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**\<\<\<** [返回目录](./1021803) >[danger] > **站长自营淘宝,正品、靠谱、有特色。** > [**【PSP3000超级续航整机】**:请旺旺或闲鱼咨询。](https://bluefang.taobao.com) > [**【满血版PSP原装电池】**:低电提醒 / 5小时高续航 / 安全聚合物电芯](https://bluefang.taobao.com) > [**【个性PSP透明探索版换壳】**:透明 / 透蓝 / 透粉 三色任选](https://bluefang.taobao.com) > [**【魔改UMD超强续航电池】**:低电提醒 / **20小时超强续航** / 安全聚合物电芯。](https://bluefang.taobao.com) > 闲鱼搜索用户名:bluefang_new --- &nbsp; ## :-: **升级时提示版本问题** 1. 按`Select`键打开VSH菜单,使用上下键选择`USB DEVICE`,使用左右键选择`FLASH 0`,按`Select`键关闭VSH菜单。 2. 使用USB线连接PSP和电脑。 3. 使用电脑上的文件管理器打开PSP上的`\vsh\etc`文件夹,打开`version.txt`文件,将`release:9.90`处修改为类似`release:3.71`的正确版本号,修改完存盘退出。 4. 在电脑上弹出U盘,移除USB线。 5. 按`Select`键打开VSH菜单,使用上下键选择`USB DEVICE`,使用左右键选择`Memory Stick`,按`Select`键关闭VSH菜单。 6. 重新运行升级程序。 ## :-: **DADADADA** Updating 3.40 OE-A to Most recent OFW/CFW. ``` 淘宝:趣玩の数码翻译 http://bluefang.taobao.com MAKE SURE TO HAVE 80% BATTERY+ AND CHARGER PLUGGED IN FOR WHOLE PROCESS. ENSURE THERE IS 100mb+ AVAILABLE ON MEMORYSTICK. ``` 全程保持:80%以上电量+插入充电器。记忆棒剩余空间大于100M。 1. Put 3.52M33-1 M33Creator folder (just the folder M33Creator with its contents) into the GAME150 (:/PSP/GAME150) folder on your PSP. It contains 1.50 and 3.52 updates to create your cfw file..Make the GAME150 folder if it is not there. . . 1. 把“3.52M33-1 M33Creator”文件夹放入“记忆棒:/PSP/GAME150”文件夹,该文件夹包含1.50和3.52升级包用于创建你的破解文件。如不存在GAME150文件夹则自己建立文件夹。 Exit usb mode, run M33 CREATOR on your PSP. Process takes 15mins to make your cfw file. Follow onscreen instructions. Once finished go back to XMB and there should be 3.52M33 UPDATE. Launch it and follow instructions. It will then update you to 3.52M33-1 CFW. 退出USB模式,PSP上运行“M33 CREATOR”。创建CFW文件大概要15分钟左右。跟随屏幕提示操作。完成后返回PSP主界面就会有3.52M33 UPDATE了。运行它并根据屏幕提示操作。运行后会升级到3.52M33-1 CFW。 2. Once updated, copy folder M33UPDATE4 from the 3.52M33-4 folder and place it into GAME150 folder on the PSP. Launch the updater. Follow onscreen instructions. Check system settings->system information to check you are now on 3.52M33-4. 2. 升级后,从“3.52M33-4”文件夹找到并复制“M33UPDATE4”文件夹到GAME150文件夹。执行这个程序。根据屏幕提示操作,结束后查看系统信息是否已经升级到3.52M33-4了。 3. UPDATE FROM 3.52M33-4 to 3.71M33: 3. 从3.25M33-4升级到3.71M33 - Copy the UPDATE (3.71M33 folder) directory into /PSP/GAME/UPDATE and copy the EBOOT.PBP of the 3.71 Sony updater there but with name "371.PBP". Note: the program will not even show if you copy it to a different folder than that. - 用3.71M33文件夹里的UPDATE文件夹覆盖/PSP/GAME/UPDATE文件夹,并将EBOOT.PBP文件改名为371.PBP。注意:弄错文件夹将不会显示这个程序。 - If you are in the fat psp, make sure you have configured the psp to run the game folder in the 3.XX kernel. (THIS MEANS PRESSING SELECT ON THE XMB, OPEN RECOVERY MENU, AND MAKE SURE THE GAME FOLDER/KERNAL MODE IS 3.xx NOT 1.50) - 如果你是肥P,确保运行在3.xx内核模式。(意思是PSP主界面按SELECT键,打开Recovery菜单,确保GAME FOLDER/KERNAL MODE选项是3.xx而不是1.50.) - Execute the program, it requires 78% of battery. If you have idstorage corrupted due to a downgrader, the program will ask you to correct it automatically so the update can continue. - 执行程序,需要78%以上电量。如果由于曾经降级导致idstorage损坏,程序将会要求你自动更正后继续更新。 - Press X, and the Sony updater will begin. Sit and enjoy while Sony code installs 3.71 M33 :) - 按X键,开始官方升级升序,之后就可以边上凉快去了。 - When finished, the updater will ask you to reboot (pressing X or O). DO IT. Do not skip this step shutting down the psp by yourself, or you'll end with a brick. - 结束后,升级程序会要求你重启(X或O键)。照做!不要自作聪明跳过关机步骤,有可能变砖。 - You should be now in 3.71 M33 - 你得到了它。 4. You should now be on 3.71M33 CFW. Go to the sony website for the latest official firmware. Install it through the XMB software update option. 4. 现在已经是3.71M33破解系统了。后两句不适用破解系统,不说了。 --- :-: **微信扫码帮小站续命** ![](https://i.loli.net/2019/06/04/5cf61a3aea3fc21548.png =150x150) **资源 / 教程持续更新永久免费**