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# xorm 工具 xorm 是一组数据库操作命令行工具。 ### 二进制安装 如果你安装了 [got](https://github.com/gobuild/got),你可以输入如下命令安装: ~~~ got go-xorm/cmd/xorm ~~~ 或者你可以从 [gobuild](http://gobuild.io/download/github.com/lunny/got) 下载后解压到可执行路径。 ### 源码安装 `go get github.com/go-xorm/cmd/xorm` 同时你需要安装如下依赖: - github.com/go-xorm/xorm - Mysql: [github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql](https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql) - MyMysql: [github.com/ziutek/mymysql/godrv](https://github.com/ziutek/mymysql/godrv) - Postgres: [github.com/lib/pq](https://github.com/lib/pq) - SQLite: [github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3](https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3) ** 对于sqlite3的支持,你需要自己进行编译 `go build -tags sqlite3` 因为sqlite3需要cgo的支持。 ### 命令列表 有如下可用的命令: - **reverse** 反转一个数据库结构,生成代码 - **shell** 通用的数据库操作客户端,可对数据库结构和数据操作 - **dump** Dump数据库中所有结构和数据到标准输出 - **source** 从标注输入中执行SQL文件 - **driver** 列出所有支持的数据库驱动 ### reverse Reverse command is a tool to convert your database struct to all kinds languages of structs or classes. After you installed the tool, you can type `xorm help reverse` to get help example: sqlite:`xorm reverse sqite3 test.db templates/goxorm` mysql:`xorm reverse mysql root:@/xorm_test?charset=utf8 templates/goxorm` mymysql:`xorm reverse mymysql xorm_test2/root/ templates/goxorm` postgres:`xorm reverse postgres "dbname=xorm_test sslmode=disable" templates/goxorm` will generated go files in `./model` directory ### Template and Config Now, xorm tool supports go and c++ two languages and have go, goxorm, c++ three of default templates. In template directory, we can put a config file to control how to generating. ~~~ lang=go genJson=1 ~~~ lang must be go or c++ now.genJson can be 1 or 0, if 1 then the struct will have json tag. ### Shell Shell command provides a tool to operate database. For example, you can create table, alter table, insert data, delete data and etc. `xorm shell sqlite3 test.db` will connect to the sqlite3 database and you can type `help` to list all the shell commands. ### Dump Dump command provides a tool to dump all database structs and data as SQL to your standard output. `xorm dump sqlite3 test.db` could dump sqlite3 database test.db to standard output. If you want to save to file, justtype `xorm dump sqlite3 test.db > test.sql`. ### Source `xorm source sqlite3 test.db < test.sql` will execute sql file on the test.db. ### Driver List all supported drivers since default build will not include sqlite3. ### LICENSE BSD License [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/BSD/](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/BSD/)