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[TOC] # Command Line Apps I use[brew]( manager to install all the[tools I use on my system]( I curate a list of[interesting CLI tools]( Below are ones I love & use: * [exa](\- Replacement for ls written in rust. * [ripgrep](\- Search text for patterns fast. * [fzf](\- Command-line fuzzy finder. * [fd](\- Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'. * [watchexec](\- Executes commands in response to file modifications. * [bat](\- Cat clone with wings. * [up](\- Deploy infinitely scalable serverless apps, APIs, and sites in seconds to AWS. * [jq](\- JSON processor. * [git](\- Version control. * [curl](\- Transfer data from or to a server. * [youtube-dl](\- Download videos from YouTube and other video sites. * [tmux](\- Terminal multiplexer. * [direnv](\- Environment switcher for the shell. * [htop](\- Interactive text-mode process viewer for Unix systems. * [httpie](\- HTTP client. * [rq](\- Tool for doing record analysis and transformation. * [pandoc](\- Universal markup converter. * [trash](\- Move files and folders to the trash. * [vtop](\- Graphical activity monitor. * [gotop](\- Terminal based graphical activity monitor inspired by gtop and vtop. * [howdoi](\- Instant coding answers. * [asciinema](\- Terminal session recorder. * [tldr](\- Simplified and community-driven man pages. * [imgcat](\- Like[cat]( for images. * [screenfetch](\- Fetches system/theme information in terminal. * [hugo](\- Fast and flexible static site generator. * [reflex](\- Run a command when files change. * [modd](\- Flexible tool for responding to file system changes. * [now](\- Real time global deployments served over HTTP/2. * [yarn](\- Fast, reliable, and secure dependency management. * [hub](\- GitHub wrapper. * [xsv](\- Fast CSV command line toolkit written in Rust. * [pv](\- Pipe Viewer. * [m-cli](\- Useful utils for macOS. * [pgcli](\- Postgres CLI with autocompletion and syntax highlighting. * [mas](\- CLI for mac app store. * [loc](\- Count lines of code quickly. * [alfred](\- Manage Go-based Alfred workflows. * [neofetch](\- System information tool. * [license-up](\- Create a license quickly for your project. * [piknik](\- Copy/paste anything over the network. * [bench](\- Command-line benchmark tool. * [ghq](\- Manage remote repository clones. * [npx](\- Execute npm package binaries. * [devd](\- Local webserver for developers. * [wifi-password](\- Get the password of the WiFi you're on. * [fkill](\- Fabulously kill processes. * [ran](\- Simple static web server written in Go. * [mcfly](\- Fast visual command history search. * [hyperfine](\- Excellent command-line benchmarking tool. # mtr ``` brew install mtr ```   `mtr` 是 Linux 中有一个非常棒的网络连通性判断工具,它结合了 ping、traceroute、nslookup 的相关特性。当网络链路出现问题时很多人会用 `ping` 命令,可以简单的测试网络的连通性,看下丢包率,但是却无法确定是在哪里出现了问题;有些人就会用 `tracert` 命令来查看路由,或者用 `nslookup` 命令来查看 DNS 是否可用;如果你也觉得这三个命令太麻烦的话,那就用 `mtr` 吧。 # ripgrep [ripgrep]( # gifgen [gifgen]( # silicon [silicon]( 生成你源代码的图片 # 参考 > [有哪些命令行的软件堪称神器?](