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# pywinauto.tests.comboboxdroppedheight 组合框下降高度测试 > **What is checked** 确保组合框落下时显示的列表的高度不小于参考的高度。 > **How is it checked** 可以从窗口中检索已删除矩形的值。 计算此矩形的高度并与参考高度进行比较。 > **When is a bug reported** 如果要检查的组合框的丢弃矩形的高度小于参考组合的高度,则报告错误。 > > **Bug Extra Information** There is no extra information associated with this bug type > > **Is Reference dialog needed** The reference dialog is necessary for this test. > > **False positive bug reports** No false bugs should be reported. If the font of the localised control has a smaller height than the reference then it is possible that the dropped rectangle could be of a different size. > > **Test Identifier** The identifier for this test/bug is “ComboBoxDroppedHeight” > > `pywinauto.tests.comboboxdroppedheight.``ComboBoxDroppedHeightTest`(*windows*)[¶]( "Permalink to this definition") > > Check if each combobox height is the same as the reference