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## 问题 你希望网络中能有一个持久的服务,能够与它的客户端保持一个持续的链接。 ## 方法 创建一个双向的TCP客户端。 ### 使用Node.js来实现 ~~~ net = require 'net' domain = 'localhost' port = 9001 ping = (socket, delay) -> console.log "Pinging server" socket.write "Ping" nextPing = -> ping(socket, delay) setTimeout nextPing, delay connection = net.createConnection port, domain connection.on 'connect', () -> console.log "Opened connection to #{domain}:#{port}" ping connection, 2000 connection.on 'data', (data) -> console.log "Received: #{data}" connection.on 'end', (data) -> console.log "Connection closed" process.exit() ~~~ ### 示例 访问[双向服务器](http://island205.com/chapters/networking/bi-directional-server): ~~~ $ coffee bi-directional-client.coffee Opened connection to localhost:9001 Pinging server Received: You have 0 peers on this server Pinging server Received: You have 0 peers on this server Pinging server Received: You have 1 peer on this server [...] Connection closed ~~~ ## 讨论 这个特例开始与服务器交互,并在@connection.on ‘connect’@处理器中与服务器交流。然而,在一个真实的客户端中,绝大部分的工作都依赖与@connection.on ‘data’@处理器,它能够处理服务端的输出。重复的@ping@函数,仅仅只是为了表示与服务端的交互是持续性的,实际上在真实的客户端中可以把它移除。 参看[双向的服务器](http://island205.com/chapters/networking/bi-directional-server), [最基本的客户端](http://island205.com/chapters/networking/basic-client)这两个菜谱。 ### 练习 * 添加自定义domain和端口的支持,可基于命令行参数,也可以使用配置文件。