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# CSRF Protection Slim 3 uses the optional standalone [slimphp/Slim-Csrf](https://github.com/slimphp/Slim-Csrf) PHP component to protect your application from CSRF (cross-site request forgery). This component generates a unique token per request that validates subsequent POST requests from client-side HTML forms. ## Installation Execute this bash command from your project’s root directory: ~~~ composer require slim/csrf ~~~ ## Usage The `slimphp/Slim-Csrf` component contains an application middleware. Add it to your application like this: ~~~ // Add middleware to the application $app = new \Slim\App; $app->add(new \Slim\Csrf\Guard); // Create your application routes... // Run application $app->run(); ~~~ ## Fetch the CSRF token name and value The latest CSRF token’s name and value are available as attributes on the PSR7 request object. The CSRF token name and value are unique for each request. You can fetch the current CSRF token name and value like this. ~~~ $app->get('/foo', function ($req, $res, $args) { // Fetch CSRF token name and value $name = $req->getAttribute('csrf_name'); $value = $req->getAttribute('csrf_value'); // TODO: Render template with HTML form and CSRF token hidden field }); ~~~ You should pass the CSRF token name and value to the template so they may be submitted with HTML form POST requests. They are often stored as a hidden field with HTML forms.