💎一站式轻松地调用各大LLM模型接口,支持GPT4、智谱、星火、月之暗面及文生图 广告
本篇博文是为了后面的Android HAL层使用LED而做的准备,板子基于TQIMX6Q,Android 4.3,Android已经编译完成了,如果还没有可以参考前面我的博文:[Freescale IMX6 Android: 使用HDMI作为Android显示输出的配置](http://blog.csdn.net/sy373466062/article/details/50184041),以及TQ提供的开发者手册。 ## LED的硬件连接 LED4~6是给用户使用的,如下: ![](https://box.kancloud.cn/2016-05-05_572afc9ccf55d.jpg) 可以看到是GPIO3_21~23。而且是GPIO给高电平的时候接通。 ## LED软件方面的配置 ### 直接导出使用 看到前面的原理图,在用户态直接将gpio导出来操作(gpiolib)是最容易的了,但是要在/sys/class/gpio中导出来需要知道各组gpio的base number,直接使用cat查看,结果如下: ~~~ #for i in gpiochip* ; do echo `cat $i/label`: `cat $i/base` ; done gpio-0: 0 gpio-4: 128 gpio-5: 160 gpio-6: 192 gpio-1: 32 gpio-2: 64 gpio-3: 96</span></span> ~~~ 可以知道gpio3是从64开始的,gpio3-21为64+21=85,于是直接操作: ~~~ #cd /sys/class/gpio echo 85 > export echo out > gpio85/direction echo 0 > gpio85/value ~~~ 但是发现不成功,因为gpio已经被使用了,无法导出来,尽管操作的时候没有出现问题log提示。 ### 使用Gpio-led 内核使用的是3.0.35版本的内核,尽管也有dts,但是Freescale在最开始的Linuxkernel中并没有使用,因此都是hard code在board文件中的,例如这里的LED的配置就是在arch/arm/mach-mx6/board-mx6q_sabresd.c中: ~~~ #define SABRESD_GPIO_LED0 IMX_GPIO_NR(3, 21) //home #define SABRESD_GPIO_LED1 IMX_GPIO_NR(3, 22) //enter #define SABRESD_GPIO_LED2 IMX_GPIO_NR(3, 23) //esc ~~~ 忽略注释,然后接下来定义了一个Platform device: ~~~ static struct gpio_led imx6q_gpio_leds[] = { GPIO_LED(SABRESD_GPIO_LED0, "led0", 0, 1, "charger-charging"), GPIO_LED(SABRESD_GPIO_LED1, "led1", 0, 1, "charger-charging"), GPIO_LED(SABRESD_GPIO_LED2, "led2", 0, 1, "charger-charging"), /* For the latest B4 board, this GPIO_1 is connected to POR_B, which will reset the whole board if this pin's level is changed, so, for the latest board, we have to avoid using this pin as GPIO. GPIO_LED(SABRESD_CHARGE_DONE, "chg_done_led", 0, 1, "charger-full"), */ }; static struct gpio_led_platform_data imx6q_gpio_leds_data = { .leds = imx6q_gpio_leds, .num_leds = ARRAY_SIZE(imx6q_gpio_leds), }; static struct platform_device imx6q_gpio_led_device = { .name = "leds-gpio", .id = -1, .num_resources = 0, .dev = { .platform_data = &imx6q_gpio_leds_data, } }; ~~~ 直接在代码中HardCode Device信息,这是老内核的通常做法。从上面的代码我们知道注册了leds-gpio设备,这个设备可以在/sys/class/leds中找到,启动的时候probe时候也会打印出设备信息: ~~~ <span style="font-family:Microsoft YaHei;">Registered led device: led0 Registered led device: led1 Registered led device: led2</span> ~~~ 从前面的imx6q_gpio_leds结构体以及最前面的定义中可以知道LED的对应关系为: ~~~ HW ------- SW led4 led0 led5 led1 led6 led2 ~~~ 在对应的目录中我们可以看到device设备信息: ~~~ root@sabresd_6dq:/sys/class/leds # ls -l lrwxrwxrwx root root 1970-01-02 09:36 led0 -> ../../devices/platform/leds-gpio/leds/led0 lrwxrwxrwx root root 1970-01-02 09:36 led1 -> ../../devices/platform/leds-gpio/leds/led1 lrwxrwxrwx root root 1970-01-02 09:36 led2 -> ../../devices/platform/leds-gpio/leds/led2 ~~~ ## GPIO-LED设备的控制 gpio-led设备的子目录中有一个brightness文件,操作这个文件就可以操作led灯的亮灭,例如下面是点亮: ~~~ echo 255 > /class/gpio/leds/led0/brightness ~~~ 如果写入0,那么就是熄灭。 因为Android中基础小工具都是由Toolbox提供,因此我们可以往toolbox添加一个ledctrl工具来控制灯的亮灭: ~~~ #include <sys/cdefs.h> #ifndef lint __COPYRIGHT("@(#) Copyright (c) 1989, 1993, 1994\ The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved."); #endif /* not lint */ #ifndef lint #if 0 static char sccsid[] = "@(#)ledctrl.c 8.5 (Berkeley) 5/4/95"; #else __RCSID("$NetBSD: ledctrl.c,v 1.33 2008/07/30 22:03:40 dsl Exp $"); #endif #endif /* not lint */ #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> void ledClose(); int ledctrl( int which, int status); int ledOpen(); #define ALOGI printf #define LED_NUM 3 int leds_fd[LED_NUM]; char path_buff[255]; int ledctrl( int which, int status) { int ret = -1; if(status == 1) { ret = write(leds_fd[which], "255", 3); } else { ret = write(leds_fd[which], "0", 1); } if(ret < 0){ return -1; } ALOGI("Native ctrl fd = [%d]\n", which); return 0; } int ledOpen(void) { int i = 0; for(i=0; i<LED_NUM; i++){ sprintf(path_buff, "/sys/class/leds/led%d/brightness", i); printf("path:%s\n",path_buff); leds_fd[i] = open(path_buff, O_RDWR); if(leds_fd[i] < 0){ ALOGI("led%d: %s, open failed\n", i, path_buff); return -1; } else { ALOGI("led%d: %s, open success\n", i, path_buff); } } return 0; } void ledClose(void) { int i = 0; for(i=0; i< LED_NUM; i++){ close(leds_fd[i]); } } int ledctrl_main(int argc, char * argv[]) { int i = 0; int ret = ledOpen(); if (ret < 0){ printf("Open failed\n"); return -1; } for(i=0; i< LED_NUM; i++){ ledctrl(i,1); sleep(1); ledctrl(i,0); } ledClose(); return 0; } ~~~ 我们在main函数中对每一个LED点亮1秒,然后就熄灭。将这个C代码保存为ledctrl.c,放在system/core/toolbox下面,然后更改toolbox目录下的Android.mk将其添加到toolbox中: ~~~ diff --git a/core/toolbox/Android.mk b/core/toolbox/Android.mk index c764690..a19338e 100644 --- a/core/toolbox/Android.mk +++ b/core/toolbox/Android.mk @@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ TOOLS := \ touch \ lsof \ du \ + ledctrl \ md5 \ clear \ getenforce \ ~~~ 直接在toolbox目录下面使用mm命令编译: ~~~ $ mm ============================================ PLATFORM_VERSION_CODENAME=REL PLATFORM_VERSION=4.3 TARGET_PRODUCT=sabresd_6dq TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT=eng TARGET_BUILD_TYPE=release TARGET_BUILD_APPS= TARGET_ARCH=arm TARGET_ARCH_VARIANT=armv7-a-neon TARGET_CPU_VARIANT=cortex-a9 HOST_ARCH=x86 HOST_OS=linux HOST_OS_EXTRA=Linux-3.13.0-39-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-12.04-precise HOST_BUILD_TYPE=release BUILD_ID=1.1.0-rc4 OUT_DIR=out ============================================ PRODUCT_COPY_FILES device/fsl/common/input/HannStar_P1003_Touchscreen.idc:system/usr/idc/HannStar_P1003_Touchscreen.idc ignored. PRODUCT_COPY_FILES device/fsl/common/input/Novatek_NT11003_Touch_Screen.idc:system/usr/idc/Novatek_NT11003_Touch_Screen.idc ignored. PRODUCT_COPY_FILES device/fsl/common/input/qwerty.idc:system/usr/idc/qwerty.idc ignored. PRODUCT_COPY_FILES device/fsl/common/input/qwerty2.idc:system/usr/idc/qwerty2.idc ignored. No private recovery resources for TARGET_DEVICE sabresd_6dq make: Entering directory `/home/hexiongjun/iMX6Q/TQIMX6_android-4.3' target thumb C: toolbox <= system/core/toolbox/ledctrl.c target Executable: toolbox (out/target/product/sabresd_6dq/obj/EXECUTABLES/toolbox_intermediates/LINKED/toolbox) target Symbolic: toolbox (out/target/product/sabresd_6dq/symbols/system/bin/toolbox) target Strip: toolbox (out/target/product/sabresd_6dq/obj/EXECUTABLES/toolbox_intermediates/toolbox) Install: out/target/product/sabresd_6dq/system/bin/toolbox make: Leaving directory `/home/hexiongjun/iMX6Q/TQIMX6_android-4.3' ~~~ 编译完成后toolbox,我们可以重新将system目录的文件拷贝到SD开对应的system分区中,也可以直接将toolbox push到android机器中,在push之前需要先remount system为rw,因此在串口中,或者有root权限的adb shell中输入下面命令: ~~~ # mount -t ext4 -r -w -o remount /system EXT4-fs (mmcblk1p2): re-mounted. Opts: (null) ~~~ 然后push文件到机器中: ~~~ $ adb push $OUT/system/bin/toolbox /system/bin/ 1309 KB/s (139096 bytes in 0.103s) ~~~ 然后在机器的console中测试: ~~~ # toolbox ledctrl path:/sys/class/leds/led0/brightness led0: /sys/class/leds/led0/brightness, open success path:/sys/class/leds/led1/brightness led1: /sys/class/leds/led1/brightness, open success path:/sys/class/leds/led2/brightness led2: /sys/class/leds/led2/brightness, open success Native ctrl fd = [0] Native ctrl fd = [0] Native ctrl fd = [1] Native ctrl fd = [1] Native ctrl fd = [2] Native ctrl fd = [2] ~~~ 如果看到LED点亮1秒然后熄灭,那么说明代码无误。