企业🤖AI Agent构建引擎,智能编排和调试,一键部署,支持私有化部署方案 广告
#### 推荐ODS + Oracle Directory Service Control Center + 高性能,可面向百万千万级别用户 + 可靠性高,支持集群多节点复制 + Web管理控制台 #### 测试安装使用ApacheDS + 安装简单 + 支持双向复制 + 老版本存在一些bug,高并发会写坏文件 #### 安装ApacheDS + 下载页面 []( + CentOS7系统直接下载2进制包安装 ``` $ mkdir -p /opt/pkg $ cd /opt/pkg $ wget $ sh apacheds-2.0.0.AM26-64bit.bin Do you agree to the above license terms? [yes or no] yes Unpacking the installer... Extracting the installer... Where do you want to install ApacheDS? [Default: /opt/apacheds-2.0.0.AM26] Where do you want to install ApacheDS instances? [Default: /var/lib/apacheds-2.0.0.AM26] What name do you want for the default instance? [Default: default] Where do you want to install the startup script? [Default: /etc/init.d] Which user do you want to run the server with (if not already existing, the specified user will be created)? [Default: apacheds] Which group do you want to run the server with (if not already existing, the specified group will be created)? [Default: apacheds] Installing... id: apacheds: no such user Done. ApacheDS has been installed successfully. ``` #### 启动服务 ``` # 需要JDK1.7以上版本并配置JAVA_HOME环境变量 $ /etc/init.d/apacheds-2.0.0.AM26-default start Starting ApacheDS - default... ``` #### 启用LDAP + 修改配置文件 `application-account-open.yml` ``` auth: externalAuthentication: ldap ``` + 修改配置文件 `application-ldap-open.yml` ``` spring: ldap: urls: ldap:// base: ou=system username: 'uid=admin,ou=system' password: secret ldap: custom: {userId: cn, userBaseDN: ou=users, userObjectClass: inetorgperson, groupId: cn, groupBaseDN: ou=groups, groupObjectClass: groupOfUniqueNames, groupMember: uniqueMember} ```