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## 问题 You want your program to terminate by printing a message to standard error and re‐turning a nonzero status code. ## 解决方案 To have a program terminate in this manner, raise a SystemExit exception, but supplythe error message as an argument. For example: raise SystemExit(‘It failed!') This will cause the supplied message to be printed to sys.stderr and the program toexit with a status code of 1. ## 讨论 This is a small recipe, but it solves a common problem that arises when writing scripts.Namely, to terminate a program, you might be inclined to write code like this: import syssys.stderr.write(‘It failed!n')raise SystemExit(1) None of the extra steps involving import or writing to sys.stderr are neccessary if yousimply supply the message to SystemExit() instead.