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# 附录:版本历史 我为我编写的“Diamond”软件编写简化安装过程的安装程序时,我第一次开始使用Python。我不得不在Python还是Perl上绑定Qt库进行选择。我在网上做了一些研究,偶然发现了[Eric S. Raymond的一篇文章] (http://www.python.org/about/success/esr/), Raymond是一个著名的、值得尊敬的黑客。其中他谈道,Python是如何成为他最喜爱的编程语言的。我也发现PyQt的绑定比Perl-QT更加成熟。所以我决定选择Python。 然后,我开始搜索Python的优秀书籍。我没能找到一本!我确实找到了一些O'Reilly的书,但是它们要么太贵,要么更像是参考手册而不是教程。于是,我免强接受了Python的随机文档。但是它过于简单和小巧。它的确给出了关于Python的妙计,但是不完整。由于我有编程经验,因此我能够对付它,但它并不适合于初学者。 在我第一次使用Python六个月后,我安装了当时最新的Red Hat 9.0 Linux,开始使用KWord。我对它很兴奋,突然冒出一个想法,用它写一些关于Python的东西。我开始写了几页,但是很快就有30页之多。然后我认真地将其变成书的形式,使它更有用。经过几次重写,它已经达到了作为学习Python语言有用教程的水准。我将这本书作为我的贡献捐赠给开源社区。 本书开始于我在Python上的学习笔记,尽管为满足他人的口味,我做出了大量的努力,但直到现在我依然这么认为: 在开源的真正精神中,我收到了很多热心读者的建设性意见、批评和[反馈](./README.md#who-reads-bop),这些帮助我改进了本书。 ## 本书的状态 本书需要像您这样的读者的帮助,指出任何不足、难以理解或者错误之处。请[写信给主要作者](http://www.swaroopch.com/contact/) 或者各个[译者](translations.md#translations)留下您的意见和建议。 # Appendix: Revision History {#revision-history} - 4.0 - 19 Jan 2016 - Switched back to Python 3 - Switched back to Markdown, using [GitBook](https://www.gitbook.com) and [Spacemacs](http://spacemacs.org) - 3.0 - 31 Mar 2014 - Rewritten for Python 2 using [AsciiDoc](http://asciidoctor.org/docs/what-is-asciidoc/) and [adoc-mode](https://github.com/sensorflo/adoc-mode/wiki). - 2.1 - 03 Aug 2013 - Rewritten using Markdown and [Jason Blevins' Markdown Mode](http://jblevins.org/projects/markdown-mode/) - 2.0 - 20 Oct 2012 - Rewritten in [Pandoc format](http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/README.html), thanks to my wife who did most of the conversion from the Mediawiki format - Simplifying text, removing non-essential sections such as `nonlocal` and metaclasses - 1.90 - 04 Sep 2008 and still in progress - Revival after a gap of 3.5 years! - Rewriting for Python 3.0 - Rewrite using http://www.mediawiki.org[MediaWiki] (again) - 1.20 - 13 Jan 2005 - Complete rewrite using [Quanta+](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quanta_Plus) on [Fedora](http://fedoraproject.org/) Core 3 with lot of corrections and updates. Many new examples. Rewrote my DocBook setup from scratch. - 1.15 - 28 Mar 2004 - Minor revisions - 1.12 - 16 Mar 2004 - Additions and corrections - 1.10 - 09 Mar 2004 - More typo corrections, thanks to many enthusiastic and helpful readers. - 1.00 - 08 Mar 2004 - After tremendous feedback and suggestions from readers, I have made significant revisions to the content along with typo corrections. - 0.99 - 22 Feb 2004 - Added a new chapter on modules. Added details about variable number of arguments in functions. - 0.98 - 16 Feb 2004 - Wrote a Python script and CSS stylesheet to improve XHTML output, including a crude-yet-functional lexical analyzer for automatic VIM-like syntax highlighting of the program listings. - 0.97 - 13 Feb 2004 - Another completely rewritten draft, in DocBook XML (again). Book has improved a lot - it is more coherent and readable. - 0.93 - 25 Jan 2004 - Added IDLE talk and more Windows-specific stuff - 0.92 - 05 Jan 2004 - Changes to few examples. - 0.91 - 30 Dec 2003 - Corrected typos. Improvised many topics. - 0.90 - 18 Dec 2003 - Added 2 more chapters. [OpenOffice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenOffice) format with revisions. - 0.60 - 21 Nov 2003 - Fully rewritten and expanded. - 0.20 - 20 Nov 2003 - Corrected some typos and errors. - 0.15 - 20 Nov 2003 - Converted to [DocBook XML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DocBook) with XEmacs. - 0.10 - 14 Nov 2003 - Initial draft using [KWord](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kword). -------------------------------------------------- ### 继续阅读[附录: 翻译](translations.md)