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### Query源码 <br> 因为QuerySet里面的几个核心函数都设计了self.query这个属性值,而self.query实质上就是Query类的实例,所以这里先得对Query的几个函数进行分析 #### __init__函数 <br> ~~~ class Query(object): """ A single SQL query. """ alias_prefix = 'T' subq_aliases = frozenset([alias_prefix]) query_terms = QUERY_TERMS compiler = 'SQLCompiler' def __init__(self, model, where=WhereNode): self.model = model self.alias_refcount = {} # alias_map is the most important data structure regarding joins. # It's used for recording which joins exist in the query and what # types they are. The key is the alias of the joined table (possibly # the table name) and the value is a Join-like object (see # sql.datastructures.Join for more information). self.alias_map = {} # Sometimes the query contains references to aliases in outer queries (as # a result of split_exclude). Correct alias quoting needs to know these # aliases too. self.external_aliases = set() self.table_map = {} # Maps table names to list of aliases. self.default_cols = True self.default_ordering = True self.standard_ordering = True self.used_aliases = set() self.filter_is_sticky = False # SQL-related attributes # Select and related select clauses are expressions to use in the # SELECT clause of the query. # The select is used for cases where we want to set up the select # clause to contain other than default fields (values(), subqueries...) # Note that annotations go to annotations dictionary. self.select = [] self.tables = [] # Aliases in the order they are created. self.where = where() self.where_class = where # The group_by attribute can have one of the following forms: # - None: no group by at all in the query # - A list of expressions: group by (at least) those expressions. # String refs are also allowed for now. # - True: group by all select fields of the model # See compiler.get_group_by() for details. self.group_by = None self.order_by = [] self.low_mark, self.high_mark = 0, None # Used for offset/limit self.distinct = False self.distinct_fields = [] self.select_for_update = False self.select_for_update_nowait = False self.select_related = False # Arbitrary limit for select_related to prevents infinite recursion. self.max_depth = 5 # Holds the selects defined by a call to values() or values_list() # excluding annotation_select and extra_select. self.values_select = [] # SQL annotation-related attributes # The _annotations will be an OrderedDict when used. Due to the cost # of creating OrderedDict this attribute is created lazily (in # self.annotations property). self._annotations = None # Maps alias -> Annotation Expression self.annotation_select_mask = None self._annotation_select_cache = None # These are for extensions. The contents are more or less appended # verbatim to the appropriate clause. # The _extra attribute is an OrderedDict, lazily created similarly to # .annotations self._extra = None # Maps col_alias -> (col_sql, params). self.extra_select_mask = None self._extra_select_cache = None self.extra_tables = () self.extra_order_by = () # A tuple that is a set of model field names and either True, if these # are the fields to defer, or False if these are the only fields to # load. self.deferred_loading = (set(), True) self.context = {} ~~~ <br> 属性非常多,这里暂时只关注两个和当前相关的属性self.low_mark, self.high_mark,这两个属性实质上就是数组的左右边界值标记而已,也就是[start:end]里的start和end,明确这点暂时就够了 <br> ~~~ def clone(self, klass=None, memo=None, **kwargs): """ Creates a copy of the current instance. The 'kwargs' parameter can be used by clients to update attributes after copying has taken place. """ obj = Empty() obj.__class__ = klass or self.__class__ obj.model = self.model obj.alias_refcount = self.alias_refcount.copy() obj.alias_map = self.alias_map.copy() obj.external_aliases = self.external_aliases.copy() obj.table_map = self.table_map.copy() obj.default_cols = self.default_cols obj.default_ordering = self.default_ordering obj.standard_ordering = self.standard_ordering obj.select = self.select[:] obj.tables = self.tables[:] obj.where = self.where.clone() obj.where_class = self.where_class if self.group_by is None: obj.group_by = None elif self.group_by is True: obj.group_by = True else: obj.group_by = self.group_by[:] obj.order_by = self.order_by[:] obj.low_mark, obj.high_mark = self.low_mark, self.high_mark obj.distinct = self.distinct obj.distinct_fields = self.distinct_fields[:] obj.select_for_update = self.select_for_update obj.select_for_update_nowait = self.select_for_update_nowait obj.select_related = self.select_related obj.values_select = self.values_select[:] obj._annotations = self._annotations.copy() if self._annotations is not None else None if self.annotation_select_mask is None: obj.annotation_select_mask = None else: obj.annotation_select_mask = self.annotation_select_mask.copy() # _annotation_select_cache cannot be copied, as doing so breaks the # (necessary) state in which both annotations and # _annotation_select_cache point to the same underlying objects. # It will get re-populated in the cloned queryset the next time it's # used. obj._annotation_select_cache = None obj.max_depth = self.max_depth obj._extra = self._extra.copy() if self._extra is not None else None if self.extra_select_mask is None: obj.extra_select_mask = None else: obj.extra_select_mask = self.extra_select_mask.copy() if self._extra_select_cache is None: obj._extra_select_cache = None else: obj._extra_select_cache = self._extra_select_cache.copy() obj.extra_tables = self.extra_tables obj.extra_order_by = self.extra_order_by obj.deferred_loading = copy.copy(self.deferred_loading[0]), self.deferred_loading[1] if self.filter_is_sticky and self.used_aliases: obj.used_aliases = self.used_aliases.copy() else: obj.used_aliases = set() obj.filter_is_sticky = False if 'alias_prefix' in self.__dict__: obj.alias_prefix = self.alias_prefix if 'subq_aliases' in self.__dict__: obj.subq_aliases = self.subq_aliases.copy() obj.__dict__.update(kwargs) if hasattr(obj, '_setup_query'): obj._setup_query() obj.context = self.context.copy() return obj ~~~