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This is used in the Python debugger and may be useful in other contexts as well. This module provides a class, an instance, and a function: *class* `reprlib.``Repr`Class which provides formatting services useful in implementing functions similar to the built-in [`repr()`](functions.xhtml#repr "repr"); size limits for different object types are added to avoid the generation of representations which are excessively long. `reprlib.``aRepr`This is an instance of [`Repr`](#reprlib.Repr "reprlib.Repr") which is used to provide the [`repr()`](#reprlib.repr "reprlib.repr") function described below. Changing the attributes of this object will affect the size limits used by [`repr()`](#reprlib.repr "reprlib.repr") and the Python debugger. `reprlib.``repr`(*obj*)This is the [`repr()`](#reprlib.Repr.repr "reprlib.Repr.repr") method of `aRepr`. It returns a string similar to that returned by the built-in function of the same name, but with limits on most sizes. In addition to size-limiting tools, the module also provides a decorator for detecting recursive calls to [`__repr__()`](../reference/datamodel.xhtml#object.__repr__ "object.__repr__") and substituting a placeholder string instead. `@``reprlib.``recursive_repr`(*fillvalue="..."*)Decorator for [`__repr__()`](../reference/datamodel.xhtml#object.__repr__ "object.__repr__") methods to detect recursive calls within the same thread. If a recursive call is made, the *fillvalue* is returned, otherwise, the usual [`__repr__()`](../reference/datamodel.xhtml#object.__repr__ "object.__repr__") call is made. For example: ``` >>> from reprlib import recursive_repr >>> class MyList(list): ... @recursive_repr() ... def __repr__(self): ... return '<' + '|'.join(map(repr, self)) + '>' ... >>> m = MyList('abc') >>> m.append(m) >>> m.append('x') >>> print(m) <'a'|'b'|'c'|...|'x'> ``` 3\.2 新版功能. ## Repr Objects [`Repr`](#reprlib.Repr "reprlib.Repr") instances provide several attributes which can be used to provide size limits for the representations of different object types, and methods which format specific object types. `Repr.``maxlevel`Depth limit on the creation of recursive representations. The default is `6`. `Repr.``maxdict``Repr.``maxlist``Repr.``maxtuple``Repr.``maxset``Repr.``maxfrozenset``Repr.``maxdeque``Repr.``maxarray`Limits on the number of entries represented for the named object type. The default is `4` for [`maxdict`](#reprlib.Repr.maxdict "reprlib.Repr.maxdict"), `5` for [`maxarray`](#reprlib.Repr.maxarray "reprlib.Repr.maxarray"), and `6` for the others. `Repr.``maxlong`Maximum number of characters in the representation for an integer. Digits are dropped from the middle. The default is `40`. `Repr.``maxstring`Limit on the number of characters in the representation of the string. Note that the "normal" representation of the string is used as the character source: if escape sequences are needed in the representation, these may be mangled when the representation is shortened. The default is `30`. `Repr.``maxother`This limit is used to control the size of object types for which no specific formatting method is available on the [`Repr`](#reprlib.Repr "reprlib.Repr") object. It is applied in a similar manner as [`maxstring`](#reprlib.Repr.maxstring "reprlib.Repr.maxstring"). The default is `20`. `Repr.``repr`(*obj*)The equivalent to the built-in [`repr()`](functions.xhtml#repr "repr") that uses the formatting imposed by the instance. `Repr.``repr1`(*obj*, *level*)Recursive implementation used by [`repr()`](#reprlib.Repr.repr "reprlib.Repr.repr"). This uses the type of *obj* to determine which formatting method to call, passing it *obj* and *level*. The type-specific methods should call [`repr1()`](#reprlib.Repr.repr1 "reprlib.Repr.repr1") to perform recursive formatting, with `level - 1` for the value of *level* in the recursive call. `Repr.``repr_TYPE`(*obj*, *level*)Formatting methods for specific types are implemented as methods with a name based on the type name. In the method name, **TYPE** is replaced by `'_'.join(type(obj).__name__.split())`. Dispatch to these methods is handled by [`repr1()`](#reprlib.Repr.repr1 "reprlib.Repr.repr1"). Type-specific methods which need to recursively format a value should call `self.repr1(subobj, level - 1)`. ## Subclassing Repr Objects The use of dynamic dispatching by [`Repr.repr1()`](#reprlib.Repr.repr1 "reprlib.Repr.repr1") allows subclasses of [`Repr`](#reprlib.Repr "reprlib.Repr") to add support for additional built-in object types or to modify the handling of types already supported. This example shows how special support for file objects could be added: ``` import reprlib import sys class MyRepr(reprlib.Repr): def repr_TextIOWrapper(self, obj, level): if obj.name in {'<stdin>', '<stdout>', '<stderr>'}: return obj.name return repr(obj) aRepr = MyRepr() print(aRepr.repr(sys.stdin)) # prints '<stdin>' ``` ### 导航 - [索引](../genindex.xhtml "总目录") - [模块](../py-modindex.xhtml "Python 模块索引") | - [下一页](enum.xhtml "enum --- Support for enumerations") | - [上一页](pprint.xhtml "pprint --- 数据美化输出") | - ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/a721fc7ec672275e257bbbfde49a4d4e_16x16.png) - [Python](https://www.python.org/) » - zh\_CN 3.7.3 [文档](../index.xhtml) » - [Python 标准库](index.xhtml) » - [数据类型](datatypes.xhtml) » - $('.inline-search').show(0); | © [版权所有](../copyright.xhtml) 2001-2019, Python Software Foundation. Python 软件基金会是一个非盈利组织。 [请捐助。](https://www.python.org/psf/donations/) 最后更新于 5月 21, 2019. [发现了问题](../bugs.xhtml)? 使用[Sphinx](http://sphinx.pocoo.org/)1.8.4 创建。