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[TOC] # 1 有序表原理及扩展 ## 1.1 搜索二叉树 经典的搜索二叉树,是没有重复值的,任何节点为头的数,左孩子都比自己小,右孩子都比自己大 允许重复值的改进的搜索二叉树,可以在每个节点上增加一个统计词频的数据项。表示出现了几次;但是不可相等的放到左右孩子上,搜索二叉树变平衡时,会影响后续的旋转 1、搜索二叉树一定要说明以什么标准来排序 2、经典的搜索二叉树,树上没有重复的用来排序的key值 3、如果有重复节点的需求,可以在一个节点内部增加数据项 ## 1.2 搜索二叉树的增删改查 ### 1.2.1 搜索二叉树的查找和添加 - 查找 搜索二叉树查询key(查询某个key存在还是不存在),当前节点比自己小,到右子树上去找,当前节点比自己大,到其左孩子上去找,越界,说明不存在 1、如果当前节点的value==key,返回true 2、如果当前节点的value<key,当前节点向左移动 3、如果当前节点的value>key,当前节点向右移动 4、如果当前节点变成null,返回false - 添加 和查询过程一样,但当前节点滑到空的时候,就插入在这里 - 删除 1、先找到key所在的节点 2、如果该节点没有左孩子、没有右孩子,直接删除即可(好理解) 3、如果该节点有左孩子、没有右孩子,直接用左孩子顶替该节点(好理解) 4、如果该节点没有左孩子、有右孩子,直接用右孩子顶替该节点(好理解) 5、如果该节点有左孩子、有右孩子,用该节点后继节点顶替该节点(需要旋转调整,没法有左右孩子去替换,原因是左右孩子也有左右孩子) ==一个节点的后继节点,就是该节点右孩子的最左的那个节点。== ``` graph TD 2-->1 2-->5 5-->3 5-->10 10-->8 10-->13 8-->6 6-->7 ``` 比如我要删除5节点,那么5节点的后继节点就是其右子树的最左的孩子,也就是6。把6替换掉5,6的右孩子给它父亲作为左孩子,得到 ``` graph TD 2-->1 2-->6 6-->3 6-->10 10-->8 10-->13 8-->7 ``` ```Java package class05; /** * Not implemented by zuochengyun * * Abstract binary search tree implementation. Its basically fully implemented * binary search tree, just template method is provided for creating Node (other * trees can have slightly different nodes with more info). This way some code * from standart binary search tree can be reused for other kinds of binary * trees. * * @author Ignas Lelys * @created Jun 29, 2011 * */ public class AbstractBinarySearchTree { /** Root node where whole tree starts. */ public Node root; /** Tree size. */ protected int size; /** * Because this is abstract class and various trees have different * additional information on different nodes subclasses uses this abstract * method to create nodes (maybe of class {@link Node} or maybe some * different node sub class). * * @param value * Value that node will have. * @param parent * Node's parent. * @param left * Node's left child. * @param right * Node's right child. * @return Created node instance. */ protected Node createNode(int value, Node parent, Node left, Node right) { return new Node(value, parent, left, right); } /** * Finds a node with concrete value. If it is not found then null is * returned. * 查找节点 * * @param element * Element value. * @return Node with value provided, or null if not found. */ public Node search(int element) { Node node = root; while (node != null && node.value != null && node.value != element) { // 小于当前节点,找左孩子对比 if (element < node.value) { node = node.left; } else { // 大于当前节点,找右孩子对比 node = node.right; } } return node; } /** * Insert new element to tree. * 插入一个节点 * * @param element * Element to insert. */ public Node insert(int element) { // 首先如果这个树是空的,把该节点当成头节点 if (root == null) { root = createNode(element, null, null, null); size++; return root; } // 需要插入在该节点下面 Node insertParentNode = null; Node searchTempNode = root; while (searchTempNode != null && searchTempNode.value != null) { insertParentNode = searchTempNode; if (element < searchTempNode.value) { searchTempNode = searchTempNode.left; } else { searchTempNode = searchTempNode.right; } } Node newNode = createNode(element, insertParentNode, null, null); if (insertParentNode.value > newNode.value) { insertParentNode.left = newNode; } else { insertParentNode.right = newNode; } size++; return newNode; } /** * Removes element if node with such value exists. * 删除节点,每个节点由于加入向上的指针,那么旋转的时候会方便些 * * @param element * Element value to remove. * * @return New node that is in place of deleted node. Or null if element for * delete was not found. */ public Node delete(int element) { Node deleteNode = search(element); if (deleteNode != null) { return delete(deleteNode); } else { return null; } } /** * Delete logic when node is already found. * * @param deleteNode * Node that needs to be deleted. * * @return New node that is in place of deleted node. Or null if element for * delete was not found. * 注意,删除方法返回的是删除后接管删除节点的位置的节点,返回 */ protected Node delete(Node deleteNode) { if (deleteNode != null) { Node nodeToReturn = null; if (deleteNode != null) { if (deleteNode.left == null) { // 左孩子为空,右孩子直接替换该节点,达到删除的效果 // transplant(a,b) b去替换a的环境,a断连掉,把b返回 nodeToReturn = transplant(deleteNode, deleteNode.right); } else if (deleteNode.right == null) { // 右孩子为空,左孩子直接替换,达到删除的目的 nodeToReturn = transplant(deleteNode, deleteNode.left); } else { // 否则,要删除的节点既有左孩子,又有右孩子,找右子树的最左的孩子 Node successorNode = getMinimum(deleteNode.right); // 要删除的节点的右孩子,有左孩子。最左孩子的右孩子要它父亲来接管 if (successorNode.parent != deleteNode) { transplant(successorNode, successorNode.right); successorNode.right = deleteNode.right; successorNode.right.parent = successorNode; } // 如果要删除的节点的右孩子,没有左孩子。直接用要删除的节点的右孩子进行替换即可 transplant(deleteNode, successorNode); successorNode.left = deleteNode.left; successorNode.left.parent = successorNode; nodeToReturn = successorNode; } size--; } return nodeToReturn; } return null; } /** * Put one node from tree (newNode) to the place of another (nodeToReplace). * * @param nodeToReplace * Node which is replaced by newNode and removed from tree. * @param newNode * New node. * * @return New replaced node. */ private Node transplant(Node nodeToReplace, Node newNode) { if (nodeToReplace.parent == null) { this.root = newNode; } else if (nodeToReplace == nodeToReplace.parent.left) { nodeToReplace.parent.left = newNode; } else { nodeToReplace.parent.right = newNode; } if (newNode != null) { newNode.parent = nodeToReplace.parent; } return newNode; } /** * @param element * @return true if tree contains element. */ public boolean contains(int element) { return search(element) != null; } /** * @return Minimum element in tree. */ public int getMinimum() { return getMinimum(root).value; } /** * @return Maximum element in tree. */ public int getMaximum() { return getMaximum(root).value; } /** * Get next element element who is bigger than provided element. * * @param element * Element for whom descendand element is searched * @return Successor value. */ // TODO Predecessor public int getSuccessor(int element) { return getSuccessor(search(element)).value; } /** * @return Number of elements in the tree. */ public int getSize() { return size; } /** * Tree traversal with printing element values. In order method. */ public void printTreeInOrder() { printTreeInOrder(root); } /** * Tree traversal with printing element values. Pre order method. */ public void printTreePreOrder() { printTreePreOrder(root); } /** * Tree traversal with printing element values. Post order method. */ public void printTreePostOrder() { printTreePostOrder(root); } /*-------------------PRIVATE HELPER METHODS-------------------*/ private void printTreeInOrder(Node entry) { if (entry != null) { printTreeInOrder(entry.left); if (entry.value != null) { System.out.println(entry.value); } printTreeInOrder(entry.right); } } private void printTreePreOrder(Node entry) { if (entry != null) { if (entry.value != null) { System.out.println(entry.value); } printTreeInOrder(entry.left); printTreeInOrder(entry.right); } } private void printTreePostOrder(Node entry) { if (entry != null) { printTreeInOrder(entry.left); printTreeInOrder(entry.right); if (entry.value != null) { System.out.println(entry.value); } } } protected Node getMinimum(Node node) { while (node.left != null) { node = node.left; } return node; } protected Node getMaximum(Node node) { while (node.right != null) { node = node.right; } return node; } protected Node getSuccessor(Node node) { // if there is right branch, then successor is leftmost node of that // subtree if (node.right != null) { return getMinimum(node.right); } else { // otherwise it is a lowest ancestor whose left child is also // ancestor of node Node currentNode = node; Node parentNode = node.parent; while (parentNode != null && currentNode == parentNode.right) { // go up until we find parent that currentNode is not in right // subtree. currentNode = parentNode; parentNode = parentNode.parent; } return parentNode; } } // -------------------------------- TREE PRINTING // ------------------------------------ public void printTree() { printSubtree(root); } public void printSubtree(Node node) { if (node.right != null) { printTree(node.right, true, ""); } printNodeValue(node); if (node.left != null) { printTree(node.left, false, ""); } } private void printNodeValue(Node node) { if (node.value == null) { System.out.print("<null>"); } else { System.out.print(node.value.toString()); } System.out.println(); } private void printTree(Node node, boolean isRight, String indent) { if (node.right != null) { printTree(node.right, true, indent + (isRight ? " " : " | ")); } System.out.print(indent); if (isRight) { System.out.print(" /"); } else { System.out.print(" \\"); } System.out.print("----- "); printNodeValue(node); if (node.left != null) { printTree(node.left, false, indent + (isRight ? " | " : " ")); } } public static class Node { public Node(Integer value, Node parent, Node left, Node right) { super(); this.value = value; this.parent = parent; this.left = left; this.right = right; } public Integer value; public Node parent; public Node left; public Node right; public boolean isLeaf() { return left == null && right == null; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((value == null) ? 0 : value.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; Node other = (Node) obj; if (value == null) { if (other.value != null) return false; } else if (!value.equals(other.value)) return false; return true; } } } ``` ## 1.3 传统搜索二叉树存在的问题 1)基础的搜索二叉树,添加、删除时候不照顾平衡性 2)数据状况很差时,性能就很差 ==给搜索二叉树引入两个动作:左旋、右旋== 输入状况,决定性能。比如输入状况构建出来的树,严重不平衡。极端情况是只有一条通往底部的路径,高度为n; 平衡二叉树的定义,任何子树,左子树的高度和右子树的高度差,不大于1。所以对于n个节点,平衡二叉树的高度,就是logN ### 1.3.1 平衡搜索二叉树 平衡搜索二叉树,就是在插入和删除的过程中,动态的保持平衡性。保持平衡的代价保持在logN。平衡搜索二叉树的实现由很多,红黑树只是其中一种 ### 1.3.2 左旋和右旋 左旋和右旋针对头结点而言的,即对哪个头结点进行左旋还是右旋;顾名思义如果对头结点为a的子树右旋,那么a倒到右边,a的左孩子顶上来,到a原来的位置上去。a原来左孩子的右孩子,现在当做a的左孩子,如下图 ``` graph TD a-->b a-->c c-->d c-->e b-->f b-->g ``` a右旋,得到: ``` graph TD b-->f b-->a a-->g a-->c c-->d c-->e ``` 同理,a左旋,得到: ``` graph TD c-->a c-->e a-->b a-->d b-->f b-->g ``` 带左旋和右旋的搜索二叉树,在经典搜索二叉树上做的扩展,继承经典搜索二叉树。 ```Java package class05; /** * Not implemented by zuochengyun * * Abstract class for self balancing binary search trees. Contains some methods * that is used for self balancing trees. * * @author Ignas Lelys * @created Jul 24, 2011 * */ public abstract class AbstractSelfBalancingBinarySearchTree extends AbstractBinarySearchTree { /** * Rotate to the left. * * @param node Node on which to rotate. * @return Node that is in place of provided node after rotation. */ protected Node rotateLeft(Node node) { Node temp = node.right; temp.parent = node.parent; node.right = temp.left; if (node.right != null) { node.right.parent = node; } temp.left = node; node.parent = temp; // temp took over node's place so now its parent should point to temp if (temp.parent != null) { if (node == temp.parent.left) { temp.parent.left = temp; } else { temp.parent.right = temp; } } else { root = temp; } return temp; } /** * Rotate to the right. * * @param node Node on which to rotate. * @return Node that is in place of provided node after rotation. */ protected Node rotateRight(Node node) { Node temp = node.left; temp.parent = node.parent; node.left = temp.right; if (node.left != null) { node.left.parent = node; } temp.right = node; node.parent = temp; // temp took over node's place so now its parent should point to temp if (temp.parent != null) { if (node == temp.parent.left) { temp.parent.left = temp; } else { temp.parent.right = temp; } } else { root = temp; } return temp; } } ``` ## 1.4 有序表 在Java中,就是TreeMap,有序表和Hash表(HashMap)的操作类似,但是有序表中自动把我们的key排好了顺序,我们也可以传入比较器,自定义对比和排序的规则;我们可以通过TreeMap直接得到最大节点和最小节点,也可以获取大于某个值的第一个Key是什么等等 为什么TreeMap可以做到有序,原因是TreeMap的底层是一个平衡搜索二叉树 - Hash表和有序表对比 1、HashMap的所有操作是O(1)的,TreeMap的所有操作是O(logN) 2、使用有序表的Key必须是可以比较的,没法自然比较的需要传入自定义比较器 ## 1.5 有序表的实现(AVL树,SB树,红黑树) 在有序表中,有序表是一种规范,类似于接口名。规范为key要按序组织,所有操作要是O(logN)等。各种树结构可以实现有序表的功能。其中红黑树只是有序表的一个实现 ==AVL树,SB树,红黑树,都是有序表的一种实现。都是平衡搜索二叉树,这三种树在功能和时间复杂度上几乎无差别,在实现细节上也就是在常数时间上,会有差别。三种树调整检查哪些节点的平衡性相同,下文进行说明。每种树针对每个节点的平衡性调整不同,但是都是使用左旋和右旋两个动作== - AVL树,SB树,红黑树的共性 1)都是搜索二叉树 2)插入、删除、查询(一切查询)搜索二叉树怎么做,这些结构都这么做 3)使用调整的基本动作都只有左旋、右旋 4)插入、删除时,从最底层被影响到的节点开始,对往上路径的节点做平衡性检查 5)因为只对一条向上路径的每个节点做O(1)的检查和调整,所以可以做到O(logN) - AVL树,SB树,红黑树不同之处 1)平衡性的约束不同 AVL树最严格、SB树稍宽松、红黑树最宽松 2)插入、删除和搜索二叉树一样,但是额外,做各自的平衡性调整。各自的平衡性调整所使用的动作都是左旋或者右旋 ### 1.5.1 AVL树 是这三个平衡搜索二叉树中,平衡性最严格的,左树高度和右树高度的绝对值,严格小于2 AVL树在插入节点的时候,只会向上检查节点的平衡性有没有被破坏。删除节点也一样,只会检查删除的那个节点向上的那条链上的节点有没被破坏。删除的时候,如果被删除的节点没有左右孩子那么直接检查,如果有右孩子,是去检查后继节点原来所在的位置的向上节点的平衡性 ==实质上三种树删除和插入节点,检查哪些节点需要调整平衡都是这样的查找规则,对于删除来说,只有左树和只有右树没影响,如果左右树都存在,是去检查后继节点原来所在的位置向上的平衡性。只是具体到某个节点平衡性的处理上,三种树不一样== #### AVL树针对某个节点的平衡性处理 1、该节点左树高度和右树高度差的绝对值|L-R|,小于2。不违规,无须调整 2、|L-R|大于1,说明要不然左树高度大了,要不然右树高度大了。而且之前的每一步都进行了调整,所以高度差不会超过2。高度不平衡对应四种情况,被称为RR形违规,RL形违规,LL形违规,LR形违规。首字母表示左树变高了还是右树变高了,比如RR和RL都表示经过插入或者删除,右树的高度变大了 RR表示,右子节点的右树过长,RL表示右子节点的左树过长。同理LL表示左子节点的左子树高度过长导致,LR表示左子节点的右树高度过长导致的不平衡 - LL形违规,对该节点进行一次右旋即可 ``` graph TD x-->y x-->p y-->z y-->t z-->k ``` 右旋后得到: ``` graph TD y-->z y-->x z-->k x-->t x-->p ``` - 同理RR形违规,对该节点进行一次左旋即可 - LR形,让底部的孙子节点,来到顶部来。 下面例子,想办法让x的孙子节点t节点来到顶部,先对y节点进行一次左旋,再对x节点做一次右旋 ``` graph TD x-->y x-->p y-->z y-->t t-->k ``` 先对y节点进行一次左旋 ``` graph TD x-->t x-->p y-->z t-->y t-->k ``` 再对x节点做一次右旋 ``` graph TD t-->y t-->x x-->k x-->p y-->z ``` 原x的孙子节点t此时,调整到的顶部 - 同理RL形,也是让超过长度的那一侧底部的孙子节点,来到顶部来。 ==LL形和RR形旋转一次O(1),LR和RL形旋转两次,也是O(1)。那么即使删除或者添加的节点影响的整个向上的链路,整体复杂度也是O(logN)== AVL树继承自带左右旋的平衡搜索二叉树,在此基础上做的扩展,code如下: ```Java package class05; /** * Not implemented by zuochengyun * * AVL tree implementation. * * In computer science, an AVL tree is a self-balancing binary search tree, and * it was the first such data structure to be invented.[1] In an AVL tree, the * heights of the two child subtrees of any node differ by at most one. Lookup, * insertion, and deletion all take O(log n) time in both the average and worst * cases, where n is the number of nodes in the tree prior to the operation. * Insertions and deletions may require the tree to be rebalanced by one or more * tree rotations. * * @author Ignas Lelys * @created Jun 28, 2011 * */ public class AVLTree extends AbstractSelfBalancingBinarySearchTree { /** * @see trees.AbstractBinarySearchTree#insert(int) * * AVL tree insert method also balances tree if needed. Additional height * parameter on node is used to track if one subtree is higher than other * by more than one, if so AVL tree rotations is performed to regain * balance of the tree. */ @Override public Node insert(int element) { Node newNode = super.insert(element); // 对有影响的节点,顺着parent指针向上做平衡性检查调整 rebalance((AVLNode) newNode); return newNode; } /** * @see trees.AbstractBinarySearchTree#delete(int) */ @Override public Node delete(int element) { // 先查出来需要删的值,存在的话进行删除 Node deleteNode = super.search(element); if (deleteNode != null) { // 先调用父类,也就是带左右旋的平衡搜索二叉树的删除,把删除的节点后哪个节点接管了被删除的位置,该节点返回 Node successorNode = super.delete(deleteNode); // 接管的节点不为空,检查是哪一种替换的方式,左孩子接管or右孩子接管,or后继节点接管,or既没有左孩子有没有右孩子直接删除 if (successorNode != null) { // if replaced from getMinimum(deleteNode.right) then come back there and update // heights AVLNode minimum = successorNode.right != null ? (AVLNode) getMinimum(successorNode.right) : (AVLNode) successorNode; // 重新计算高度(重要) recomputeHeight(minimum); // 重新进行平衡(重要) rebalance((AVLNode) minimum); } else { // 并没有任何节点替代被删除节点的位置,被删除节点是孤零零被删除的 recomputeHeight((AVLNode) deleteNode.parent); rebalance((AVLNode) deleteNode.parent); } return successorNode; } return null; } /** * @see trees.AbstractBinarySearchTree#createNode(int, * trees.AbstractBinarySearchTree.Node, * trees.AbstractBinarySearchTree.Node, * trees.AbstractBinarySearchTree.Node) */ @Override protected Node createNode(int value, Node parent, Node left, Node right) { return new AVLNode(value, parent, left, right); } /** * Go up from inserted node, and update height and balance informations if * needed. If some node balance reaches 2 or -2 that means that subtree must be * rebalanced. * * @param node Inserted Node. */ private void rebalance(AVLNode node) { while (node != null) { // 先记录一下父环境 Node parent = node.parent; // 左右树的高度拿出来 int leftHeight = (node.left == null) ? -1 : ((AVLNode) node.left).height; int rightHeight = (node.right == null) ? -1 : ((AVLNode) node.right).height; int nodeBalance = rightHeight - leftHeight; // rebalance (-2 means left subtree outgrow, 2 means right subtree) // 右树过高 if (nodeBalance == 2) { // 判断是RR形还是RL形,确定进行一次还是两次旋转 if (node.right.right != null) { // 旋转,旋转的过程中,一定维护好高度信息 node = (AVLNode) avlRotateLeft(node); break; } else { node = (AVLNode) doubleRotateRightLeft(node); break; } // 左树过高 } else if (nodeBalance == -2) { // 同理,判断是LL还是LR if (node.left.left != null) { node = (AVLNode) avlRotateRight(node); break; } else { node = (AVLNode) doubleRotateLeftRight(node); break; } } else { updateHeight(node); } // 把当前node向上变为父节点,向上窜,继续调整平衡 node = (AVLNode) parent; } } /** * Rotates to left side. */ private Node avlRotateLeft(Node node) { Node temp = super.rotateLeft(node); updateHeight((AVLNode) temp.left); updateHeight((AVLNode) temp); return temp; } /** * Rotates to right side. */ private Node avlRotateRight(Node node) { Node temp = super.rotateRight(node); updateHeight((AVLNode) temp.right); updateHeight((AVLNode) temp); return temp; } /** * Take right child and rotate it to the right side first and then rotate node * to the left side. */ protected Node doubleRotateRightLeft(Node node) { node.right = avlRotateRight(node.right); return avlRotateLeft(node); } /** * Take right child and rotate it to the right side first and then rotate node * to the left side. */ protected Node doubleRotateLeftRight(Node node) { node.left = avlRotateLeft(node.left); return avlRotateRight(node); } /** * Recomputes height information from the node and up for all of parents. It * needs to be done after delete. */ private void recomputeHeight(AVLNode node) { while (node != null) { node.height = maxHeight((AVLNode) node.left, (AVLNode) node.right) + 1; node = (AVLNode) node.parent; } } /** * Returns higher height of 2 nodes. */ private int maxHeight(AVLNode node1, AVLNode node2) { if (node1 != null && node2 != null) { return node1.height > node2.height ? node1.height : node2.height; } else if (node1 == null) { return node2 != null ? node2.height : -1; } else if (node2 == null) { return node1 != null ? node1.height : -1; } return -1; } /** * Updates height and balance of the node. * * @param node Node for which height and balance must be updated. */ private static final void updateHeight(AVLNode node) { int leftHeight = (node.left == null) ? -1 : ((AVLNode) node.left).height; int rightHeight = (node.right == null) ? -1 : ((AVLNode) node.right).height; node.height = 1 + Math.max(leftHeight, rightHeight); } /** * Node of AVL tree has height and balance additional properties. If balance * equals 2 (or -2) that node needs to be re balanced. (Height is height of the * subtree starting with this node, and balance is difference between left and * right nodes heights). * * @author Ignas Lelys * @created Jun 30, 2011 * AVLNode继承自搜索二叉树的node,额外补充一个高度信息,用这个高度信息做平衡,一个节点的高度,是以该节点做头节点的树的高度 */ protected static class AVLNode extends Node { public int height; public AVLNode(int value, Node parent, Node left, Node right) { super(value, parent, left, right); } } } ``` ### 1.5.2 SB树 对于平衡性而言,任何叔叔节点的子节点格式,不少于该节点的任何一个侄子节点子节点的个数 ``` graph TD c-->a c-->e a-->b a-->d e-->f e-->g ``` 即a是一个叔叔节点,一定不少于f和g的子节点个数 对于这种约束,也可保证任何节点的左右节点的个数不会有很大悬殊,即使高度不满足严格相减的绝对值小于2,也无伤大雅。整体仍然是O(logN) #### SB树针对某个节点的平衡性处理 2007年,读高中的时候,承志峰研究出来的;常被用作比赛时,AVL树反而在ACM比赛中使用的相对少点 也分为LL,LR,RR,RL四种类型。 当删除和插入某个节点,影响的节点的左孩子,不如其右孩子的左孩子节点个数多,RL形 当删除和插入某个节点,影响的节点的左孩子,不如其右孩子的右孩子节点个数多,RR形 当删除和插入某个节点,影响的节点的右孩子,不如其左孩子的左孩子节点个数多,LL形 当删除和插入某个节点,影响的节点的右孩子,不如其左孩子的右孩子节点个数多,LR形 1、 对于LL形违规,对头结点x进行一次右旋,结束后,递归调用所以节点孩子个数发生变化的节点。右旋的时候,头结点x,和原x左孩子现在变成了头节点的b。这两个节点孩子个数发生了变化,要递归调用这两个节点。原因是原来不违规的节点,调整了位置后,pk的对象变了,要基于现在的结构再检查平衡性。这里虽然套了两个递归,整体仍然是O(1),证明略 2、 RR形违规,和LL形违规类似处理; ==SB树平衡性相对于AVL树要模糊,所以平衡性调整比AVL的调整粒度要粗,也意味着SB树比AVL树速度要快,比赛常用。而且SB树可以设计成删除节点的时候,不进行平衡性调整,只有在添加节点的时候再进行平衡性调整,添加节点的时候有可能积压了很多的不平衡,但是我们有递归行为,仍然可以调整回平衡的状态;可能为棒状,有可能该次递归行为时间复杂度比较高,但是均摊下来仍然O(logN)水平;该结构比较重要== ==如果是违规的加点的左树高度超了,且左孩子的左右子节点个数相同,必须做LL形的调整,反之RR形同理== - SB树的树结构版本 ```Java package class06; public class Code01_SizeBalancedTreeMap { // k继承Comparable,可比较的泛型 public static class SBTNode<K extends Comparable<K>, V> { // 该节点的Key public K key; // 该节点的V public V value; // 节点的左孩子 public SBTNode<K, V> l; // 节点的右孩子 public SBTNode<K, V> r; public int size; // 不同的key的数量 public SBTNode(K key, V value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; size = 1; } } public static class SizeBalancedTreeMap<K extends Comparable<K>, V> { private SBTNode<K, V> root; // 右旋交换节点时,size要互换,维护正确的size信息。返回右旋之后的新头部 private SBTNode<K, V> rightRotate(SBTNode<K, V> cur) { // 由于右旋,要维护好左子树 SBTNode<K, V> leftNode = cur.l; // 左孩子的右,给当前节点的左 cur.l = leftNode.r; // 左孩子的右指向当前节点,画图可以清晰看到就是右旋操作 leftNode.r = cur; // 维护size leftNode.size = cur.size; cur.size = (cur.l != null ? cur.l.size : 0) + (cur.r != null ? cur.r.size : 0) + 1; return leftNode; } // 左旋操作和右旋操作同理 private SBTNode<K, V> leftRotate(SBTNode<K, V> cur) { SBTNode<K, V> rightNode = cur.r; cur.r = rightNode.l; rightNode.l = cur; rightNode.size = cur.size; cur.size = (cur.l != null ? cur.l.size : 0) + (cur.r != null ? cur.r.size : 0) + 1; return rightNode; } // 调整 private SBTNode<K, V> maintain(SBTNode<K, V> cur) { if (cur == null) { return null; } // LL形 if (cur.l != null && cur.l.l != null && cur.r != null && cur.l.l.size > cur.r.size) { // 当前节点右旋 cur = rightRotate(cur); // 递归调整右孩子 cur.r = maintain(cur.r); // 递归调用调整当前节点 cur = maintain(cur); } else if (cur.l != null && cur.l.r != null && cur.r != null && cur.l.r.size > cur.r.size) { cur.l = leftRotate(cur.l); cur = rightRotate(cur); cur.l = maintain(cur.l); cur.r = maintain(cur.r); cur = maintain(cur); } else if (cur.r != null && cur.r.r != null && cur.l != null && cur.r.r.size > cur.l.size) { cur = leftRotate(cur); cur.l = maintain(cur.l); cur = maintain(cur); } else if (cur.r != null && cur.r.l != null && cur.l != null && cur.r.l.size > cur.l.size) { cur.r = rightRotate(cur.r); cur = leftRotate(cur); cur.l = maintain(cur.l); cur.r = maintain(cur.r); cur = maintain(cur); } return cur; } private SBTNode<K, V> findLastIndex(K key) { SBTNode<K, V> pre = root; SBTNode<K, V> cur = root; while (cur != null) { pre = cur; if (key.compareTo(cur.key) == 0) { break; } else if (key.compareTo(cur.key) < 0) { cur = cur.l; } else { cur = cur.r; } } return pre; } private SBTNode<K, V> findLastNoSmallIndex(K key) { SBTNode<K, V> ans = null; SBTNode<K, V> cur = root; while (cur != null) { if (key.compareTo(cur.key) == 0) { ans = cur; break; } else if (key.compareTo(cur.key) < 0) { ans = cur; cur = cur.l; } else { cur = cur.r; } } return ans; } private SBTNode<K, V> findLastNoBigIndex(K key) { SBTNode<K, V> ans = null; SBTNode<K, V> cur = root; while (cur != null) { if (key.compareTo(cur.key) == 0) { ans = cur; break; } else if (key.compareTo(cur.key) < 0) { cur = cur.l; } else { ans = cur; cur = cur.r; } } return ans; } // 现在,以cur为头的树上,加(key, value)这样的记录 // 加完之后,会对cur做检查,该调整调整 // 返回,调整完之后,整棵树的新头部 private SBTNode<K, V> add(SBTNode<K, V> cur, K key, V value) { if (cur == null) { return new SBTNode<K, V>(key, value); } else { cur.size++; if (key.compareTo(cur.key) < 0) { cur.l = add(cur.l, key, value); } else { cur.r = add(cur.r, key, value); } return maintain(cur); } } // 在cur这棵树上,删掉key所代表的节点 // 返回cur这棵树的新头部 private SBTNode<K, V> delete(SBTNode<K, V> cur, K key) { cur.size--; if (key.compareTo(cur.key) > 0) { cur.r = delete(cur.r, key); } else if (key.compareTo(cur.key) < 0) { cur.l = delete(cur.l, key); } else { // 当前要删掉cur if (cur.l == null && cur.r == null) { // free cur memory -> C++ cur = null; } else if (cur.l == null && cur.r != null) { // free cur memory -> C++ cur = cur.r; } else if (cur.l != null && cur.r == null) { // free cur memory -> C++ cur = cur.l; } else { // 有左有右 SBTNode<K, V> pre = null; SBTNode<K, V> des = cur.r; des.size--; while (des.l != null) { pre = des; des = des.l; des.size--; } if (pre != null) { pre.l = des.r; des.r = cur.r; } des.l = cur.l; des.size = des.l.size + (des.r == null ? 0 : des.r.size) + 1; // free cur memory -> C++ cur = des; } } return cur; } private SBTNode<K, V> getIndex(SBTNode<K, V> cur, int kth) { if (kth == (cur.l != null ? cur.l.size : 0) + 1) { return cur; } else if (kth <= (cur.l != null ? cur.l.size : 0)) { return getIndex(cur.l, kth); } else { return getIndex(cur.r, kth - (cur.l != null ? cur.l.size : 0) - 1); } } public int size() { return root == null ? 0 : root.size; } public boolean containsKey(K key) { if (key == null) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid parameter."); } SBTNode<K, V> lastNode = findLastIndex(key); return lastNode != null && key.compareTo(lastNode.key) == 0 ? true : false; } // put方法,有可能是新增有可能是覆盖更新 public void put(K key, V value) { if (key == null) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid parameter."); } // 先查找该key是不是已经存在 SBTNode<K, V> lastNode = findLastIndex(key); if (lastNode != null && key.compareTo(lastNode.key) == 0) { lastNode.value = value; } else { // 不存在的话,从根节点调用递归,加入到合适的位置。sb树由于没有向上指针,这里需要从头结点开始调用递归 // 添加进去后,有可能需要调整,头部有可能会变,返回新的头部 root = add(root, key, value); } } public void remove(K key) { if (key == null) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid parameter."); } if (containsKey(key)) { root = delete(root, key); } } public K getIndexKey(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= this.size()) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid parameter."); } return getIndex(root, index + 1).key; } public V getIndexValue(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= this.size()) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid parameter."); } return getIndex(root, index + 1).value; } public V get(K key) { if (key == null) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid parameter."); } SBTNode<K, V> lastNode = findLastIndex(key); if (lastNode != null && key.compareTo(lastNode.key) == 0) { return lastNode.value; } else { return null; } } public K firstKey() { if (root == null) { return null; } SBTNode<K, V> cur = root; while (cur.l != null) { cur = cur.l; } return cur.key; } public K lastKey() { if (root == null) { return null; } SBTNode<K, V> cur = root; while (cur.r != null) { cur = cur.r; } return cur.key; } public K floorKey(K key) { if (key == null) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid parameter."); } SBTNode<K, V> lastNoBigNode = findLastNoBigIndex(key); return lastNoBigNode == null ? null : lastNoBigNode.key; } public K ceilingKey(K key) { if (key == null) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid parameter."); } SBTNode<K, V> lastNoSmallNode = findLastNoSmallIndex(key); return lastNoSmallNode == null ? null : lastNoSmallNode.key; } } // for test public static void printAll(SBTNode<String, Integer> head) { System.out.println("Binary Tree:"); printInOrder(head, 0, "H", 17); System.out.println(); } // for test public static void printInOrder(SBTNode<String, Integer> head, int height, String to, int len) { if (head == null) { return; } printInOrder(head.r, height + 1, "v", len); String val = to + "(" + head.key + "," + head.value + ")" + to; int lenM = val.length(); int lenL = (len - lenM) / 2; int lenR = len - lenM - lenL; val = getSpace(lenL) + val + getSpace(lenR); System.out.println(getSpace(height * len) + val); printInOrder(head.l, height + 1, "^", len); } // for test public static String getSpace(int num) { String space = " "; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(""); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { buf.append(space); } return buf.toString(); } public static void main(String[] args) { SizeBalancedTreeMap<String, Integer> sbt = new SizeBalancedTreeMap<String, Integer>(); sbt.put("d", 4); sbt.put("c", 3); sbt.put("a", 1); sbt.put("b", 2); // sbt.put("e", 5); sbt.put("g", 7); sbt.put("f", 6); sbt.put("h", 8); sbt.put("i", 9); sbt.put("a", 111); System.out.println(sbt.get("a")); sbt.put("a", 1); System.out.println(sbt.get("a")); for (int i = 0; i < sbt.size(); i++) { System.out.println(sbt.getIndexKey(i) + " , " + sbt.getIndexValue(i)); } printAll(sbt.root); System.out.println(sbt.firstKey()); System.out.println(sbt.lastKey()); System.out.println(sbt.floorKey("g")); System.out.println(sbt.ceilingKey("g")); System.out.println(sbt.floorKey("e")); System.out.println(sbt.ceilingKey("e")); System.out.println(sbt.floorKey("")); System.out.println(sbt.ceilingKey("")); System.out.println(sbt.floorKey("j")); System.out.println(sbt.ceilingKey("j")); sbt.remove("d"); printAll(sbt.root); sbt.remove("f"); printAll(sbt.root); } } ``` - SB树的数组版本 ```Java package class06; import java.util.ArrayList; public class Code02_SizeBalancedTreeMap { public static class SizeBalancedTreeMap<K extends Comparable<K>, V> { private int root; private int len; private int[] left; private int[] right; private int[] size; private ArrayList<K> keys; private ArrayList<V> values; public SizeBalancedTreeMap(int init) { left = new int[init + 1]; right = new int[init + 1]; size = new int[init + 1]; keys = new ArrayList<K>(); values = new ArrayList<V>(); keys.add(null); values.add(null); root = 0; len = 0; } private int rightRotate(int index) { int iLeft = left[index]; left[index] = right[iLeft]; right[iLeft] = index; size[iLeft] = size[index]; size[index] = size[left[index]] + size[right[index]] + 1; return iLeft; } private int leftRotate(int index) { int iRight = right[index]; right[index] = left[iRight]; left[iRight] = index; size[iRight] = size[index]; size[index] = size[left[index]] + size[right[index]] + 1; return iRight; } private int matain(int index) { if (size[left[left[index]]] > size[right[index]]) { index = rightRotate(index); right[index] = matain(right[index]); index = matain(index); } else if (size[right[left[index]]] > size[right[index]]) { left[index] = leftRotate(left[index]); index = rightRotate(index); left[index] = matain(left[index]); right[index] = matain(right[index]); index = matain(index); } else if (size[right[right[index]]] > size[left[index]]) { index = leftRotate(index); left[index] = matain(left[index]); index = matain(index); } else if (size[left[right[index]]] > size[left[index]]) { right[index] = rightRotate(right[index]); index = leftRotate(index); left[index] = matain(left[index]); right[index] = matain(right[index]); index = matain(index); } return index; } private int findLastIndex(K key) { int pre = root; int cur = root; while (cur != 0) { pre = cur; if (key.compareTo(keys.get(cur)) == 0) { break; } else if (key.compareTo(keys.get(cur)) < 0) { cur = left[cur]; } else { cur = right[cur]; } } return pre; } private int findLastNoSmallIndex(K key) { int ans = 0; int cur = root; while (cur != 0) { if (key.compareTo(keys.get(cur)) == 0) { ans = cur; break; } else if (key.compareTo(keys.get(cur)) < 0) { ans = cur; cur = left[cur]; } else { cur = right[cur]; } } return ans; } private int findLastNoBigIndex(K key) { int ans = 0; int cur = root; while (cur != 0) { if (key.compareTo(keys.get(cur)) == 0) { ans = cur; break; } else if (key.compareTo(keys.get(cur)) < 0) { cur = left[cur]; } else { ans = cur; cur = right[cur]; } } return ans; } private int add(int index, K key, V value) { if (index == 0) { index = ++len; keys.add(key); values.add(value); size[index] = 1; left[index] = 0; right[index] = 0; return index; } else { size[index]++; if (key.compareTo(keys.get(index)) < 0) { left[index] = add(left[index], key, value); } else { right[index] = add(right[index], key, value); } return matain(index); } } private int getIndex(int index, int kth) { if (kth == size[left[index]] + 1) { return index; } else if (kth <= size[left[index]]) { return getIndex(left[index], kth); } else { return getIndex(right[index], kth - size[left[index]] - 1); } } public int size() { return len; } public boolean containsKey(K key) { if (key == null) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid parameter."); } int lastIndex = findLastIndex(key); return lastIndex != 0 && key.compareTo(keys.get(lastIndex)) == 0 ? true : false; } public void put(K key, V value) { if (key == null) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid parameter."); } if (len == size.length - 1) { throw new RuntimeException("size balanced tree is full."); } int lastIndex = findLastIndex(key); if (lastIndex != 0 && key.compareTo(keys.get(lastIndex)) == 0) { values.set(lastIndex, value); } else { root = add(root, key, value); } } public K getIndexKey(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= len) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid parameter."); } return keys.get(getIndex(root, index + 1)); } public V getIndexValue(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= len) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid parameter."); } return values.get(getIndex(root, index + 1)); } public V get(K key) { if (key == null) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid parameter."); } int lastIndex = findLastIndex(key); if (lastIndex != 0 && key.compareTo(keys.get(lastIndex)) == 0) { return values.get(lastIndex); } else { return null; } } public K firstKey() { int cur = root; while (left[cur] != 0) { cur = left[cur]; } return cur == 0 ? null : keys.get(cur); } public K lastKey() { int cur = root; while (right[cur] != 0) { cur = right[cur]; } return cur == 0 ? null : keys.get(cur); } public K floorKey(K key) { if (key == null) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid parameter."); } int lastNoBigIndex = findLastNoBigIndex(key); return lastNoBigIndex == 0 ? null : keys.get(lastNoBigIndex); } public K ceilingKey(K key) { if (key == null) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid parameter."); } int lastNoSmallIndex = findLastNoSmallIndex(key); return lastNoSmallIndex == 0 ? null : keys.get(lastNoSmallIndex); } } public static void main(String[] args) { SizeBalancedTreeMap<String, Integer> sbt = new SizeBalancedTreeMap<String, Integer>(10000); sbt.put("pos", 512); sbt.put("zyp", 7123); sbt.put("unz", 542); sbt.put("abc", 5113); sbt.put("yzk", 665); sbt.put("fgi", 38776); sbt.put("bke", 2500540); sbt.put("lmn", 44334); sbt.put("abc", 11); sbt.put("abc", 111); for (int i = 0; i < sbt.size(); i++) { System.out.println(sbt.getIndexKey(i) + " , " + sbt.getIndexValue(i)); } System.out.println(sbt.get("abc")); System.out.println(sbt.firstKey()); System.out.println(sbt.lastKey()); System.out.println(sbt.floorKey("bke")); System.out.println(sbt.ceilingKey("bke")); System.out.println(sbt.floorKey("ooo")); System.out.println(sbt.ceilingKey("ooo")); System.out.println(sbt.floorKey("aaa")); System.out.println(sbt.ceilingKey("aaa")); System.out.println(sbt.floorKey("zzz")); System.out.println(sbt.ceilingKey("zzz")); } } ``` ### 1.5.3 红黑树 1、 节点有红有黑 2、头节点和叶子节点是黑 3、红节点的子,一定要是黑节点 4、从任何节点到他的子节点,所有的路径中黑节点都是一样多的 从第三点和第四点可以推出,任何长链(黑红交替)和任何段链(都为黑)保证黑一样多,那么长链的长度一定不会比短链长度的二倍还要大。实质上上面条件的目的也是保证最长的链不要比最短的链2倍还多,一定程度上保证了平衡性 #### 红黑树针对某个节点的平衡性处理 红黑树本质上也是搜索二叉树,搜索二叉树怎么增加和删除节点,红黑树相同;同样的加完节点,删除完节点,之后从受影响的节点往上都进行平衡性检查,几种有序表的实现只有检查平衡性的评估指标不同 红黑树平衡性检查,插入的情况下,违规的情况有5种,删除的情况下违规的情况有8种。红黑树自身的这些规定,会引出来13种违规情况下的节点调整。发明红黑树的人把13种情况都研究明白了,现在让我们学,哈哈 ==面试场上看到问红黑树相关的内容,可以回答本质上也是搜索二叉树,不平衡性较多有13种,AVL和SB树都只有四种LL,LR,RR,RL。比红黑树简单。如果面试官一定要问哪5种,哪8种,那么这个面试官有问题,这种不平衡性可以查文档来获取。这种就属于面试官就是不想让你过,纠结哪8种,哪5种,纯粹是磨工夫== 红黑树这么麻烦,好处在哪,为什么这么著名,原因在于红黑树的扰动小。AVL由于平衡性特别清晰,增加和删除节点特别灵敏,扰动大。SB和红黑树的平衡性相对模糊,而且SB在删除的节点的时候,可以不进行平衡性调整,扰动小 有些场景,就是需要扰动小的调整,比如硬盘io的时候,每个树的节点,就是一块硬盘区域。硬盘删除,更新,插入等,如果时间复杂度评估指标相等,还是要选择扰动小的结构。内存中无所谓,扰动大小都可 如果每次插入和删除,行为代价都非常的高,红黑树都不考虑用,而是选择用底层硬盘结构的树,不如B树,和B+树,234树。这些树是多叉树。B树和B+树牺牲了一定的查询效率,虽然也是O(logN),常数项很大,但是没有AVL,SB,和红黑树的效率高。比如数据库组织的一些树,就是考虑到少读写硬盘,就是用的B+树 红黑树,在(AVL,SB) 和 硬盘的树(B,B+)树之间达到平衡。各有取舍 ##### Redis为什么选择跳表的结构? Redis为什么选择跳表的结构,而不是AVL和SB树呢,实质上可以选择,但是考虑到redis可能需要对有序表进行序列化的要求,SkipList就是多层的线性结构,比较好序列化。AVL和SB是个结构化的东西,不好序列化;一种技术的选型,需要根据自己的生存状态去选择的 ==三种树的平衡性保证策略不同,各自实现各自的平衡性,但是三个树都只有左旋和右旋两种调整策略== ## 1.6 跳表SkipList(也可实现有序表功能) ==最烧脑的结构== 跳表也可实现有序表的功能,但是跳表不是搜索二叉树,实现机制跟二叉树也没关系 ==跳表实现有序表,比较好实现,思想也相对更先进O(logN)== 跳表节点有多条往外指的指针,Node里面有一个List<Node>变量,类似于多叉树;跳表节点上也有可以比较的key,定义最小的key是null 每个节点有多少个向下指针,随机指定,高层一定和所有节点最多的向下指针的条目数保持一致 跳表的最低层一定含有所有记录节点,概率上第二层有N/2个节点,概率上第三层会有N/4个节点... 高层向底层寻找,实际上跳跃了很多的节点。这种机制跟输入的数据状况没关系,每一个节点随机层数,最后查找O(logN) ```Java package class06; import java.util.ArrayList; public class Code03_SkipListMap { // 跳表的节点定义,key是可以比较的 public static class SkipListNode<K extends Comparable<K>, V> { public K key; public V val; // 0 nextNodes.get(0) // 1 nextNodes.get(1) // i nextNodes.get(i) // nextNodes.size() // 多条指向其他节点的指针 public ArrayList<SkipListNode<K, V>> nextNodes; public SkipListNode(K k, V v) { key = k; val = v; // node 7层指针 // nextNodes.add(null) // nextNodes.add(null) // nextNodes.add(null) // nextNodes.add(null) // nextNodes.add(null) // nextNodes.add(null) // nextNodes.add(null) nextNodes = new ArrayList<SkipListNode<K, V>>(); } // 遍历的时候,如果是往右遍历到的null(next == null), 遍历结束 // 头(null), 头节点的null,认为最小 // node -> 头,node(null, "") node.isKeyLess(!null) true // node里面的key是否比otherKey小,true,不是false // 当前node里面的key是否比传进来的key要小。小返回true,不小返回false public boolean isKeyLess(K otherKey) { // otherKey == null -> false return otherKey != null && (key == null || key.compareTo(otherKey) < 0); } // 判断当前node的key可传入的key是否相等 public boolean isKeyEqual(K otherKey) { return (key == null && otherKey == null) || (key != null && otherKey != null && key.compareTo(otherKey) == 0); } } public static class SkipListMap<K extends Comparable<K>, V> { // 随机建层的随机数 private static final double PROBABILITY = 0.5; // < 0.5 继续做,>=0.5 停 private SkipListNode<K, V> head; private int size; private int maxLevel; public SkipListMap() { head = new SkipListNode<K, V>(null, null); head.nextNodes.add(null); size = 0; maxLevel = 0; } // 从最高层开始,一路找下去, // 最终,找到第0层的<key的最右的节点 private SkipListNode<K, V> mostRightLessNodeInTree(K key) { if (key == null) { return null; } int level = maxLevel; SkipListNode<K, V> cur = head; while (level >= 0) { // 从上层跳下层,直到跳到0层 // cur level -> level-1 cur = mostRightLessNodeInLevel(key, cur, level--); } return cur; } // 在level层里,如何往右移动 // 现在来到的节点是cur,来到了cur的level层,在level层上,找到<key最后一个节点并返回 private SkipListNode<K, V> mostRightLessNodeInLevel(K key, SkipListNode<K, V> cur, int level) { SkipListNode<K, V> next = cur.nextNodes.get(level); while (next != null && next.isKeyLess(key)) { cur = next; next = cur.nextNodes.get(level); } return cur; } public boolean containsKey(K key) { if (key == null) { return false; } SkipListNode<K, V> less = mostRightLessNodeInTree(key); SkipListNode<K, V> next = less.nextNodes.get(0); return next != null && next.isKeyEqual(key); } // put进来一个节点 public void put(K key, V value) { if (key == null) { return; } // 找到小于key的最右的节点。从上层往下层跳的方式找最底层对应的节点,最底层数据是全的,直接遍历最底层就编程O(N)复杂度了 SkipListNode<K, V> less = mostRightLessNodeInTree(key); SkipListNode<K, V> find = less.nextNodes.get(0); // 找到的不是null,那么就是重复key,更新key对应的值 if (find != null && find.isKeyEqual(key)) { find.val = value; } else { // 否则没找到,新增一个key,size++ size++; int newNodeLevel = 0; while (Math.random() < PROBABILITY) { newNodeLevel++; } // 如果当前节点的随机引用个数,大于起始节点的指针个数,起始节点的指针个数要更新为大的这个 while (newNodeLevel > maxLevel) { head.nextNodes.add(null); maxLevel++; } // 建立新节点 SkipListNode<K, V> newNode = new SkipListNode<K, V>(key, value); for (int i = 0; i <= newNodeLevel; i++) { newNode.nextNodes.add(null); } int level = maxLevel; SkipListNode<K, V> pre = head; while (level >= 0) { // 在level层找到最右的小于key的节点,赋值给pre pre = mostRightLessNodeInLevel(key, pre, level); // 找到小于等于当前节点的随机层数小于的层数时,该节点的影响层数都要更新到其他层 if (level <= newNodeLevel) { newNode.nextNodes.set(level, pre.nextNodes.get(level)); pre.nextNodes.set(level, newNode); } level--; } } } public V get(K key) { if (key == null) { return null; } SkipListNode<K, V> less = mostRightLessNodeInTree(key); SkipListNode<K, V> next = less.nextNodes.get(0); return next != null && next.isKeyEqual(key) ? next.val : null; } public void remove(K key) { if (containsKey(key)) { size--; int level = maxLevel; SkipListNode<K, V> pre = head; while (level >= 0) { pre = mostRightLessNodeInLevel(key, pre, level); SkipListNode<K, V> next = pre.nextNodes.get(level); // 1)在这一层中,pre下一个就是key // 2)在这一层中,pre的下一个key是>要删除key if (next != null && next.isKeyEqual(key)) { // free delete node memory -> C++ // level : pre -> next(key) -> ... pre.nextNodes.set(level, next.nextNodes.get(level)); } // 在level层只有一个节点了,就是默认节点head if (level != 0 && pre == head && pre.nextNodes.get(level) == null) { head.nextNodes.remove(level); maxLevel--; } level--; } } } public K firstKey() { return head.nextNodes.get(0) != null ? head.nextNodes.get(0).key : null; } public K lastKey() { int level = maxLevel; SkipListNode<K, V> cur = head; while (level >= 0) { SkipListNode<K, V> next = cur.nextNodes.get(level); while (next != null) { cur = next; next = cur.nextNodes.get(level); } level--; } return cur.key; } public K ceillingKey(K key) { if (key == null) { return null; } SkipListNode<K, V> less = mostRightLessNodeInTree(key); SkipListNode<K, V> next = less.nextNodes.get(0); return next != null ? next.key : null; } public K floorKey(K key) { if (key == null) { return null; } SkipListNode<K, V> less = mostRightLessNodeInTree(key); SkipListNode<K, V> next = less.nextNodes.get(0); return next != null && next.isKeyEqual(key) ? next.key : less.key; } public int size() { return size; } } // for test public static void printAll(SkipListMap<String, String> obj) { for (int i = obj.maxLevel; i >= 0; i--) { System.out.print("Level " + i + " : "); SkipListNode<String, String> cur = obj.head; while (cur.nextNodes.get(i) != null) { SkipListNode<String, String> next = cur.nextNodes.get(i); System.out.print("(" + next.key + " , " + next.val + ") "); cur = next; } System.out.println(); } } public static void main(String[] args) { SkipListMap<String, String> test = new SkipListMap<>(); printAll(test); System.out.println("======================"); test.put("A", "10"); printAll(test); System.out.println("======================"); test.remove("A"); printAll(test); System.out.println("======================"); test.put("E", "E"); test.put("B", "B"); test.put("A", "A"); test.put("F", "F"); test.put("C", "C"); test.put("D", "D"); printAll(test); System.out.println("======================"); System.out.println(test.containsKey("B")); System.out.println(test.containsKey("Z")); System.out.println(test.firstKey()); System.out.println(test.lastKey()); System.out.println(test.floorKey("D")); System.out.println(test.ceillingKey("D")); System.out.println("======================"); test.remove("D"); printAll(test); System.out.println("======================"); System.out.println(test.floorKey("D")); System.out.println(test.ceillingKey("D")); } } ``` ## 1.7 有序表例题实战 - 例题1 给定一些数组,长度不一。每个数组里面是有序的,可理解为二维数组,每一行有序,现在需要找一个a到b的区间,要求每一行都至少有一个数命中在该区间中。求满足这个这样条件的区间的最窄区间,如果存在多个最窄区间,返回区间位置起始最小的那个 > 解题流程:准备一个有序表,第一步,把每个数组中第0个树加入有序表,得到一个区间就是有序表中的最小值和最大值构成的区间,该区间已经可以包含每个数组中至少一个数在该区间内,但不一定是最小区间;第二步,找到有序表中最小的数在哪个数组中,弹出最小值,把该数组的下一个树加入有序表,看是否更新了最小区间,更小才更新,同样大不更新。重复。。。 最后全局最小区间,就是我们要找的区间; > 解题思路:实质上解题流程,是在尝试每一个数字开头的情况下,哪个区间是最小的。以每一个数字去尝试,实质上是一种贪心思想,不去考虑数字不以数组中出现的区间,该区间一定不是最小的 整个流程,只需要运用有序表的基本功能,原始的有序表已经能够满足需求,无需改写有序表,用系统实现的即可; ### 1.7.1 哪些情况下需要改写系统的有序表? - 例题-leetcode原题 给定一个数组arr,和两个整数a和b(a<=b) 求arr中有多少个子数组,累加和在[a,b]这个范围上 返回达标的子数组数量 例如a等于10,b等于30,在arr上,求0到i范围有多少子数组在10和30范围上,假设0带i和为100,反过来就是求0到i-1范围上有多少前缀和有多少落在70到90范围上; 所以,我们求0到p,p在0到i中间,前缀和在70到90上,我们可以得到p+1到i的累加和在10到30范围上。所以这题就是求0到p的前缀和有多少在我们根据a到b和0到i的累加和推出的新的范围上[sum-a, sum-b],就等于我们要求的个数 我们把0到0的和,0到1的和,0到i的和。。。加入到我们的结构中去,求0到i结尾的子数组有多少个达标,就是求该结构上,有多少个前缀和落在了[sum-a, sum-b]的范围上;这个结构可以加入一个数字,且允许有重复值,给定一个范围[sum-a,sum-b]可以通过该结构返回加入的节点有多少个在这个范围上。例如加入到结构中的数字,有1,1,1,4,5,给定范围[1,5],返回6 > 要实现这样的功能,系统实现的有序表,无法实现,一方面原始有序表无法加入重复数字,第二方面没有这样的方法返回个数。这样的方法,可以实现为,小于a的数有多少个,小于b的数有多少个,那么最终我们需要的个数就是a-b个 在SB树上改造: ```Java package class07; import java.util.HashSet; public class Code01_CountofRangeSum { public static int countRangeSum1(int[] nums, int lower, int upper) { int n = nums.length; long[] sums = new long[n + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) sums[i + 1] = sums[i] + nums[i]; return countWhileMergeSort(sums, 0, n + 1, lower, upper); } // leetcode不太好理解的版本 private static int countWhileMergeSort(long[] sums, int start, int end, int lower, int upper) { if (end - start <= 1) return 0; int mid = (start + end) / 2; int count = countWhileMergeSort(sums, start, mid, lower, upper) + countWhileMergeSort(sums, mid, end, lower, upper); int j = mid, k = mid, t = mid; long[] cache = new long[end - start]; for (int i = start, r = 0; i < mid; ++i, ++r) { while (k < end && sums[k] - sums[i] < lower) k++; while (j < end && sums[j] - sums[i] <= upper) j++; while (t < end && sums[t] < sums[i]) cache[r++] = sums[t++]; cache[r] = sums[i]; count += j - k; } System.arraycopy(cache, 0, sums, start, t - start); return count; } // 节点改造为,有自己的key,有左右孩子,有size,有词频数量all。all要和size同样维护起来 public static class SBTNode { public long key; public SBTNode l; public SBTNode r; public long size; // 不同key的size,sb树的平衡指标 public long all; // 总的size public SBTNode(long k) { key = k; size = 1; all = 1; } } public static class SizeBalancedTreeSet { private SBTNode root; private HashSet<Long> set = new HashSet<>(); private SBTNode rightRotate(SBTNode cur) { long same = cur.all - (cur.l != null ? cur.l.all : 0) - (cur.r != null ? cur.r.all : 0); SBTNode leftNode = cur.l; cur.l = leftNode.r; leftNode.r = cur; leftNode.size = cur.size; cur.size = (cur.l != null ? cur.l.size : 0) + (cur.r != null ? cur.r.size : 0) + 1; // all modify leftNode.all = cur.all; cur.all = (cur.l != null ? cur.l.all : 0) + (cur.r != null ? cur.r.all : 0) + same; return leftNode; } private SBTNode leftRotate(SBTNode cur) { long same = cur.all - (cur.l != null ? cur.l.all : 0) - (cur.r != null ? cur.r.all : 0); SBTNode rightNode = cur.r; cur.r = rightNode.l; rightNode.l = cur; rightNode.size = cur.size; cur.size = (cur.l != null ? cur.l.size : 0) + (cur.r != null ? cur.r.size : 0) + 1; // all modify rightNode.all = cur.all; cur.all = (cur.l != null ? cur.l.all : 0) + (cur.r != null ? cur.r.all : 0) + same; return rightNode; } private SBTNode matain(SBTNode cur) { if (cur == null) { return null; } if (cur.l != null && cur.l.l != null && cur.r != null && cur.l.l.size > cur.r.size) { cur = rightRotate(cur); cur.r = matain(cur.r); cur = matain(cur); } else if (cur.l != null && cur.l.r != null && cur.r != null && cur.l.r.size > cur.r.size) { cur.l = leftRotate(cur.l); cur = rightRotate(cur); cur.l = matain(cur.l); cur.r = matain(cur.r); cur = matain(cur); } else if (cur.r != null && cur.r.r != null && cur.l != null && cur.r.r.size > cur.l.size) { cur = leftRotate(cur); cur.l = matain(cur.l); cur = matain(cur); } else if (cur.r != null && cur.r.l != null && cur.l != null && cur.r.l.size > cur.l.size) { cur.r = rightRotate(cur.r); cur = leftRotate(cur); cur.l = matain(cur.l); cur.r = matain(cur.r); cur = matain(cur); } return cur; } // add方法时,all要跟着增加 private SBTNode add(SBTNode cur, long key, boolean contains) { if (cur == null) { return new SBTNode(key); } else { cur.all++; if (key == cur.key) { return cur; } else { // 还在左滑或者右滑 if (!contains) { cur.size++; } if (key < cur.key) { cur.l = add(cur.l, key, contains); } else { cur.r = add(cur.r, key, contains); } return matain(cur); } } } public void add(long sum) { boolean contains = set.contains(sum); root = add(root, sum, contains); set.add(sum); } // 本题在原始有序表上增加的方法,小于一个key的个数有多少个 public long lessKeySize(long key) { SBTNode cur = root; long ans = 0; while (cur != null) { if (key == cur.key) { return ans + (cur.l != null ? cur.l.all : 0); } else if (key < cur.key) { cur = cur.l; } else { ans += cur.all - (cur.r != null ? cur.r.all : 0); cur = cur.r; } } return ans; } // > 7 8... // <8 ...<=7 public long moreKeySize(long key) { return root != null ? (root.all - lessKeySize(key + 1)) : 0; } } // 好理解的版本,求[a,b]上满足数量的个数 public static int countRangeSum2(int[] nums, int lower, int upper) { SizeBalancedTreeSet treeSet = new SizeBalancedTreeSet(); long sum = 0; int ans = 0; // 一个数都没有的时候词频是0 treeSet.add(0); for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) { sum += nums[i]; // sum = x [a,b] start > x-a -start < -x+a x-start < a // [a,b] // < a > b // i + 1 <a - <b long lessLowers = treeSet.moreKeySize(sum - lower); // sum = x [a,b] start < x-b -start > -x+b x-start > b long moreUppers = treeSet.lessKeySize(sum - upper); ans += i + 1 - lessLowers - moreUppers; treeSet.add(sum); } return ans; } // for test public static void printArray(int[] arr) { for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { System.out.print(arr[i] + " "); } System.out.println(); } // for test public static int[] generateArray(int len, int varible) { int[] arr = new int[len]; for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { arr[i] = (int) (Math.random() * varible); } return arr; } public static void main(String[] args) { int len = 200; int varible = 50; for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { int[] test = generateArray(len, varible); int lower = (int) (Math.random() * varible) - (int) (Math.random() * varible); int upper = lower + (int) (Math.random() * varible); int ans1 = countRangeSum1(test, lower, upper); int ans2 = countRangeSum2(test, lower, upper); if (ans1 != ans2) { printArray(test); System.out.println(lower); System.out.println(upper); System.out.println(ans1); System.out.println(ans2); } } } } ``` > 有序表结构本身比较重要,我们也经常使用系统实现的有序表,但是涉及到手动改有序表的实现,本身就已经比较难,而且面试出现的概率不是很高 Java的TreeMap底层是红黑树,但是SB树完全可以替换,没任何差别