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# Python API - [Seafile Python API](#) - [Install Seafile Server](#) - [Example: Copy Library](#) - [Set Environment Variable](#) - [Copy Library](#) - [List Of Seafile-API](#) # Seafile Python API This tutorial show you how to use seafile-api, and will accomplish a "library copy" work under **Ubuntu** as example. ### Install Seafile Server First of all, make sure you have [Download and Setup Seafile Server]( successfully. And your directory layout will be like this: ~~~ # tree . -L 3 . ├── ccnet │ ├── ccnet.conf │ ├── ...... │...... ├── seafile-server-3.0.3 │ ├── seafile │ ├── │ ├── seahub │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── upgrade │ ├── README │ ├── │ ├── │ ├── ...... │ ├── ...... │...... ~~~ ### Example: Copy Library In this example, two script files will be used: `` and ``. We put them in the **upgrade** directory as you see above. ### Set Environment Variable If you want use Seafile-API, set environment variable first. That's what `` does: 1. get ccnet/seafile config file path and export them; 1. export Python path; 1. call ``. Example code ~~~ #!/bin/bash #get path of ccnet.conf SCRIPT=$(readlink -f "$0") # haiwen/seafile-server-3.0.3/upgrade/ UPGRADE_DIR=$(dirname "$SCRIPT") # haiwen/seafile-server-3.0.3/upgrade/ INSTALLPATH=$(dirname "$UPGRADE_DIR") # haiwen/seafile-server-3.0.3/ TOPDIR=$(dirname "${INSTALLPATH}") # haiwen/ default_ccnet_conf_dir=${TOPDIR}/ccnet #get path of seafile.conf function read_seafile_data_dir () { seafile_ini=${default_ccnet_conf_dir}/seafile.ini if [[ ! -f ${seafile_ini} ]]; then echo "${seafile_ini} not found. Now quit" exit 1 fi seafile_data_dir=$(cat "${seafile_ini}") if [[ ! -d ${seafile_data_dir} ]]; then echo "Your seafile server data directory \"${seafile_data_dir}\" is invalid or doesn't exits." echo "Please check it first, or create this directory yourself." echo "" exit 1; fi export SEAFILE_CONF_DIR=$seafile_data_dir } export CCNET_CONF_DIR=${default_ccnet_conf_dir} read_seafile_data_dir; export PYTHONPATH=${INSTALLPATH}/seafile/lib/python2.6/site-packages:${INSTALLPATH}/seafile/lib64/python2.6/site-packages:${INSTALLPATH}/seafile/lib/python2.7/site-packages:${INSTALLPATH}/seahub/thirdpart:$PYTHONPATH export PYTHONPATH=${INSTALLPATH}/seafile/lib/python2.7/site-packages:${INSTALLPATH}/seafile/lib64/python2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH function usage () { echo "Usage: `basename $0` <repo-id>" echo "exit." exit 1 } if [ $# != 1 ]; then usage fi python $1 ~~~ > **NOTE:**You can get `repo_id` at address bar of Seahub or through [Seafile web API]( ### Copy Library Then `` will call Seafile-API to copy library: 1. Get library ID from input. 1. Get origin_repo object. 1. Create a new library, set name, desc and owner. 1. Copy stuffs from old library to new library. Example code ~~~ #!/usr/bin/env python import os import stat import sys from seaserv import seafile_api def count_files_recursive(repo_id, path='/'): num_files = 0 for e in seafile_api.list_dir_by_path(repo_id, path): if stat.S_ISDIR(e.mode): num_files += count_files_recursive(repo_id, os.path.join(path, e.obj_name)) else: num_files += 1 return num_files #Get library ID from input origin_repo_id = sys.argv[1] #Get origin_repo object origin_repo = seafile_api.get_repo(origin_repo_id) username = seafile_api.get_repo_owner(origin_repo_id) #Create a new library, set name, desc and owner new_repo_id = seafile_api.create_repo(, desc=origin_repo.desc, username=username, passwd=None) #Copy stuffs from old library to new library dirents = seafile_api.list_dir_by_path(origin_repo_id, '/') for e in dirents: print "copying: " + e.obj_name obj_name = e.obj_name seafile_api.copy_file(origin_repo_id, '/', obj_name, new_repo_id, '/', obj_name, username, 0, 1) print "*" * 60 print "OK, verifying..." print "Origin library(%s): %d files. New Library(%s): %d files." % ( origin_repo_id[:8], count_files_recursive(origin_repo_id), new_repo_id[:8], count_files_recursive(new_repo_id)) print "*" * 60 ~~~ If you execute script file successfully, you will see these output, and of course a new library at myhome page of Seahub. ~~~ foo@foo:~/haiwen/seafile-server-3.0.3/upgrade$ ./ c8bbb088-cbaf-411d-8bd8-9870763f0e5f Loading ccnet config from /home/foo/haiwen/ccnet Loading seafile config from /home/foo/haiwen/seafile-data copying: test.html copying: test-dir-2 copying: test-dir copying: solar.html copying: examples.desktop ************************************************************ OK, verifying... Origin library(c8bbb088): 10 files. New Library(4d6f4837): 10 files. ************************************************************ ~~~ ### List Of Seafile-API This list is based on **seafile-server-3.0.3**, and parameter was omitted. For more infomation about Seafile-API, please see []( > - seafile_api.add_inner_pub_repo() > - seafile_api.cancel_copy_task() > - seafile_api.change_repo_passwd() > - seafile_api.check_passwd() > - seafile_api.check_permission() > - seafile_api.check_quota() > - seafile_api.check_repo_access_permission() > - seafile_api.copy_file() > - seafile_api.count_inner_pub_repos() > - seafile_api.create_enc_repo() > - seafile_api.create_repo() > - seafile_api.create_virtual_repo() > - seafile_api.del_file() > - seafile_api.delete_repo_token() > - seafile_api.delete_repo_tokens_by_peer_id() > - seafile_api.diff_commits() > - seafile_api.edit_repo() > - seafile_api.generate_repo_token() > - seafile_api.get_commit_list() > - seafile_api.get_copy_task() > - seafile_api.get_decrypt_key() > - seafile_api.get_deleted() > - seafile_api.get_dir_id_by_commit_and_path() > - seafile_api.get_dir_id_by_path() > - seafile_api.get_file_id_by_commit_and_path() > - seafile_api.get_file_id_by_path() > - seafile_api.get_file_revisions() > - seafile_api.get_file_size() > - seafile_api.get_files_last_modified() > - seafile_api.get_group_repo_list() > - seafile_api.get_group_repoids() > - seafile_api.get_group_repos_by_owner() > - seafile_api.get_fileserver_access_token() > - seafile_api.get_inner_pub_repo_list() > - seafile_api.get_orphan_repo_list() > - seafile_api.get_owned_repo_list() > - seafile_api.get_repo() > - seafile_api.get_repo_list() > - seafile_api.get_repo_owner() > - seafile_api.get_repo_size() > - seafile_api.get_share_in_repo_list() > - seafile_api.get_share_out_repo_list() > - seafile_api.get_shared_groups_by_repo() > - seafile_api.get_user_quota() > - seafile_api.get_user_self_usage() > - seafile_api.get_user_share_usage() > - seafile_api.get_virtual_repo() > - seafile_api.get_virtual_repos_by_owner() > - seafile_api.group_share_repo() > - seafile_api.group_unshare_repo() > - seafile_api.is_inner_pub_repo() > - seafile_api.is_password_set() > - seafile_api.is_repo_owner() > - seafile_api.is_valid_filename() > - seafile_api.list_dir_by_commit_and_path() > - seafile_api.list_dir_by_dir_id() > - seafile_api.list_dir_by_path() > - seafile_api.list_file_by_file_id() > - seafile_api.list_repo_tokens() > - seafile_api.list_repo_tokens_by_email() > - seafile_api.move_file() > - seafile_api.post_dir() > - seafile_api.post_empty_file() > - seafile_api.post_file() > - seafile_api.put_file() > - seafile_api.query_fileserver_access_token() > - seafile_api.remove_inner_pub_repo() > - seafile_api.remove_repo() > - seafile_api.remove_share() > - seafile_api.rename_file() > - seafile_api.revert_dir() > - seafile_api.revert_file() > - seafile_api.revert_repo() > - seafile_api.set_group_repo_permission() > - seafile_api.set_passwd() > - seafile_api.set_repo_owner() > - seafile_api.set_share_permission() > - seafile_api.set_user_quota() > - seafile_api.share_repo() > - seafile_api.unset_passwd()