🔥码云GVP开源项目 12k star Uniapp+ElementUI 功能强大 支持多语言、二开方便! 广告
**一、mfscli工具:** mfscli -SIC -H mfsmaster -h : print this message and exit -v : print version number and exit -p : force plain text format on tty devices -s separator : field separator to use in plain text format on tty devices (forces -p) -2 : force 256-color terminal color codes -8 : force 8-color terminal color codes -H master_host : master address (default: mfsmaster) -P master_port : master client port (default: 9421) -n : do not resolve ip addresses (default when output device is not tty) -f frame charset number : set frame charset to be displayed as table frames in ttymode -S data set : defines data set to be displayed -SIN : show full master info 展示主服务器信息 -SIM : show only masters states 只展示主服务器的状态 -SLI : show only licence info 展示许可证信息 -SIG : show only general master (leader) info 展示主服务器的全部信息 -SMU : show only master memory usage 展示主服务器内存信息 -SIC : show only chunks info (goal/copies matrices) 展示元数据服务器信息 -SIL : show only loop info (with messages) 显示chunkserver循环信息 -SMF : show only missing chunks/files 展示丢失文件信息 -SCS : show connected chunk servers 展示已连接的chunkserver -SMB : show connected metadata backup servers 展示连接的备份服务器 -SHD : show hdd data 展示磁盘信息 -SEX : show exports 展示报告 -SMS : show active mounts 展示挂载信息 -SRS : show resources (storage classes,open files,acquired locks) -SSC : show storage classes 展示存储类 -SOF : show only open files 展示正在打开的文件 -SAL : show only acquired locks 展示锁住的文件 -SMO : show operation counters 查看文件数量 -SQU : show quota info 查看配额信息 -SMC : show master charts data 主服务器的图标数据 -SCC : show chunkserver charts data 元数据服务器的图表数据 ** 二、切机脚本** ~~~ #!/bin/bash PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/home/mfs/sbin:/home/mfs/bin export PATH case "$1" in start) mfsmaster -c /etc/mfs/mfsmaster.cfg -a -i mfsmaster -c /etc/mfs1/mfsmaster.cfg -a -i mfsmaster -c /etc/mfs1/mfsmaster.cfg -a -i ;; stop) mfsmaster -c /etc/mfs/mfsmaster.cfg stop mfsmaster -c /etc/mfs1/mfsmaster.cfg stop mfsmaster -c /etc/mfs2/mfsmaster.cfg stop ;; status) pidnum1=`ps -ef | grep mfsmaster | grep -v mfs1 |grep -v mfs2 | grep -v grep | wc -l` pidnum2=`ps -ef | grep mfsmaster | grep mfs1 | grep -v grep | wc -l` pidnum3=`ps -ef | grep mfsmaster | grep mfs2 | grep -v grep | wc -l` if [ $pidnum1 -gt 0 -a $pidnum2 -gt 0 -a $pidnum3 -gt 0 ]; then echo "mfsmaster and mfsmaster1 running" exit 0 else echo " mfsmaster and mfsmaster1 is not running" fi exit 2 ;; esac exit $? ~~~