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[TOC] # Step by step guide for create your own cloud gaming pc in GameCC, and rent it out to earn money** Step by step guide for create your own cloud gaming pc in GameCC, and rent it out to earn money  ## step 1 install GameCC server on your gaming pc  (we suggest you install win10 on your pc for best compatibility) download GameCC server on your pc here [\_global]( ![]( unzip and run installer(please unzip first, don’t run directly in zip folder) click confirm when some virtual device driver needed to install ![]( run gamecc server on your pc,and the launch pad should appear ![]( ## step2 paring android client and pc server ,add pc to your account open gamecc android client, and click ‘+’ in the upper-right corner,choose ‘Add My Own Computer’ and  ‘scan QR code’ (retry when open camera fail with no previldge) ![]( open gamecc pc server click ‘Pairing’, and use gamecc android to scan this QRcode ![]( when connected, edit ‘Console Name’, and click ‘Create Now’ ![]( if connect fail, please check step 5 first  to tuning the network of your pc ## step3 test streaming using android client  click to open your pc on android, and click ‘CONNECT’, and then the desktop icon ![]( now you should be able to control your pc on android ![]( you can then check whether virtual mouse and virtual xbox360 controller works ## step4 add games to pc server and sync to android client in pc server, click ‘Add Game’ to add non-steam games ![]( in pc server, click ‘Import Game’ to import your steam or window store  games ![]( and the game should on the launch pad now ![]( use gamecc android client to check if the game was added  and running successfully. click  ‘Connect’ on android until the game icon appear, and click the icon ## step5 tuning gaming pc network ,mapping ports click ‘Network Diagnostic’ to check the network status of your pc if it shows : Current Nat Type:Full Cone Open Nat, Fit for remote play ![]( then the network is good, and you can  connect it with any network, or rent it out if not , you should add port mapping in your network router(where your pc got connected ), the default port range using by gamecc is 47900-47910 ![]( you can change port range in the Setting Dialog in gamecc Server ![]( then you can recheck ‘Network Diagnostic’  and network status  should go green  if still not, please join our telegram group for help ## step6 (optional) setup port rule for Azure server If you are using Azure with GameCC, please follow this guide  to set up port rules for GameCC Server in Azure Portal.  1 login to the Azure Portal 2 click your vm 3 set up port rules as the screenshot below This should allow any gamecc client to connect to it without any problem. ![]( ## step7 add telegram group and apply for review click ‘My Account’ in android client, and then ‘Apply for review now’ ![]( now you can add our telegram group for help and review for your pc GameCC pc owner telegram group link :  []( # Guide to Add PS4 / PS5 to your GameCC, play remotely and rent it out ** * Preparation You need one win10 PC or win10 VM to run GameCC server.  Your PS4/PS5 should be running, and plugged to Ethernet connection for better steaming exp. ## Step 1  Install the GameCC server for PS4/PS5 download link ​​[\_global]( please download and extract it on your win10. RUN “start server 1.bat” to start the first server for your PS. Note: You could have any number of PS4/PS5 in your lan with different PSN account in it. ##  Step 2  Paring the GameCC server to Your PS Click Add button in  GameCC server for PS to add the PS4 using it’s IP ![]( ![]( Here My PS4’s IP is , Which can be found on your PS4 device, here: ![]( after add the PS4, you should double click it to set it up ![]( Click the Fetch Account-ID button to get your PSN account id which will be used for remote play ![]( and Turn your PS to Paring , to get the remote play PIN code (8 digital), and enter it to the PIN code text box. ![]( Now, you can click Register to finish . For your account safety, you can also add and extra PASSCODE on your account, here : ![]( ![]( And setup The passcode in your GameCC server for PS Right click the device you just registered, and click set PassCode ## Step 3  Setup GameCC server and Create a device in GameCC android client Now you can try to connect it with GameCC android client. Click Setup here ![]( ![]( You can change the port this device is using (if you have more than one PS) and Click Matching ![]( Using your GameCC android Client, Add Device to scan this code And you should then see the PS is now added to your GameCC account. IF you failed to connect, you can Click Diagnostic to see what is wrong with your network ![]( Now every thing should be done , and  enjoy your PS on GameCC now! # Still have trouble? please join our  telegram group for help GameCC pc owner telegram group link :  []( **