeError: type object ‘\_CustomLogger’ has no attribute ‘disable’. * `print_control_identifiers()` gets bytes string on Python 3.x. * Importing pywinauto causes debug messages to appear twice. * Improved click methods behaviour for Win32 ListView and TreeView: `ensure_visible()` is called inside before the click. * Made `taskbar.SystemTrayIcons` localization friendly. ## 0.6.1 Bug fixes and optimizations for UI Automation and beyond 08-February-2017 * `win32_hooks` module is well tested and more reliable now. See [detailed example]( * Fixed several bugs and crashes here and there. * Crash when ctrl.window\_text() becomes None at the right moment. Thanks [mborus](! * `HwndWrapper.set_focus()` fails when used via interpreter. Thanks [Matthew Kennerly](! * Fix LoadLibrary call error on just released Python 2.7.13. Thanks [Kirill Moizik](! * AttributeError: WindowSpecification class has no ‘CPUUsage’ method. * `comtypes` prints a lot of warnings at `import pywinauto`. * Methods `is_dialog()` and `restore()` are missed for UIA backend. * Method `print_control_identifiers()` crashes on some applications with Unicode symbols. * Installation by `python install` may fail if pyWin32 dependency was installed manually. * Bug in resolving attributes: ‘UIAWrapper’ object has no attribute ‘Menu’ for `dlg = app.Custom.Menu` * Method `send_chars()` can now send `{ENTER}` to some applications. Thanks [Max Bolingbroke](! * Searching UI elements is faster now especially if you use `control_type` or `auto_id` in a WindowSpecification. Method `Application.kill()` is also optimized in many cases. * Added an [example for Win10 Calculator]( ## 0.6.0 Introduce MS UI Automation support and many more improvements 30-October-2016 * This big release introduces MS UI Automation (UIA) support: * Just start from `app = Application(backend='uia').start('your_app.exe')`. * Supported controls: Menu, Button/CheckBox/RadioButton, ComboBox, Edit, Tab control, List (ListView), DataGrid, Tree, Toolbar, Tooltip, Slider. * Documentation is built continuously now on ReadTheDocs. See also improved [Getting Started Guide](getting_started.html). * New multi-backend architecture makes implementation of new platforms support easier in the future. The minimal set for new backend includes its name and two classes inherited from [`element_info.ElementInfo`](code/pywinauto.element_info.html#pywinauto.element_info.ElementInfo "pywinauto.element_info.ElementInfo") and from [`pywinauto.base_wrapper.BaseWrapper`](code/pywinauto.base_wrapper.html#pywinauto.base_wrapper.BaseWrapper "pywinauto.base_wrapper.BaseWrapper"). New backend must be registered by function [`pywinauto.backend.register()`](code/pywinauto.backend.html#pywinauto.backend.register "pywinauto.backend.register"). * Code style is much closer to PEP8: i.e. `click_input` should be used instead of `ClickInput`. * Initial implementation of the `win32_hooks` module. Keyboard and mouse event handlers can be registered in the system. It was inspired by pyHook, pyhk, pyhooked and similar modules, but re-written from scratch. Thanks for Max Samokhvalov! The fork of the `win32_hooks` module is used in pyhooked 0.8 by Ethan Smith. * A lot of small improvements are not counted here. ## 0.5.4 Bug fixes and partial MFC Menu Bar support 30-October-2015 * Fix bugs and inconsistencies: * Add where=”check” possible value to the ListViewWrapper.Click/ClickInput` methods. * Add CheckByClickInput and UncheckByClickInput methods for a plain check box. * Fix crash while waiting for the window start. * Add partial MFC Menu Bar support. The menu bar can be interpreted as a toolbar. Items are clickable by index through experimental MenuBarClickInput method of the ToolbarWrapper. * Python 3.5 is supported. ## 0.5.3 Better Unicode support for SetEditText/TypeKeys and menu items[¶](#better-unicode-support-for-setedittext-typekeys-and-menu-items "Permalink to this headline") 25-September-2015 * Better backward compatibility with pywinauto 0.4.2: * support Unicode symbols in the `TypeKeys` method again; * allow `SetEditText/TypeKeys` methods to take non-string arguments; * fix taking Unicode parameters in `SetEditText/TypeKeys`. * Fix bug in `Wait("active")`, raise a SyntaxError when waiting for an incorrect state. * Re-consider some timings, update docs for the default values etc. * Fix several issues with an owner-drawn menu. * `MenuItem` method `Click` is renamed to `ClickInput` while `Click = Select` now. * New `SetTransparency` method can make a window transparent in a specified degree. ## 0.5.2 Improve ListView, new methods for CPU usage, DPI awareness 07-September-2015 > * New Application methods: `CPUUsage` returns CPU usage as a percent (float number), `WaitCPUUsageLower` waits until the connected process’ CPU usage is lower than a specified value (2.5% by default). > * A new class `_listview_item`. It is very similar to `_treeview_element`. > * Add DPI awareness API support (Win8+). It allows correct work when all fonts are scaled at 125%, 150% etc (globally or per monitor). > * “Tools overview” section in docs. > * Fix number of bugs: > * `TreeViewWrapper.Select` doesn’t work when the control is not in focus. > * `TabControlWrapper.Select` doesn’t work in case of TCS\_BUTTONS style set. > * `ListViewWrapper` methods `Check/UnCheck` are fixed. > * Toolbar button: incorrect access by a tooltip text. > * Warning “Cannot retrieve text length for handle” uses print() instead of actionlogger. > * `ClientToScreen` method doesn’t return a value (modifying mutable argument is not good practice). ## 0.5.1 Several fixes, more tests 13-July-2015 > * Resolve pip issues > * Warn user about mismatched Python/application bitness (64-bit Python should be used for 64-bit application and 32-bit Python is for 32-bit app) > * Add “TCheckBox” class name to ButtonWrapper detection list > * Fix `DebugMessage` method > * Disable logging ( by default, provide shortcuts: `actionlogger.enable()` and `actionlogger.disable()`. For those who are familiar with standard `logging` module there’s method `actionlogger.set_level(level)` ## 0.5.0 64-bit Py2/Py3 compatibility 30-June-2015 > * 64-bit Python and 64-bit apps support (but 32-bit Python is recommended for 32-bit apps) > * Python 2.x/3.x compatibility > * Added pyWin32 dependency (silent install by pip for 2.7 and 3.1+) > * Improvements for Toolbar, TreeView, UpDown and DateTimePicker wrappers > * Improved `best_match` algorithm allows names like `ToolbarFile` > * Clicks can be performed with pressed Ctrl or Shift > * Drag-n-drop and scrolling methods (DragMouse, DragMouseInput, MouseWheelInput) > * Improved menu support: handling OWNERDRAW menu items; access by command\_id (like `$23453`) > * Resolved issues with py2exe and cx\_freeze > * `RemoteMemoryBlock` can now detect memory corruption by checking guard signature > * Upgraded `taskbar` module > * `sysinfo` module for checking 32-bit or 64-bit OS and Python > * `set_foreground` flag in `TypeKeys` method for typing into in-place controls > * flags `create_new_console` and `wait_for_idle` in `Application.start` method ## 0.4.0 Various cleanup and bug fixes 03-April-2010 > * Gracefully Handle dir() calls on Application or WindowSpecification objects (which used hang for a while as these classes would search for windows matching \_\_members\_\_, \_\_methods\_\_ and \_\_bases\_\_). The code now checks for any attribute that starts with ‘\_\_’ and ends with ‘\_\_’ and raises AttributeError immediately. Thanks to Sebastian Haase for raising this. > * Removed the reference to an Application object in WindowSpecification. It was not used in the class and made the class harder to use. WindowSpecification is now more useful as a utility class. > * Add imports of application.WindowSpecification and application.Application to pywinauto.\_\_init\_\ so that these classes can be used more easily (without having to directly import pywinauto.application). Thanks again to Sebastian Haase. > * Added a function to empty the clipboard (thanks to Tocer on Sourceforge) > * Use ‘SendMessageTimeout’ to get the text of a window. (SendMessage will hang if the application is not processing messages) > * Fixed references to PIL.ImageGrab. PIL add’s it’s module directly to the module path, so it should just be referenced by ImageGrab and not PIL.ImageGrab. > * Use AttachThreadInput + PostMessage rather than SendMessageTimeout to send mouse clicks. > * Fix how timeout retry times are calculated in timings.WaitUntil() and timings.Wait > * Fixed some issues with application.Kill\_() method, highlighted due to the changes in the HwndWrapper.Close() method. > * Fix writing images to XML. It was broken with updates to PIL that I had not followed. Changed the method of knowing if it is an image by checking for various attributes. > * Renamed WindowSpecification.(Ww)indow() to ChildWindow() and added deprecation messages for the other functions. > * Improved the tests (fixed test failures which were not pywinauto issues) ## 0.3.9 Experimental! New Sendkeys, and various fixes 27-November-2009 > * Major change this release is that Sendkeys is no longer a requirement! A replacement that supports Unicode is included with pywinauto. (hopefully soon to be released as a standalone module). Please note - this is still quite untested so this release should be treated with some care.. > * Made sure that default for WindowSpecification.Window\_() was to look for non top level windows. The defaults in find\_windows() had been changed previously and it now needed to be explicitly overridden. > * Fixed a missing reference to ‘win32defines’ when referencing WAIT\_TIMEOUT another typo of false (changed to False) > * Removed the restriction to only get the active windows for the process, now it will be possible to get the active windows, even if a process is not specified. From []( it gets the active window for the foreground thread. > * Hopefully improved Delphi TreeView and ListView handling (added window class names as supported window classes to the appropriate classes). > * Added support for running UI tests with reference controls. (requried for some localization tests) > * Various PyLint and PEP8 fixes made. ## 0.3.8 Collecting improvements from last 2 years 10-March-2009 > * Fixed toolbar button pressing - This required for HwndWrapper.NotifyParent() to be updated (to accept a new ID parameter) > * Fixed a bug wherea listview without a column control would make pywinauto fail to capture the dialog. > * Converted documenation from Pudge generated to Sphinx Generated > * Added some baic support for Pager and Progress controls (no tests yet) > * Added some more VB ‘edit’ window classes > * Added some more VB ‘listbox’ window classes > * Added some more VB ‘button’ window classes > * Ensured that return value from ComboBoxWrapper.SelectedIndices is always a tuple (there was a bug where it would sometimes be a ctypes array) > * Changed default for finding windows to find disabled windows as well as enabled ones (previous was to find enabled windows only) (note this may impact scripts that relied on the previous setting i.e. in cases where two dialogs have the same title!) > * Much better handling of InvalidWindowHandle during automation runs. This could be raised when a closing window is still available when the automation was called, but is gone half way through whatever function was called. > * Made clicking more robust by adding a tiny wait between each SendMessageTimeout in \_perform\_click(). > * Added attributes `can_be_label` and `has_title` to `HwndWrapper` and subclasses to specify whether a control can act as a label for other controls, and whether the title should be used for identifying the control. If you have created your own HwndWrapper subclasses you may need to override the defaults. > * Added a `control_id` parameter to find\_windows which allows finding windows based off of their control id’s > * Added a FriendlyClassName method to MenuItem > * Split up the functions for button truncation data > * Commented out code to get a new font if the font could not be recovered > * Moved code to get the control font from Truncation test to handleprops > * Added a function to get the string representation of the bug. (need to refactor PrintBugs at some point). > * Fixed a variable name (from fname -> font\_attrib as fname was not a defined variable!) > * Forced some return values from MissingExtraString test to be Unicode > * Fixed the MiscValues test (converted to Unicode and removed some extraneous characters) > * Updated the path for all unittests > * Made two unit tests sligthly more robust and less dependent on computer/app settings > * Updated timing settings for unit tests > * Updated the examples to work in dev environment. ## 0.3.7 Merge of Wait changes and various bug fixes/improvements 10-April-2007 * Added Timings.WaitUntil() and Timings.WaitUntilPasses() which handle the various wait until something in the code. Also refactored existing waits to use these two methods. * Fixed a major Handle leak in RemoteMemorBlock class (which is used extensively for ‘Common’ controls. I was using OpenHandle to open the process handle, but was not calling CloseHandle() for each corresponding OpenHandle(). * Added an active\_() method to Application class to return the active window of the application. * Added an ‘active’ option to WindowSpecification.Wait() and WaitNot(). * Some cleanup of the clipboard module. GetFormatName() was improved and GetData() made a little more robust. * Added an option to findwindows.find\_windows() to find only active windows (e.g. active\_only = True). Default is False. * Fixed a bug in the timings.Timings class - timing values are Now accessed through the class (Timings) and not through the intance (self). * Updated ElementTree import in XMLHelpers so that it would work on Python 2.5 (where elementtree is a standard module) as well as other versions where ElementTree is a separate module. * Enhanced Item selection for ListViews, TreeViews - it is now possible to pass strings and they will be searched for. More documentation is required though. * Greatly enhanced Toolbar button clicking, selection, etc. Though more documentation is required. * Added option to ClickInput() to allow mouse wheel movements to be made. * menuwrapper.Menu.GetProperties() now returns a dict like all other GetProperties() methods. This dict for now only has one key ‘MenuItems’ which contains the list of menuitems (which had been the previous return value). ## 0.3.6b Changes not documented in 0.3.6 history 31-July-2006 * Fixed a bug in how findbestmatch.FindBestMatches was working. It would match against text when it should not! * Updated how timings.Timings.Slow() worked, if any time setting was less then .2 after ‘slowing’ then set it to .2 ## 0.3.6 Scrolling and Treview Item Clicking added 28-July-2006 * Added parameter to `_treeview_item.Rectangle()` to have an option to get the Text rectangle of the item. And defaulted to this. * Added `_treeview_item.Click()` method to make it easy to click on tree view items. * Fixed a bug in `TreeView.GetItem()` that was expanding items when it shouldn’t. * Added `HwndWrapper.Scroll()` method to allow scrolling. This is a very minimal implementation - and if the scrollbars are implemented as separate controls (rather then a property of a control - this will probably not work for you!). It works for Notepad and Paint - that is all I have tried so far. * Added a call to `HwndWrapper.SetFocus()` in `_perform_click_input()` so that calls to `HwndWrapper.ClickInput()` will make sure to click on the correct window. ## 0.3.5 Moved to Metaclass control wrapping 24-May-2006 * Moved to a metaclass implementation of control finding. This removes some cyclic importing that had to be worked around and other then metaclass magic makes the code a bit simpler. * Some of the sample files would not run - so I updated them so they would (Thanks to Stefaan Himpe for pointing this out) * Disabled saving application data (it was still being saved in Application.RecordMatch() even if the rest of the application data code is disabled. This was causing what appeared to be a memory leak where pywinauto would keep grabbing more and more memory (especially for controls that contain a lot of information). Thanks to Frank Martinez for leading me to this). * Added ListViewWrapper.GetItemRect() to enable retrieving the rectangle for a particular item in the listview. * Removed references to \_ctrl() method within pywinauto as it was raising a DeprecationWarning internally even if the user was not using it. ## 0.3.4 Fixed issue with latest ctypes, speed gains, other changes 25-Apr-2006 * The latest version of ctypes ( removed the code generator I was using some generated code in (stdcall). I was not using those functions so I just commented them out. * Started the process of renaming methods of the `Application` and `WindowSpecification` classes. I will be converting names to `UppercaseNames_()`. The trailing `_` is to disambiguate the method names from potential Window titles. * Updated how print\_control\_identifiers works so that it now always prints the disambiguated control name. (even for single controls) * Added \_\_hash\_\_ to HwndWrapper so that controls could be dictionary keys. * Caching various information at various points. For example I cache how well two pieces of text match. For short scripts this has little impact - but for larger script it could well have a major impact. Also caching information for controls that cannot change e.g. TopLeveParent, Parent, etc ## 0.3.3 Added some methods, and fixed some small bugs 19-Apr-2006 * Added a wait for the control to be active and configurable sleeps after ‘modifying’ actions (e.g. Select, Deselect, etc) * Fixed Timings.Slow() and Timings.Fast() - they could in certain circumstances do the opposite! If you had already set a timing slower or faster then they would set it then they would blindly ignore that and set their own times. I added functionality that they will take either the slowest or fastest of the new/current setting rather then blindly setting to the new value. * Fixed some hidden bugs with HwndWrapper.CloseClick() * Fixed a bug in that would raise an error when no argument was specified * Added an argument to HwndWrapper.SendMessageTimeout so that the wait options could be passed in. * Added HwndWrapper.Close(), Maximize(), Minimize(), Restore() and GetShowState(). * Commented out all deprecated methods (will be removed completely in some future release). * Added Application.kill\_() method - which closes all windows and kills the application. If the application is asking if you want to save your changes - you will not be able to click yes or no and the application will be killed anyway!. ## 0.3.2 Fixed and some typos 31-Mar-2006 * Fixed the spelling of Stefaan Himpe’s name * Fixed which was working for creating a distribution but not for installing it (again thanks to Stefaan for pointing it out!) ## 0.3.1 Performance tune-ups 30-Mar-2006 * Change calculation of distance in findbestmatch.GetNonTextControlName() so that it does not need to square or get the square root to find the real distance - as we only need to compare values - not have the actual distance. (Thanks to Stefaan Himpe) * Compiled regular expression patterns before doing the match to avoid compiling the regular expression for window that is being tested (Thanks to Stefaan Himpe) * Made it easier to add your own control tests by adding a file extra\ which needs to export a ModifyRegisteredTests() method. Also cleaned up the code a little. * Updated notepad\ to make it easier to profile (adde a method) * Changed WrapHandle to use a cache for classes it has matched - this is to avoid having to match against all classes constantly. * Changed default timeout in SendMessageTimeout to .001 seconds from .4 seconds this results in a significant speedup. Will need to make this value modifiable via the timing module/routine. * WaitNot was raising an error if the control was not found - it should have returned (i.e. success - control is not in any particular state because it does not exist!). * Added ListViewWrapper.Deselect() per Chistophe Keller’s suggestion. While I was at it I added a check on the item value passed in and added a call to WaitGuiIdle(self) so that the control has a chance to process the message. * Changed doc templates and moved dependencies into pywinauto subversion to ensure that all files were availabe at and that they are not broken when viewed there. * Moved all timing information into the timings.Timings class. There are some simple methods for changing the timings. ## 0.3.0 Added Application data - now useful for localization testing 20-Mar-2006 * Added automatic Application data collection which can be used when running the same test on a different spoken language version. Support is still preliminary and is expected to change. Please treat as early Alpha. If you have a different language version of Windows then you can try this out by running the notepad\ example with the langauge argument e.g. ~~~ examples\ language ~~~ This will load the application data from the supplied file notepad\_fast.pkl and use it for finding the right menu items and controls to select. * Test implementation to make it easier to start using an application. Previously you needed to write code like ~~~ app = Application().connect_(title = 'Find') app.Find.Close.Click() app.NotePad.MenuSelect("File->Exit") ~~~ 1st change was to implement static methods `start()` and `connect()`. These methods return a new Application instance so the above code becomes: ~~~ app = Application.connect(title = 'Find') app.Find.Close.Click() app.NotePad.MenuSelect("File->Exit") ~~~ I also wanted to make it easier to start working with a simple application - that may or may not have only one dialog. To make this situation easier I made `window_()` not throw if the application has not been `start()ed` or `connect()ed` first. This leads to simpler code like: ~~~ app = Application() app.Find.Close.Click() app.NotePad.MenuSelect("File->Exit") ~~~ What happens here is that when you execute any of Application.window\_(), Application.\_\_getattr\_\_() or Application.\_\_getitem\_\_() when the application hasn’t been connected or started. It looks for the window that best matches your specification and connects the application to that process. This is extra functionality - existing connect\_() and start\_() methods still exist * Fixed HwndWrapper.SetFocus() so that it would work even if the window was not in the foreground. (it now makes the window foreground as well as giving it focus). This overcomes a restriction in Windows where you can only change the foreground window if you own the foreground window. * Changed some 2.4’isms that an anonymous commenter left on my blog :-) with these changes pywinauto should run on Python 2.3 (though I haven’t done extensive testing). * Commented out controls.common\_controls.TabControlWrapper.GetTabState() and TabStates() as these did not seem to be returning valid values anyway. * Fixed documentation issues were parts of the documentation were not getting generated to the HTML files. * Fixed issue where MenuSelect would sometimes not work as expected. Some Menu actions require that the window that owns the menu be active. Added a call to SetFocus() before selecting a menu item to ensure that the window was active. * Fixed Bug 1452832 where clipboard was not closed in clipboard.GetData() * Added more unit tests now up to 248 from 207 ## 0.2.5 More refactoring, more tests 07-Mar-2006 * Added wrapper classes for Menus and MenuItems this enabled cleaner interaction with Menu’s. It also gives more functionality - you can now programmatically Click() on menus, and query if a menu item is checked or not. * Added application.WindowSpecification.Wait() and WaitNot() methods. These methods allow you to wait for a control to exist, be visible, be enabled, be ready (both enabled and visible!) or to wait for the control to not be in any of these states. WaitReady(), WaitNotEnabled(), WaitNotVisible() now use these methods. I was able to also add the missing methods WaitNotReady(), WaitEnabled(), WaitVisible(), WaitExists(), WaitnotExists(). Please use Wait() and WaitNot() as I have Deprecated these Wait\* methods. * Slightly modified timeout waits for control resolution so that a timed function more accurately follows the timeout value specified. * Added application.Application.start() and connect() static methods. These methods are factory methods in that they will return an initialized Application instance. They work exactly the same as start\_() and connect() as they are implemented in terms of those. > from pywinauto.application import Application notepad = Application.start(“notepad”) same\_notepad = Application.connect(path = “notepad”) * Updated the examples to follow changes to the code - and to make them a little more robust. * Added a new Controls Overview document page which lists all the actions on all controls. * Added more unit tests now up to 207 from 134 (added 68 tests) ## 0.2.1 Small Release number - big changes 17-Feb-2006 * Quick release to get many changes out there - but this release has been less tested then I would like for a .3 release. * Allow access to non text controls using the closest Text control. This closest text control will normally be the static/label associated with the control. For example in Notepad, Format->Font dialog, the 1st combobox can be refered to as “FontComboBox” rather than “ComboBox1” * Added a new control wrapper - `PopupMenuWrapper` for context menu’s You can now work easily with context menu’s e.g. ~~~ app.Notepad.Edit.RightClick() # need to use MenuClick rather then MenuSelect app.PopupMenu.MenuClick("Select All") app.Notepad.Edit.RightClick() app.PopupMenu.MenuClick("Copy") ~~~ I could think of merging the `RightClick()` and `MenuSelect()` into one method `ContextMenuSelect()` if that makes sense to most people. * Added Support for Up-Down controls * Not all top level windows now have a FriendlyClassName of “Dialog”. I changed this because it made it hard to get windows of a particular class. For example the main Notepad window has a class name of “Notepad”. This was primarily implemented due to work I did getting the System Tray. * Renamed `StatusBarWrapper.PartWidths()` to `PartRightEdges()` as this is more correct for what it returns. * Changed HwndWrapper.Text() and SetText() to WindowText() and SetWindowText() respectively to try and make it clearer that it is the text returned by GetWindowText and not the text that is visible on the control. This change also suggested that EditWrapper.SetText() be changed to SetEditText() (though this is not a hard requirement EditWrapper.SetText() still exists - but may be deprecated. * Added ClickInput, DoubleClickInput, RightClickInput, PressMouseInput ReleaseMouseInput to HwndWrapper - these use SendInput rather then WM\_LBUTTONDOWN, WM\_RBUTTONUP, etc used by Click, DoubleClick etc. I also added a MenuClick method that allows you to click on menu items. This means you can now ‘physically’ drop menus down. * Some further working with tooltips that need to be cleaned up. * Fixed a bug where coordinates passed to any of the Click operations had the X and Y coordinates swapped. * Added new MenuItem and Menu classes that are to the most part hidden but you can get a menu item by doing ~~~ app.Notepad.MenuItem("View") app.Notepad.MenuItem("View->Status Bar") ~~~ MenuItems have various actions so for example you can use `MenuItem.IsChecked()` to check if the menu item is checked. Among other methods there are `Click()` and `Enabled()`. * Modified the ‘best match’ algorithm for finding controls. It now searches a couple of times, and tries to find the best fit for the text passed to it. The idea here is to make it more “Select what I want - not that other thing that looks a bit like what I want!”. It is possible this change could mean you need to use new identifiers in scripts - but in general very little modification should be necessary. There was also a change to the algorithm that looked for the closest text control. It missed some obvious controls in the previous implementation. It also had a bug for controls above the control rather than to the left. * Added a new example scripts and which show automating downloading of a page from either of these browsers. * Added yet more unit tests, there are now a total of 134 tests. ## 0.2.0 Significant refactoring 06-Feb-2006 * Changed how windows are searched for (from application) This chage should not be a significant change for users * Started adding unit tests (and the have already uncovered bugs that been fixed). They also point to areas of missing functionality that will be addded with future updates * Changed from property access to Control attributes to function access If your code was accessing properties of controls then this might be a significant change! The main reasons for doing this were due to the inheritability of properties (or lack there-of!) and the additional scafolding that was required to define them all. * Updated the `DialogWrapper.MenuSelect()` method to notify the parent that it needs to initialize the menu’s before it retrieves the items * Added functionality to associate ‘non-text’ controls with the ‘text’ control closest to them. This allows controls to be referenced by: ~~~ app.dlg.<Nearby_text><Window_class> ~~~ e.g. to reference the “Footer” edit control in the Page Setup dialog you could use: ~~~ app.PageSetup.FooterEdit ~~~ * Added a MoveWindow method to HwndWrapper * Did some more cleanup (fixing pylint warnings) but still not finished * Added some better support for .NET controls (not to be considered final) ## 0.1.3 Many changes, few visible 15-Jan-2006 * Wrote doc strings for all modules, classes and functions * Ran pychecker and pylint and fixed some errors/warning * changed ~~~ _connect, _start, _window, _control, _write ~~~ respectively to ~~~ connect_, start_, window_, connect_, write_ ~~~ If you forget to change `_window`, `_connect` and `_start` then you will probably get the following error. ~~~ TypeError: '_DynamicAttributes' object is not callable ~~~ * pywinauto is now a package name - you need to import it or its modules * Changes to the code to deal with pywinauto package name * Fixed searching for windows if a Parent is passed in * Added Index to retrieved MenuItem dictionary * Added a check to ensure that a windows Handle is a valid window * Refactored some of the methods in common\_controls * Refactored how FriendlyClassName is discovered (and still not really happy! ## 0.1.2 Add Readme and rollup various changes 15-Jan-2006 * Updated Readme (original readme was incorrect) * Added clipboard module * Fixed DrawOutline part of tests.\_\_init\_\_.print\_bugs * Added a NotifyParent to HwndWrapper * Make sure that HwndWrapper.ref is initialized to None * Refactored some methods of ComboBox and ListBox * Updated Combo/ListBox selection methods * Removed hardcoded paths from test\ * Added section to save the document as UTF-8 in MinimalNotepadTest * Fixed EscapeSpecials and UnEscapeSpecials in XMLHelpers * Made sure that overly large bitmaps do not break XML writing ## 0.1.1 Minor bug fix release 12-Jan-2006 * Fixed some minor bugs discovered after release ## 0.1.0 Initial Release 6-Jan-2006