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### HttpGzipStatic Before serving a file from disk to a gzip-enabled client, this module will look for a precompressed file in the same location that ends in ".gz". The purpose is to avoid compressing the same file each time it is requested. 在开始压缩创建硬盘上的文件之前,本模块将查找同目录下同名的.gz压缩文件,以避免同一文件再次压缩。 ngx_http_gzip_static_module was introduced in nginx 0.6.24. You must enable support at compile time: nginx 0.6.24开始加入ngx_http_gzip_static_module . 编译时加上: ~~~ ./configure --with-http_gzip_static_module ~~~ 例如: ~~~ gzip_static on;   gzip_http_version 1.1; gzip_proxied expired no-cache no-store private auth; gzip_disable "MSIE [1-6]\."; gzip_vary on; ~~~ ### 指令 ### gzip_static **syntax:***gzip_static on|off* **default:***gzip_static off* **context:***http, server, location* Enables the module. You should ensure that the timestamps of the compressed and uncompressed files match. 启动模块。您应该确保压缩和解压文件的时间戳匹配。 ### gzip_http_version See [NginxHttpGzipModule](# "NginxHttpGzipModule") ### gzip_proxied See [NginxHttpGzipModule](# "NginxHttpGzipModule") ### gzip_disable See [NginxHttpGzipModule](# "NginxHttpGzipModule") ### gzip_vary See [NginxHttpGzipModule](# "NginxHttpGzipModule")