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Each field has a specific type. The type determines how a field appears and behaves, what form of data is stored, how it is stored, and how it is displayed and formatted for external destinations during export or synchronization. Fields of all types have the following parameters: Name Textual, case-insensitive field identifier that can include spaces Hint Textual prompt for field data entry 目录 [隐藏] 1 Field Types 1.1 Text fields 1.2 Number fields 1.3 Date and time fields 1.4 Credential fields 1.5 Media fields 1.6 Logicals and list fields 1.7 Link fields 1.8 Scripting fields 1.9 Contact fields 1.10 Miscellaneous fields Field Types[编辑] A field may have any of the following types. Text fields[编辑] Text fields are containers for text in a library Text Basic container for textual data Rich Text Container for formatted textual data Number fields[编辑] Number fields can be incremented, decremented, used in calculations, used as arguments to mathematical functions, such as in aggregation, etc. Integer Container for a positive, negative, or zero integer value. Can indicate units of measure. Real number Container for a rational number value. Can indicate units of measure. Currency Container for an international currency value Integer values An alternate container for an integer value Date and time fields[编辑] Date Container for a calendar date value Time Container for a time value DateTime Container for a date/time value Credential fields[编辑] Password Container for a password value Media fields[编辑] Image Container for image data Audio Container for audio data Logicals and list fields[编辑] Checkbox (Boolean) Container for a single true/false value Single-choice List Container for a string of text selected from a list of strings Radio Buttons Container for a string of text selected from a list of strings Multiple-choice List Container for a string that is a concatenation of text strings selected from a list of strings Checkboxes Container for a string that is a concatenation of text strings selected from a list of strings Link fields[编辑] Link To Entry Link to an entry of a specified library Link To File Container for the textual link to a file of a platform file system Hyperlink Container for a textual Internet link Scripting fields[编辑] Calculation Container for the result of a calculation expression written in Memento Script JavaScript Container for the result of a calculation script written in JavaScript Contact fields[编辑] Contact Container for a contact Phone number Container for a string representation of a telephone number Email address Container for a string representation of an email address Signature Container for a signature Miscellaneous fields[编辑] Barcode Container for a barcode Location Container for a geographic location Rating Container for a rating 分类:Spec