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## 代码格式化 展开见详细描述. 主要依照[C++ 格式规范]( ( [中文版]( ), 针对 JavaScript, 还有下面一些附加说明. ### 大括号 分号会被隐式插入到代码中, 所以你务必在同一行上插入大括号. 例如: ``` if (something) { // ... } else { // ... } ``` ### 数组和对象的初始化 如果初始值不是很长, 就保持写在单行上: ``` var arr = [1, 2, 3]; // No space after [ or before ]. var obj = {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}; // No space after { or before }. ``` 初始值占用多行时, 缩进2个空格. ``` // Object initializer. var inset = { top: 10, right: 20, bottom: 15, left: 12 }; // Array initializer. this.rows_ = [ '"Slartibartfast" <>', '"Zaphod Beeblebrox" <>', '"Ford Prefect" <>', '"Arthur Dent" <>', '"Marvin the Paranoid Android" <>', '' ]; // Used in a method call. goog.dom.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV, { id: 'foo', className: 'some-css-class', style: 'display:none' }, 'Hello, world!'); ``` 比较长的标识符或者数值, 不要为了让代码好看些而手工对齐. 如: ``` CORRECT_Object.prototype = { a: 0, b: 1, lengthyName: 2 }; ``` 不要这样做: ``` WRONG_Object.prototype = { a : 0, b : 1, lengthyName: 2 }; ``` ### 函数参数 尽量让函数参数在同一行上. 如果一行超过 80 字符, 每个参数独占一行, 并以4个空格缩进, 或者与括号对齐, 以提高可读性. 尽可能不要让每行超过80个字符. 比如下面这样: ``` // Four-space, wrap at 80\. Works with very long function names, survives // renaming without reindenting, low on space. = function( veryDescriptiveArgumentNumberOne, veryDescriptiveArgumentTwo, tableModelEventHandlerProxy, artichokeDescriptorAdapterIterator) { // ... }; // Four-space, one argument per line. Works with long function names, // survives renaming, and emphasizes each argument. = function( veryDescriptiveArgumentNumberOne, veryDescriptiveArgumentTwo, tableModelEventHandlerProxy, artichokeDescriptorAdapterIterator) { // ... }; // Parenthesis-aligned indentation, wrap at 80\. Visually groups arguments, // low on space. function foo(veryDescriptiveArgumentNumberOne, veryDescriptiveArgumentTwo, tableModelEventHandlerProxy, artichokeDescriptorAdapterIterator) { // ... } // Parenthesis-aligned, one argument per line. Visually groups and // emphasizes each individual argument. function bar(veryDescriptiveArgumentNumberOne, veryDescriptiveArgumentTwo, tableModelEventHandlerProxy, artichokeDescriptorAdapterIterator) { // ... } ``` ### 传递匿名函数 如果参数中有匿名函数, 函数体从调用该函数的左边开始缩进2个空格, 而不是从 function 这个关键字开始. 这让匿名函数更加易读 (不要增加很多没必要的缩进让函数体显示在屏幕的右侧). ``` var names = { return; }); prefix.something.reallyLongFunctionName('whatever', function(a1, a2) { if (a1.equals(a2)) { someOtherLongFunctionName(a1); } else { andNowForSomethingCompletelyDifferent(a2.parrot); } }); ``` ### 更多的缩进 事实上, 除了[初始化数组和对象](#Array_and_Object_literals), 和传递匿名函数外, 所有被拆开的多行文本要么选择与之前的表达式左对齐, 要么以4个(而不是2个)空格作为一缩进层次. ``` someWonderfulHtml = '' + getEvenMoreHtml(someReallyInterestingValues, moreValues, evenMoreParams, 'a duck', true, 72, slightlyMoreMonkeys(0xfff)) + ''; thisIsAVeryLongVariableName = hereIsAnEvenLongerOtherFunctionNameThatWillNotFitOnPrevLine(); thisIsAVeryLongVariableName = 'expressionPartOne' + someMethodThatIsLong() + thisIsAnEvenLongerOtherFunctionNameThatCannotBeIndentedMore(); someValue = shortArg, 'Some really long string arg - this is a pretty common case, actually.', shorty2,; if (searchableCollection(allYourStuff).contains(theStuffYouWant) && !ambientNotification.isActive() && (client.isAmbientSupported() || client.alwaysTryAmbientAnyways()) { ambientNotification.activate(); } ``` ### 空行 使用空行来划分一组逻辑上相关联的代码片段. ``` doSomethingTo(x); doSomethingElseTo(x); andThen(x); nowDoSomethingWith(y); andNowWith(z); ``` ### 二元和三元操作符 操作符始终跟随着前行, 这样就不用顾虑分号的隐式插入问题. 如果一行实在放不下, 还是按照上述的缩进风格来换行. ``` var x = a ? b : c; // All on one line if it will fit. // Indentation +4 is OK. var y = a ? longButSimpleOperandB : longButSimpleOperandC; // Indenting to the line position of the first operand is also OK. var z = a ? moreComplicatedB : moreComplicatedC; ```