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### 测试模型实体 > module/Album/test/Model/AlbumTest.php ```php <?php namespace AlbumTest\Model; use Album\Model\Album; use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase; class AlbumTest extends TestCase { public function testInitialAlbumValuesAreNull() { $album = new Album(); $this->assertNull($album->artist, '"artist" should be null by default'); $this->assertNull($album->id, '"id" should be null by default'); $this->assertNull($album->title, '"title" should be null by default'); } public function testExchangeArraySetsPropertiesCorrectly() { $album = new Album(); $data = [ 'artist' => 'some artist', 'id' => 123, 'title' => 'some title' ]; $album->exchangeArray($data); $this->assertSame( $data['artist'], $album->artist, '"artist" was not set correctly' ); $this->assertSame( $data['id'], $album->id, '"id" was not set correctly' ); $this->assertSame( $data['title'], $album->title, '"title" was not set correctly' ); } public function testExchangeArraySetsPropertiesToNullIfKeysAreNotPresent() { $album = new Album(); $album->exchangeArray([ 'artist' => 'some artist', 'id' => 123, 'title' => 'some title', ]); $album->exchangeArray([]); $this->assertNull($album->artist, '"artist" should default to null'); $this->assertNull($album->id, '"id" should default to null'); $this->assertNull($album->title, '"title" should default to null'); } public function testGetArrayCopyReturnsAnArrayWithPropertyValues() { $album = new Album(); $data = [ 'artist' => 'some artist', 'id' => 123, 'title' => 'some title' ]; $album->exchangeArray($data); $copyArray = $album->getArrayCopy(); $this->assertSame($data['artist'], $copyArray['artist'], '"artist" was not set correctly'); $this->assertSame($data['id'], $copyArray['id'], '"id" was not set correctly'); $this->assertSame($data['title'], $copyArray['title'], '"title" was not set correctly'); } public function testInputFiltersAreSetCorrectly() { $album = new Album(); $inputFilter = $album->getInputFilter(); $this->assertSame(3, $inputFilter->count()); $this->assertTrue($inputFilter->has('artist')); $this->assertTrue($inputFilter->has('id')); $this->assertTrue($inputFilter->has('title')); } } ```